Hisense TVs India Price and availability - Blocked by Hisense!

Exactly my point on why it can't be U8080. The U8080 is already confirmed to be a 120Hz panel.

Also, here's the U8QF from the back:
View attachment 49517

Here's the U8080:
View attachment 49516

Maybe I'm going blind, but they look very different. Not to mention the specs are different as well.

Now go away from this thread, you troll

Hahahahah. Now proven who is a real troll.
I'm not sure if you guys are from Toshiba. I hope you are not.

I don't even see H9G matching exactly. Why do you forget comparing front design too? Lol

You are reacting like you own the company and people here are defaming your product. Tone down your hate now.
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Yeah voltage isn't a problem these days. Like you can take a ps4 from any part of the world and plug it in anywhere and it'll work. It's not some revolutionary tech.
Yeah voltage isn't a problem these days. Like you can take a ps4 from any part of the world and plug it in anywhere and it'll work. It's not some revolutionary tech.

Yeah, for a simple example you take your phone charger and look at the specs printed on it. It will have an input rated from 100-240V 50-60Hz. All electronic appliances work on DC power while the power you get at home is AC so conversion is anyway required. Modern ICs make it very simple and work across a wide range of voltage input and convert it into clean DC current which the device supports.
I dont know why most of the people here are extremely reluctant to accept the truth. but its not as easy as that.

So let me start with the power supply issue, in India the voltage is 100-240v @ 50-60hz and in the US and Canada it is 120v @ 50Hz, now, what we get in a laptop charging brick or cellphone or ipad or in a computer monitor is an AC-DC Adapter that is rated to work @ 100-240volts @ 50-60Hz frequency and outputs a lower DC voltage, which I completely agree and I will also agree that most motherboards operate at very low voltages.
If you think that its a simple cable swap and change of transformer will do the job then I am afraid that you are very wrong.

A TV consists of power supply PCB board where the transformer(s) are soldered on to the PCB along with various other components like capacitors. resistors, inductors etc. which are rated to reduce 120v/50Hz to the required output voltages (incase of H9G) that are required by the main motherboard. And the output power supply from this PCB does not come out in a single wire but in multiple wires with varied voltages as required by the different processing components of the main motherboard and those voltages and frequencies are highly motherboard specific voltages.

Here an example of how the power supply of LG OLED looks like :

Even for a simple LED TV, a power supply board exists:
Please jump to the timestamp 14:00, where individual output DC voltage wires are tested for specific voltage.

I am sharing the internal pics of my Marantz NR1504 where a big step down transformer is mounted separately and power supply go through a board to the right as well as in the front and eventually powers the main motherboard and its rated @ 230v~50/60Hz as seen in the pictures.

Power Supply boards are complicated for OLEDs and FALD TVs. Now if a TV had to be built to work with variable voltage and frequencies, i.e 100-240v 50/60Hz then there is a need for additional component which need to sense the input AC voltage as well as frequency and adapt. Which definitely adds cost.

Now a TV in the US needs 120v/50Hz rated Power Supply Board.
And a TV made of Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia, South Africa needs 100-240v/50Hz-60Hz rated Power Supply Board.

Power Ratings:

U8QF(UK)/Q8(Australia) Power Ratings:
Now if Hisense wanted to make H9G for the world and not just US and Canada it would have already existed in EU or Australia by now with a different name, before it came to India. What, do you think, CCP owned Hisense gives first preference to India ? Gimme a break, India is given the last preference by such OEMs and they will bring something that is already exists from which they just want to make money. H9G/Q9G would have already existed in the EU by now with a rated power supply of 100-240v~50/60Hz and they wont design a new power supply and test it specifically for India. For an OLED or FALD TV, voltage supply regulation is extremely important. In OLEDs, pixel refresher is something that works based on voltage and what I intend to say here is that rated power supply is very important and it needs to be tested and its highly motherboard specific.

