Indian Hi-fi Equipment/Accessories comparable with best in class international products

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Very nice! Which tube amp are you using?? Recently I happened to try a small tube pre amp with my set up and was very impressed with it and currently I am too in the lookout for a tube buffer. Tube is really addictive eh!
And by the way, recently FM @SiddharthY and @musiz_craze got themselves a custom LCR from IndiqAudio and they were very happy with the set up. I think Mr Siddharth also had his friends bring their speakers and have a done A/B/C comparison and were impressed with the kind of performance they could get out of those. If you dig through the forum you may find that thread.
I have just heard the custom speaker once for a short while and I liked it but then they both have a long term experience with it. May be you can get in touch with them to see if it matches to your liking.

All the best!

Hello Som,

few years back I had Unison Rejsearch hybrid Italian tube amplifier ,then I bought Leben SC 600 & bought living voice IBR X2 ,speakers ,but since last 2 or 3 years these were shut off ,because of my personal mind set ,now I am looking to start the I come to current requirement of HT ,I will contact the people in Bangalor & see if we can make it work,but does anyone has any experience with sound of eight loudspeakers in hyderabad ?
Thanks & all the best
Hello Som,

few years back I had Unison Rejsearch hybrid Italian tube amplifier ,then I bought Leben SC 600 & bought living voice IBR X2 ,speakers ,but since last 2 or 3 years these were shut off ,because of my personal mind set ,now I am looking to start the I come to current requirement of HT ,I will contact the people in Bangalor & see if we can make it work,but does anyone has any experience with sound of eight loudspeakers in hyderabad ?
Thanks & all the best
I think I remember seeing some reviews about Eight Audio. You should be able to find it if you dig through the forum. Let me also look for it and share it here if I find anything related to them.
I think I remember seeing some reviews about Eight Audio. You should be able to find it if you dig through the forum. Let me also look for it and share it here if I find anything related to them.
Hey! I have been using Achal’s for quite some time now and it’s keeping me very happy. It’s crisp sounding with clean imaging and the bass is tight and fast. Actually the recording that you may have seen does not really justify the actual sound coz they were recorded on the phone but then in reality they are a compliment to your ears.
From my experience, the drivers need a bit of a burn in (about 80 to 100 hrs) for them to really shine and show it’s true potential. They are not power hungry at all and I know some FM’s who are driving it with a very tiny amp and getting the beat out of them.
They come with 30hrs of burn in while it’s delivered and may be in a weeks time you will have them work to it’s full potential.
@Dharam` and @shekharmenon can definitely share their experience with Denon 3500 and Vista Spark.

You can talk to Amit from IndiqAudio. He is a great person and can understand ones needs and very passionate about what he does and I think it’s worth your time auditioning it.

Absolutely thrilled with Platinum Achals. Very high efficiency design works wonders with a low powered amp like Vista Audio Spark which puts out 20wpc. Obviously they do much better with more power - like Indiq monoblocks for ex. I started the chain with the amp then looked at matching speakers (prob not the ideal order) that suited my taste in music (more mid-oriented with good highs - not much of a bass-head). Achal's work wonders with the amp in question. Nothing more to add.

Reg experience with speaker manufacturers and dealers: When searching for speakers, I was dismissed by quite a lot of speaker dealers saying the amp was too underpowered for anything they stocked (summarily on paper specs, before giving the amps a chance). Amit (from IndiqAudio) is great - very passionate but also very patient with noobs like me - and helped with the process. I believe this is an important facet to talk about as well - the product should be good, but the service should also be equally good.
1. Manufacturer/Brand Name: Rethm

2. Equipment categories made: Speakers

3. Price range: Mid-priced, High End and Luxury

4. Product/s you owned/heard extensively: Saadhana speakers (old version), Aarka

5. Price advantage against comparable products from international brands: No competing brands sold in India. Lower end speakers 40-50% discount to international price. Higher end speakers at a lower discount

6. What do you like best about these products: Sound (exceptional sound quality - mix of single driver with active bass section), design

7. Comparable international brands in design and/or performance: Niche brands like Voxativ. Very niche product

8. Manufacturer’s Website or other contact details:

9. Any other information (not covered above): No dealer in India. Can only be demoed with Rethm in Kochi or with people who own the speaker
Completely upgraded their collections. Now they have a bookshelf too it seems. I have listened to the old Saadhna
Hi all,
Here are my impressions of AudiQs based on my visit to them, yesterday.
This is a long post and I hope I did justice to what I had experienced based on my non-audiophile ears :)
cc @Rud31 @PCA @ktks1

I came across website and I reached out to them. The speakers looked great in terms of specs and looks.
Amit Jain, the co-founder reached out to me and spoke to me about his story, why he started Audiqs and his promise -- delivering high quality audio to Indians with everything 'Made in India'.

