Well-Known Member
Daimn !!! Bhai, post some pics and also a small review
How much are you paying for that ? 55" ?

Sure, will post pic+mini review for sureDaimn !!! Bhai, post some pics and also a small reviewHow much are you paying for that ? 55" ?
seriously Bangalore shops ( including giria's) should learn some decency from Hyderabad - TMC.
seriously Bangalore shops ( including giria's) should learn some decency from Hyderabad - TMC.
i can understand your pain, but was under impression that only panna was only out of stock, but seems like same story for everything.Having a same experience with Girias Jayanagar, Paid for my Sammy 64F8500. Its nearing 3 weeks now and today he calls and says, sir no stock, we do not know when the TV would come it can be 2 to 3 weeks more.
I hit the roof really felt like giving him left right and center.
i can understand your pain, but was under impression that only panna was only out of stock, but seems like same story for everything.
So think about me. I complained in July 2013 and still awating replacement. It took them "just" 3 months to detect that the problem is in their TV and not in my eyes. Had I shopped Samsung, I wouldn't have faced such issues as we've Samsung's superb after-sales support here.
which is why i firmly stick to buying only from a dealer who can show me the goods. this booking concept is a no-no unless the booking is a zero-cost affair. the only article i bought with booking, to date, is a car. Have often had to contend with less-rarer products due to this. but being at mercy of a shopkeeper is ....
all the best with this.
Damn !! So what are you going to buy now as F8500 is not in stock ?