Help Required in buying 42" TV

Why do you think prices may drop drastically ? Any inside info with you ? Why are you looking for a plasma just to watch tatasky ? Any reason not to consider the LEDS in the same budget... ?

No specific reasons for selecting plasma. I like the PQ of panny v20. It was more real and original than any LED/LCD on the showrooms I visited. Most of the colours were over saturated in LEDs/LCDs I saw.

If u can give a better choice in 60k budget for 42"+ size, I could go with that too. Again reminding, sole purpose is TV viewing from TATA SKY HD+.

About the price drop, I think that might be because of the free trade treaty with Japan.
Natural color's and the price to performance ratio are the reasons i opted for a Plasma, considering it was not even in my initial list. If i were lil bit more rich and an anime or cartoon lover or kept my pc connected to my tv frequently i would have definately picked one of the LED's.
I have all the five technologies with me at home.
1. Philips 29" Flat CRT (Rs.42500 in 2003)
2. Samsung 43" T43 RPTV (Rs.72000 in 2005)
3. Samsung 37" LA37R8 CCFL-LCD (Rs.62500 in 2007)
4. Samsung 42" Plasma B430 (Rs.40500 in 2009)
5. LG 42" LED-LCD LE5500 (Rs.67000 in 2011)

I swear that PLASMA is the BEST
HD Ready 42" Plasma = Starts from Rs.35000
Full HD 50" Plasma = Starts from Rs.67500
Go for PLASMA.
Do not fall for the "Plasma consume more power" prey. Power consumption of newer plasmas are only little more than LCDs.
Now this is final that I am buying a Plasma.

But still undecided.

I want to buy tomorrow. Plz friends help me zero in on a single 42" HDTV...
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I had to change my mind again after seeing LG 42LE5500.

Now, this is also in the list.

So, the short-listed models are Panasonic 42V20D, Panasonic 50X20D and LG 42LE5500.

Will be going tomorrow evening to buy my new TV.

Will check all 3 side by side and take decision on the spot.

Thanks to all the members of this forum for their help.

Meanwhile, if anyone would still like to tell/share anything please please tell. I would check back in the morning and before leaving to buy the TV.
I had to change my mind again after seeing LG 42LE5500.

Now, this is also in the list.

So, the short-listed models are Panasonic 42V20D, Panasonic 50X20D and LG 42LE5500.

Will be going tomorrow evening to buy my new TV.

Will check all 3 side by side and take decision on the spot.

Thanks to all the members of this forum for their help.

Meanwhile, if anyone would still like to tell/share anything please please tell. I would check back in the morning and before leaving to buy the TV.

Go with what feels good to your eyes buddy, if its the LG LE u like then you should go for it ;) and while checking all three side by side remember the following :

1) Play all types of sources
2) Try to use your own settings don't go with the biased settings of the
showroom, they will be pro LED's in 99% cases :ohyeah: cuz of the margins
3) Take an original DVD\BD disc of your favorite movie

All da best n happy buying :)
Couldn't finalize today. Got too much confused at the showroom. :o

Panasonic X20 is out of the contention though. Just too much reflective glass cover (almost a mirror). It is not half as good as the V20.

The LG 42Le5500 was good but the showroom didn't have the 42Le8500...

Picture quality of V20 is still the best in my opinion. But it is not a good looking HDTV. Very thick and bulky look with metallic grey border.

The LG LEDs are far more beautiful and extremely thin with black border and a translucent red line.

Now for the prices :-

Panasonic 42V20D : 61k (no freebies)

LG 42Le5500 + free Blue-ray player + HDMI cable + 3 DVD of Bollywood movies : 69k

LG 42Le8500+ free Blue-ray player + HDMI cable + 3 DVD of Bollywood movies : 92.5k

Panasonic 50X20 : 60k (46" X20 for 51k)

My Family members' opinion :-

My Father :- Our Current CRT is the best, forget the new TV, we should book TOYOTA ETIOS instead...:lol:

My Mother :- Likes the looks of LG LEDs very much. :)

My Sister :- Same views as mine. PQ of V20 is best, BUT looks of LG LEDs are awesome.

Need some more time to finalize on which one to buy...:sad:
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I know the V20's a lil bulky to look, but the gun metal finish is top notch, btw i agree to your fathers opinion, CRT's are the best while they last, why ? blame the sources we simply dont have much sources to utilize a HDTV apart from a gaming console or BD.
he he where is discussion going to, from TV to Car? I had the same question from my colleague yesterday at office, why didn't buy car instead of TV and home theater? No logical answer for that I suppose. It's all your heart's calling than brain, well at least some times? :-)
Thanks all of you for replying. :)

But I think I would like to have both of them :- :licklips:

My new HDTV and the ETIOS :yahoo:

Dad is trying to save money :lol:

Help in selecting the TV, friends... CAR is already selected :ohyeah:

Waiting for your suggestions...:cool:
Its a classic case of form over function vs. function over form.

Decide what suits you better, when I made my running around and analysis a month back, the two strong contenders were Pana V20 and Sony EX710 LED.

Settled for V20 due to superior PQ, thought of getting EX710 as second TV but decided to wait for new 2011 models to release. Either they will be out-right better or prices of old one drops drastically, so it a win-win at the end.

Form, you will get used to after a while and watching it repeatedly, function always holds surprises especially with the unmatched HD ability of V20 IMO.

PQ wise I liked the Sony lot more than LG as also the panel looks.

If I were you though, I would get the V20 again.
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Settled for V20 due to superior PQ, thought of getting EX710 as second TV but decided to wait for new 2011 models to release. Either they will be out-right better or prices of old one drops drastically, so it a win-win at the end.

Thanks a lot for your time and advice. :)

By when do u expect the 2011 models to be announced ?

I may also wait till then if its not gonna take several months for their release...

each brand has its own release dates for new models. Are you looking for any brand in particular ? Have you decided what type of TV u want to buy (CRT/LCD/LED or PLASMA) ...? What is the maximum budget for TV ? If you wait for a year you can see latest OLED tvs , right now they are only available abroad in smaller size.... ;)

each brand has its own release dates for new models. Are you looking for any brand in particular ? Have you decided what type of TV u want to buy (CRT/LCD/LED or PLASMA) ...? What is the maximum budget for TV ? If you wait for a year you can see latest OLED tvs , right now they are only available abroad in smaller size.... ;)

I would love to go with Panasonic V20 with "Infinite Black Pro" and thinner form.

My budget is max 70k, would most probably go for Plasma or LED and size 42" or more...

When would Panasonic and LG release its 2011 models ?
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