Now, regarding U8080 refresh rate, I am sharing a video exclusively for you from HisenseUK, check out @ 1:06 :

Regarding motion, australian webpage which I have shared earlier doesn't specify anything related to 120Hz panel. which is of so inconsistency accross the regions from Hisense. and in addition they have mentioned as 200 motion interpolation in their specsheet opposed to 480 of H9G (clearly a degradation).
They clearly mentioned it as Native 120Hz Panel in their south africa website but it is missing in australian counterpart. both the models are pretty much same. Its just that the stand is different for EU version.
one must think twice before calling someone liar. why would someone would lie when there is almost no benefit.
Also sharing some more links, if you have doubts regarding the rear back panel, frontal Speakers, the stand, the specs, everything checks out.


Note: Hisense did not share its Panel Bit Spec of U7QF in Indian website, be it was clearly stated in UK website.
Hisense South Africa U8QF: https://hisense.co.za/products/hisense-65-led-matrix-65u8qf/#1588070972934-a3667dec-bc4326a5-4eb2
Hisense Australia, U8QF in Australia is called as Q8: https://hisense.com.au/product/65-series-q8-65q8/
Q8 Australian Review: https://eftm.com/2020/08/hisense-q8-review-82003
As point out in this thread itself even the frontal image matches : https://www.hifivision.com/threads/...lability-blocked-by-hisense.80669/post-895196
I can confirm that Hisense U8QF in UK/South Africa == Hisense Q8 in Australia == Toshiba U8080 in India.
So, Toshiba U8080 has 8-bit + FRC just like its smaller brother Hisense U7QF. both(U8080 and UQ8F) includes an extra frontal JBL Soundbar for which they are charging an extra 8k. I doubt whether they will even give JBL or save costs here as well.
Toshiba U8080 is clearly a degraded/stripped down model of H9G. only time will prove this. just wait and see.

people think I am spreading misinformation. lol, why would I do that in the first place?
Just wait for 6 more days and see by yourself what is truth.
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It's funny to hear one side call Sony FALD TVs mediocre and other side put out speculative misinformation. Shows how much each side wants to trigger the other. At the end of the day no TV is the best. It's what you can live with and you can't that fits your budget.
I agree with the first statement. but though the stuff regarding Hisense TVs are speculations it definitely not misinformation.
Yeah voltage isn't a problem these days. Like you can take a ps4 from any part of the world and plug it in anywhere and it'll work. It's not some revolutionary tech.
True, even I am using lot of electronics which were imported from USA. but in case of bigger appliances like TVs, Sound systems, refregirators, ACs its not at all safe or recommended to use. which is why companies themselves recommend a stepdown voltage adapters if we really want to use it in india. though its not a safe solution.
Toshiba U8080 is clearly a degraded/stripped down model of H9G. only time will prove this. just wait and see.

people think I am spreading misinformation. lol, why would I do that in the first place?
Just wait for 6 more days and see by yourself what is truth.

I'm just gonna ignore the step down stuff you shared. It's very easy to change the power supply and make it compatible with any market. You can very easily convert 220V to 110V.

About the back panel it clearly looks different to the U8080. Just look at the top exhaust. So again, it's not the U8080. You're jumping to conclusions way too fast.
not again!!

A bad dodge from power supply posts.
And keep asking to check about the back panel while keep forgetting about the level of resemblance in front design and spec sheets.
It's more an UQ8F than H9G.

240 motion interpolation
Vida OS
Front Soundbar.

Leaving all these essential resemblance behind and keep checking the back panel to find out if the TV is same. Thank god they aren't checking the batteries in remote and saying "it's not the same TV".
not again!!

A bad dodge from power supply posts.
And keep asking to check about the back panel while keep forgetting about the level of resemblance in front design and spec sheets.
It's more an UQ8F than H9G.

240 motion interpolation
Vida OS
Front Soundbar.

Leaving all these essential resemblance behind and keep checking the back panel to find out if the TV is same. Thank god they aren't checking the batteries in remote and saying "it's not the same TV".
Please share the proof of 8+FRC panel. From where u got the information?
not again!!