Had a very good initial conversation with Amit. He invited me over for an audition anytime to check out the speaker range.
Intrigued by the conversation -- I've decided to step out and go for an audition, to his house.

Following are the speakers that I had listened specifically for 2 hours:
Gold Achal - 3-way Floorstanding speakers (1" tweeter, 2*6.5 Mid-bass drivers, 1*8" bass woofer)
Platinum Mishra - 2-way Bookshelf speakers (1" tweeter, 1*8" woofer)

These were connected to a Denon x1300 AVR. The sub-woofer was off during the music listening session. I took my playlist on Apple Music and connected to the AVR via bluetooth. I've made notes for about 10 songs that I had played with both of the speakers. And, later also tested them with movie scenes.

Here are my impressions:
(Please note: I'm not an audiophile and the following are based on my limited knowledge. I don't have any experience listening to other speakers. Only listened to Q Acoustics 3020i and basic models of Pioneer & Polk before)

Gold Achal -- Initially, I had thought the sub-woofer was connected, but no. The bass from these towers is superb. Instrument clarity was great. The detail that these towers were producing was pretty good. Vocal clarity was a little off, initially. We then tried with 'Audessey EQ' off and the vocals sounded crisp. Thought the texture/richness in the vocals was missing when the singer was singing lower pitch. Classical songs sounded great. No doubt about that.

Platinum Mishra -- After completing the 1st round with the towers, we then moved to test the bookshelf speakers.
These have a very enjoyable sound. Definitely not as detailed as the Gold Achal towers, but you have to really look for the differences. The bass was not as high as it was on the Achal speakers. These will shine when paired with a sub-woofer to do justice on the low-end. I somehow felt that these bookshelves gave a certain richness to the vocals.

Playing with Saptak - the power amplifier
Next, Amit connected the speakers to the monoblock Power amplifier beautifully named as 'Saptak' (I really love their speaker names -- Achal, Aakar, Aalaap etc.) He connected the Gold Achals to the amp and played a classical song. My response: Mindblown
This is the first time I'm experiencing a power amplifier. Suddenly, there was a new 'presence' to the music. It's just mindblowing. A classical song I had played felt like I was transported to the space of the singer.

He then switched to the Platinum Achal towers (these are the flagship models) -- the aforementioned presence was even more detailed. The soundstage came forward, by a bit. I would say these towers combined with the power amp gave absolutely pristine sound. These are definitely more detailed than the Gold Achal towers.

Movie watching
The Center channel and 4 surrounds were turned on. There were 2 sub-woofers. (7.2.4 setup)

Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring -- Tested the following scenes: War sequence at the start of the film - Bass was very powerful. Clearly felt the rumble. Surround effect was great.
The scene where the fellowship is formed -- I felt that the texture was missing a little in the dialogue. I would've preferred it to be a little richer.
The snow mountain scene with avalanche falling. -- Bass & surround effect were top-notch.

Gravity -- the first sequence where the space station is destroyed. The surround and bass were top-notch. Again, would've preferred a little more richness in the dialogue from the center channel.

I wished I could've spent more-time with the movie watching but I had to leave!

I'm really glad that I met Amit and experienced AudiQs speakers. I was mesmerised by the music reproduction by them. (Also mentioned by Amit that they are specifically tuned for music.) He truly embodies customer-centricity and mentioned that even if I do not want to go with AudiQs, he would help me in choosing speakers from other brands, based on my needs.

PS: Amit also mentioned that they could custom-make the speaker finish based on one's living room furniture theme.
I think the the website is Indiqaudio. Thanks for the review. Did you bought?

Another addition here is Saptak Acoustics from Kolkata. They make well appreciated speakers. @souban82 @manditri may tell more about their products.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.