Kuartlotron Error Correcting Super Buffer

I want to see pictures.

You're referring to the speaker support ball? Here it is, fwiw:

jls001, this is probably among the best decoupling options available. Try it under the amp also. It should work. The only scary part is if someone pushes the speakers
Vibration control for better performance

jls001, I first read about this here long time back
I have a friend who shared this with me a long time ago and who told me that implementing this worked very well for him. Later, for want of anything better to do, he replaced the bicycle tyre tubes with freezer gel packs and told me they worked even better. :ohyeah:
It's not unstable because the three balls per speaker are resting on the conical/concave cavity of the "shoe/coin". It is at least as stable as the brass cones I was using earlier.

Of course a hard knock can very well push the speaker off the stand.
Had an opportunity to hear Joshua's setup and do A/B with DCB1 keeping everything in the chain unchanged.

Started playing with DCB1. Sound was good, relaxed and detailed as we all know. After switching to Kuartlotron Buffer, I found that immediately highs were more opened and there was a little bigger soundstage as compared to DCB1.

We did a lot of A/B with many genres of songs but I found DCB1 had better Texture in the bass. DCB1 was more easy on ears. Each and every instruments were very prominent and could be felt very easily. But I really loved the guitar strings on Kuartlotron Buffer.

Kuartlotron Buffer had a better attack as compared to DCB1 but I would prefer DCB1 for long uninterrupted music in his current setup. Kuartlotron Buffer can be really good with other of speakers and is definitely worth a try.

Joshua I was stunned to see the speaker cables and shocked to see the interconnects you have made and using. Kudos :clapping::clapping:
Hardly can claim any credit for this as all credit goes to the fantastic DIY group on here.
I ordered my kit from Sachin and Raghunadh did the rest with the build.
Last but not least - Joshua for getting the K Buffer started on the forum.

Front view of the amp while being tested by Raghunadh.
In the background is his DecWare clone.


Top View showing the complete amp with R Core Transformer and PSU on the left,
Source Selector board at top right and the K Buffer with Volume Control in the bottom right section.


Close up of the Power Switch


K Buffer board and Volume Control


All in all I am very impressed with the quality of the boards that Sachin sent. They really look and feel top quality in every aspect. We are truly lucky to have a fantastic group of DIY members on the forum. Raghunadh is just an excellent bloke who took time to build my amp despite his busy work schedule and Diwali festivities. The quality, fit and finish of his chassis and parts really left nothing to be asked for. My first experience of what our DIY community has to offer and this to me is just an excellent.

Listening impressions to follow.

I have a question for the DIY gurus who have worked on this preamp.
Any idea what is the gain of the amp?
I could not find the exact figures on any of the other forums.
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It's unity gain buffer. The volume control only attenuates the incoming signal, then passes it to the actual buffer circuitry.
I use an ALPS RK27 50K log pot. Will try 10K (CITEC, UK) and 20K (DACT clone, stepped) log pots too in future.
Heard the buffer with my DAC and yes its clearly ahead of DCB1 with very nice highs and deep base :clapping:. The female vocals too good and now I am loving the sound of Madonna and Shania Twain.

I admire your enthusiasm in participating in all the DIY activities on the forum. I'm curious to know how would this fare against the BA-3 preamp that our moderator Anilva built.

Hope you would be able to take some time off and sync up with Anilva for a one-on-one comparison with his BA-3.
I admire your enthusiasm in participating in all the DIY activities on the forum. I'm curious to know how would this fare against the BA-3 preamp that our moderator Anilva built.

Hope you would be able to take some time off and sync up with Anilva for a one-on-one comparison with his BA-3.

Thanks Captain, yes I also want to visit Anilva as I wanted to hear his Fostex build. I got a pair of Fostex FE208 sigma drivers and plan to build it next year after I convince my better half to let me sneak inside another pair of speakers ;). I was also interested in the BA-3 after anilva's build and his impressions but getting the relevant components as per the BOM in India looks like a big task. As per him I think he rates the BA-3 better than B1 and DCB1, so hope he builds his Kuarlotron buffer and compares it.
I also want to visit Anilva as I wanted to hear his Fostex build.

Do take along your Kuarlotron too. :)

I was also interested in the BA-3 after anilva's build and his impressions but getting the relevant components as per the BOM in India looks like a big task.

If you keep up the same enthusiasm, it wouldn't be difficult to convince the DIY quadro Sachin, Om, Raghu and Prasad to undertake a group build of the BA-3 too. :D

so hope he builds his Kuarlotron buffer and compares it.

May be your visit and the subsequent comparo would fructify the build.
Still eagerly awaited:)

Have been listening to my setup with K Buffer inserted in the chain since Sunday.
My current setup: Win7 PC + BHE > Lampizator Amber+ > K Buffer Pre > AP CPA3 Power > GMA Eos HX

Initial impressions are very good - absolutely smooth grain free listening.
At this point it's hard to find any real negatives at all.
Definitely no bass bloat or problems with treble here.
For me the biggest relief was that it has paired well with the AP Power amp - no problem.
Absolutely stunning value for the money.

In comparison to my AP Preamp, the K Buffer feels a little light handed - the AP Pre has a vice like grip on the sound. But this is something one would notice only in close comparison. Just playing by itself on it's own merits the K buffer is doing an absolutely fantastic job.

I'm suspecting that I'm getting a closer peek into the sound from the Lampi with the K buffer in the chain. I can only imagine that what I'm interpreting as speed and transparency is a characteristic of the super-linear design concept. Whatever it is, it's definitely something very right in terms of sound. Still early days here though. I'm just letting the K Buffer settle in and do it's own thing. Will share more notes as it settles in.

Once again - kudos to all on here who have made this build possible.
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!