Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!

Hi Friends,

The event costing was rechecked ,and coming slightly higher TO ACCOMDATE CERTAIN CONTAIGENCIES

1) There will be couple of guests oh honors like Mr. Bajaj . They are giving their time on Sunday. We should not charge them
2) Ditto about dealers persons. Yes he is going to benefit in long term , but again he is sending his persons in peak sales day , along with their equipment also the location is farway from main Mumbai.
3) We need to accommodate these guests in costing
4) Good hotels are known to add some special expenses at last time , we need to prepare for that.
5) Some miscellaneous expenses like printing expense , also planning to arrnge a taxi for Mr. Bajaj ( he is quiet old and may not able to sit through whole event.
6) Donations THANKS VINAY FOR DONATIONS. IS ANYONE ELSE IS READY?Vinay and all what we will do as we are working together that we will pool the money and do the costing at the end of event. We will able to return a good portion to everyone .
7) Preferably I do not want to make it a FREE event , this is our first time and FREE things are not valued. So we will try to reduce our load , do all costing , and will return Vinay his amount , or use it as he wishes.
8) We want to decrees set up time as low as possible and idea is the next set up will be ready when first is playing. That is why I am proposing standard speaker wires IF EVERYONE IS OK WE WILL BUY 4 pairs ( 8 strands of 3 Meters each ) =24 meters will try to accommodate some cost here . It will SAVE OUR TIME.

Considering all this I propose costing should be Rs 700 ,In fact Rs 750 as RS 700 will neck to neck cover 20 Members and 5 guests in minimum 25 members turnout .


OF COURSE we will try to reduce final price and recover some amount

Thanks for the rescue man. I did not know how to put it here but you summarised pretty neatly..

Yes there are certainly some anticipated/ unanticipated expenses. We would be safe to collect Rs. 700 per head. Balance if any can be tendered back as cash on windup of the event. If we get any part-sponsorship, that will also be given back to the participants proportionately.

Hope participants won't mind sharing a little more than they are actually supposed to spend (food+hall).

We need not buy cables, we should be having enough from our own members. @ Rs. 100 per metre, I guess my cables are quite decent- will bring them. In fact I would request everyone who is bringing their gear to get their own cables and ICs alongwith.
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filled the excel sheet
i will be unavailable from tomm unto the 6th of Dec due to Moharram

You will have to take credit
or accept payment after the 6th
Some family function got scheduled on the same day. I'll have no option but to drop-out as it'll be impossible to attend both (Pune and Mumbai). Apologies.

Too bad I am going to miss a lot of fun :sad:
I am sending PM to all participants with the account details for fund transfer.

Meanwhile, this is the tentative analysis report made for jotting down the observations of various gear being listened to.

The explanations are mostly taken from this site and modified a bit..

Please give me your suggestions to add/edit/delete the parameters and to simplify the explanation if required so that participants (new to HiFi) can understand it easily.

Please click the top bar to view in full size

I have PMed everyone who had confirmed earlier for the HFV meet regarding the registration fee.
If anyone has not got it, please inform, I will send it again. Please try to make the payments before this month end.
We promise that we will pay back the money by way of good food and entertainment. :yahoo:

The following members intially confirmed but later withdrew their participation:


If you wish to change your mind, you still have lot of time!

Someone by name "Bikram" has entered details in excel sheet but that ID does not seem to exist on HFV. So whoever it is please introduce yourself here. The following had also added their name in excel sheet but no posts from them in this thread.

Amit Zhankar

^Guys please say a hello in this thread so we will know you are not simply experimenting how google online docs work! :lol:
Hi all,

Request anyone having a good HD Video camera to bring it along for covering the entire event. It will be good for posterity & also for putting up snippets for fellow FM who could not attend our meet + listen to some clips of various set-ups :D
What say friends???
Payment status
Paid and credited:
Paid, yet to be credited:
I am willing to donate promptly Rs.10,000/- or some more amount provided some other member is ready to donate a equivalent amount.

I was considering to donate some amount even if there is none from other respective members but then i feel if no one else will be interested to be a part of this good gesture then i too should keep away.

So i will stick to my original writing a few days back where i said am willing to donate if others chip in.

I wanted to join the meet on 18th December which was originally planned but the date was shifted to a earlier date and unfortunately i am travelling from 2nd to 13th December.

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That's a great gesture vinay... We really appreciate and thank you for coming forward to sponsor the event.. :clapping: And I also support your criteria that somebody else should also be donating like you. We are making attempts, should be able to find a co-sponsor shortly..

If we manage that, then almost the entire cost will be recovered (considering an attendance of around 27). Organizers feel that we may still charge a small token from participants, may be Rs.100 or 200 only to ensure its not a free entry and to use the excess amount wisely (read 'grandly' :D). Lets see if we are lucky.

BTW, if I remember rightly, when the date was pre-poned to 11th Dec, I had asked for your confirmation on 16th Nov and I think you said via PM that you are coming. Anyway now we only can hope that your trip will be cancelled or shortened :p

I am willing to donate promptly Rs.10,000/- or some more amount provided some other member is ready to donate a equivalent amount.

I was considering to donate some amount even if there is none from other respective members but then i feel if no one else will be interested to be a part of this good gesture then i too should keep away.

So i will stick to my original writing a few days back where i said am willing to donate if others chip in.

I wanted to join the meet on 18th December which was originally planned but the date was shifted to a earlier date and unfortunately i am travelling from 2nd to 13th December.

I am willing to donate promptly Rs.10,000/- or some more amount provided some other member is ready to donate a equivalent amount.

Thats good,but why should there be some condition?It is up to the person if he wills,else we are ready to contribute enough,isn't it?

In excel sheet from day one i have written that i can attend only from 13th Dec onwards. The same was also confirmed by me in my post # 19 in this thread.

The private message which you had sent me on 16th November, clearly stated that the meet was on 18th Dec., so i happily confirmed to attend the meet.

On 17th November, you sent me a another private message that the meet is on 11th December, for which i did not reply and it meant clearly that i will not attend the meet due to my travel plan.

I will be happy if some forum member/s comes forward for this sponsor. If this happens i will be most pleased to donate.


I have clearly expressed my view in my earlier posts and will remain with that.

Indeed it goes without saying that if a forum member wants to donate or no is at his will.


A request to all confirmed members to pay the fee at the earliest so that I can pay the advance amount to the Hotel.

If the sponsorship proposal works out successfully, your fee will be promptly refunded before or during the event.

Current status:

Paid and credited:
Paid yet to be credited

I will not be able to make it as there is a lot of work to catch up with. (Sunday is not my weekly off!.:sad:)

If Mr. Bajaj (of Norge) attends the meet pls formally felicitate him. A Bunch of flowers & at least a Shreefal (coconut). This is the least we can do for a pioneer in indian HiFi!

Hello Everybody,

I am new to this forum as well to the audiophile world. I would like to join the Mumbai HFV Meet 2001 on December 11, 2011.

:clapping: Cheers.

I will not be able to make it as there is a lot of work to catch up with. (Sunday is not my weekly off!.:sad:)

If Mr. Bajaj (of Norge) attends the meet pls formally felicitate him. A Bunch of flowers & at least a Shreefal (coconut). This is the least we can do for a pioneer in indian HiFi!


Hi Sridhar,

Sad that you cannot make it, was looking forward to meeting you again. Looks like most of the punekars (if not all) are not going to be making it for the meet, so a little upset about this. Anyway, hoping that most of you can make it even if its at the nth hour :)

As for your felicitation proposal, yes we have already decided to do so, though something more than offering him a 'shreefal' :rolleyes:
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