Hey folks, first of all thanks a ton for sharing your expert/experienced opinion on various issues related to YHT-299. Its been a week now since I have brought by Yamaha YHT 299 from Reliance Digital. Yet to set up the package. Right now have placed who unit cluttered on a center table. Whole last week went into understanding the settings, testing various sound modes thats it.
Currently my connections without the set up (which means placing satellite, center speaker and Sub at their "right"places) is:
Yamaha YHT 299 HDMI Out >>> Sony 40" LED HDMI
TataSky HD HDMI >>>Sony 40"LED HDMI
Asus O Play Mini Optical Out >>> Yamaha YHT 299 Optical (AV1)
TataSky HD Audio Coaxial >>>Yamaha YHT 299 Coaxial (AV2)
Asus O Play Mini HDMI >>>Yamaha YHT 299 HDMI 1 In
So in short, all audio sources given directly to YHT299 to reap the harvest

hyeah: I am getting 5.1 surround sound in all the cases. No complaints.
I have a few query before I proceed further, hope folks would help me out once again:
1. Will display be any good if I connect TataSky HD HDMI FIRST to Yamaha YHT299 and then from YHT 299 to TV?; but then worry audio will be also be transferred through HDMI. Getting better audio from Tata Sky HD Coaxial to YHT 299.
2. Which cable (s) should be preferred to connect speakers? Will the sound quality improve over Yamaha provided cables, including provided subwoofer cable? Please suggest me some budget cables as cant spend lots of Ks on them:sad:
3. Which other speakers both surround and center (I am pretty satisfied with its active sub, more than sufficient as of now!:yahoo

can I connect with this amp of YHT 299 for more better sound?
Please help. Thanks in advance.