Hifi Rack

Some pics of the alpha MK2 rack from magma. The shelves used are 18mm MDF painted automotive dark grey. The packing was amazing Ali. 5 layers :clapping:
Anyways thank you for a great VFM product as always. And I finally get my placing of HIfi gear sorted.


By gijogeo at 2012-02-13


By gijogeo at 2012-02-13


By gijogeo at 2012-02-13
A gamma rack just finished

A DIY version of this rack is planned for DIY enthusiasts wherein they can buy the proprietary extrusions from us and build as they wish
However our proprietary new design spring loaded locks, spikes or tops will not be available
Instead only our older design cast L brackets with lock screws will be provided.
These racks will not have high load capacities due to this
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Heres an amp pedestal that was done for a client with a huge Nelson Pass power amp
the receptors are custom designed to exactly centre the feet of the particular amp that the customer has

whats more
not only is the entire pedestal on levellable spikes
each foot rest is also independently levellable

It looks like you've gone above and beyond the original concept you had for the Gamma rack! It looks great!
The Gamma Rack looks awesome! Great work Magma! Like the additional decoupling on the top shelf.

Heres one of our signature theta racks ( whose detail pics at last i have gotten around to posting publicly )

This is one of soundfoundations' higher end offerings

Built from composite materials
Aero grade cross braced aluminum extrusions and steel frame spiders
The rack is not heavy yet one of our most sturdiest with a safe rating of 100 kgs / shelf
We had long been wanting to achieve this combination, since such racks tend to be the most natural sounding for even the most delicate and finicky systems

it addresses of all the three vibrations that are detrimental to the purity of music
i.e ( vibrations from the floor/surroundings that affect your equipment , micro vibrations within the electronics , vibrations that are carried from one equipment to another through the rack itself)

Height adjustable spiders to take care of upgrades etc
Independently levelable shelving
Individual shelf isolation
hardwood maple polish shelving is used since we like the timbre it imparts to the music
Ofcourse one can upgrade to the high performance composite shelving

Also one can go all out in terms of isolation too and substitute the stock levelable neoprene inserts with our very own ceraballs or spikes- in so doing achieving a different level of isolation
for each shelf

current Base spikes are composites of a fibre and brass.We are also working on aluminum brass tipped spikes

Some users have also reported going completely shelf less with the rack by replacing the neoprene levelable inserts with ceraballs and placing their equipment directly on them ( thereby removing the shelf from the equation
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Hey Magma, Pretty sweet lookin Rack.. Any chance I can get one.. please PM me you contact details and any details regarding the rack!! thanks!!
@Square W& pratim

yep i have been working for some time to get this right

the theta not only competes with good stereo racks , it betters many serious ones ( as reported by a couple customers whose ears i trust )

thank you all for the appreciation
my next project is the shelfless version of the gamma rack where the horizontal struts will be able to adjust/slide and lock to accommodate the feet of the equipment ( whatever the size and spacing)

to complete my protfolio i will do an all wood rack later

one other project could be audio racks ( kid resistant ) .. if you know what i mean..


the one i have is completely closed ( so my kids dont play around with the stuff ) and when i need to listen to music.. i open the door..

Dear Ali ,

I am looking for a av rack for my new hi Fi system and like some of the products listed on your website.

How do I go about getting more details on them, getting a quote and ordering them?

Pls reach out to me via a pm so I can share my mobile.


@Square W& pratim

yep i have been working for some time to get this right

the theta not only competes with good stereo racks , it betters many serious ones ( as reported by a couple customers whose ears i trust )

thank you all for the appreciation
my next project is the shelfless version of the gamma rack where the horizontal struts will be able to adjust/slide and lock to accommodate the feet of the equipment ( whatever the size and spacing)

to complete my protfolio i will do an all wood rack later

When can we expect wooden racks from you ?
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