A bad dodge from power supply posts.

I'm not dodging this, I clearly mentioned I don't want to discuss this as lots of components can be easily made to run on multiple voltage levels. If you can't understand this and not an engineer, I don't want to discuss this with you. End of discussion.

And keep asking to check about the back panel while keep forgetting about the level of resemblance in front design and spec sheets.
It's more an UQ8F than H9G.

240 motion interpolation
Vida OS
Front Soundbar.

8-bit + FRC and 240 motion interpolation you're getting from nowhere. It's not written on Toshiba's site anywhere. You can't just imagine specs out of your imagination.

Leaving all these essential resemblance behind and keep checking the back panel to find out if the TV is same. Thank god they aren't checking the batteries in remote and saying "it's not the same TV".

That's the easiest way to check if the TV is exact same, since we don't know any other spec of the TV lol. Better to do that than to pull specs out from my imagination like you're doing.

I'm done with you. I don't want to discuss with someone who can just imagine specs and takes that as proof. The photo is the best proof we have because it's the only confirmed information.
And keep asking to check about the back panel while keep forgetting about the level of resemblance in front design and spec sheets.

By the way, the front design and spec sheet is the exact same for all 3 U8080, H9G and U8QF. So based on front design and specs how can you come to conclusion that U8080 and U8QF are the same? Again, it's your gut feeling isn't it?

Here are the back panels:




Let's play a game of finding the odd one out, shall we?
Well! It's really fascinating. How people hopes for a true 10bit panel in india while the countries like UK and Europe has already got the 8bit+FRC panel for the same or equivalent TV.
It's the same case with U7QF.
I would really be happy if Toshiba launches u8080 with true 10 bit and motion interpolation 480.
I might even consider it for the price point.
But this is far from reality.
Even I can't consider rtings test results in case of u8080.
Well! It's really fascinating. How people hopes for a true 10bit panel in india while the countries like UK and Europe has already got the 8bit+FRC panel for the same or equivalent TV.

Ummeed pe duniya kayam hai.

I would really be happy if Toshiba launches u8080 with true 10 bit and motion interpolation 480.

The motion interpolation 480 is just a marketing term though. What matters is the real refresh rate of the panel, which is 120 Hz. You can interlace it to 240, 480 or even 960, but the whole panel can refresh at 120Hz only. Generally, it's at 4x the panel since you divide it into quadrants and render. So a 50Hz panel will have 200, 60Hz 240 and 120Hz 480.

As I can see, some markets the U8QF is sold as a 50Hz panel maybe because they have 50Hz broadcast. That's where the 200 motion interpolation comes from. Whereas in other markets it's a 120Hz panel. This is really weird and I'll have to investigate on this further.

But this is far from reality.

We'll know soon enough. But either this is the H9G or some other TV. It's definitely not the U8QF since the back panel doesn't match. I don't think we'll know even on 18th as Toshiba won't reveal much, and you know how Indian reviewers are all too well by now.

My biggest fear is that we won't know which panel is inside this TV ever, since there is no way of confirming.
Well! It's really fascinating. How people hopes for a true 10bit panel in india while the countries like UK and Europe has already got the 8bit+FRC panel for the same or equivalent TV.
It's the same case with U7QF.
I would really be happy if Toshiba launches u8080 with true 10 bit and motion interpolation 480.
I might even consider it for the price point.
But this is far from reality.
Even I can't consider rtings test results in case of u8080.
U didn’t tell me where did u find U8080 is 8+ FRC ..give me the proof
I also think this toshiba u8080 is not H9G but its the U8QF just like the they launched U7qf instead of H8G
anyways im not complaining cuz there wont be a better tv than toshiba u8080[in terms of value] in india anyway
big brands are looting our community with twice the asking price when compared to US market
The thing with Hisense is that they have their own brand plus Toshiba, Sharp and also supplies as OEM, so any model could be easily be created using a variety of parts bin they have. So there is no way to tell what you are getting without a proper review.
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