
New Member
Sep 19, 2011
Kolkata, India
Hello, guys I am new here and I would like to get your help on something. I am already reading the old threads and it's helping me a lot. I am looking forward to your valuable inputs.

Okay guys, I would probably buy a new TV in the near future, and maybe from Bangkok in October. Well, I wanted some suggestions, the reason I did not post this in buying advice thread, as I want more information here.
I wanted to know which to buy and why? LCD or LED or Plasma. Size, well I need something 40 inch ish or higher.

Next part:
3D TV's...what's the deal with them? As in I am watching KBC, so normal cable tv, so will I be able to see it 3d with a 3d tv? what about 3D movies, how does one get em Are the 3D tv's really worth? I mean is the 3D effect nice or not? I've seen Sony 3D demo before it was launched and they showed some animated thing so that was okay....but what about tv serials/channels?

Lastly, what tv should I get from BKK?

Thanks a lot.
You have come to the correct places as suggested...u r welcome friend! :)
As i said earlier,for p.q,colours,black level ,3d & also of Bigger (pocket friendly)screen size tv,...plasma is the way to go...until OLED catches up!
For ur query abt 3d,u can read here > http://www.hifivision.com/television/20793-3d-vs-2d-doubt.html
just understand, 2d to 3d converted videos for any content-animation,serials etc would never look as good or as genuine as original 3d video content shot specifically on 3d cams or 3d rendered videos of older 2d content/videos as done by the movie studios.Still many ppl find the artificial 2d to 3d conversion quite effective & enjoyable in certain situations that they go to purchase 3d tv& the expensive 3d specs to enjoy them. Genuine 3d viewing requires additional h/w such as a 3d blue-ray player along with the appropriate 3d glasses! But since Genuine 3d material/movies r still scarce or expensive vis-a-vis 2d source content & its expense, ppl do often devise a shortcut way of getting to view 3d content with 3d sbs(side-by-side) videos(which r but ripped from original 3d br disc& compressed) & view it directly through their tv usb playback.Though these sbs videos don't have the real full visual 3d impact of original 3d content,but they r available for free on the net/torrent & also don't require additional h/w ,so these r much popular with ppls with 3d tv for watching 3d in cheap!

Now what tv u should buy is quite a different matter altogether,...i may recommend the samsung 51d550 which i brought & is a very Good vfm pdp for 2011,... but ur choice mayb different & quite subjective upon the tv's u demo With appropriate info & hence choice the one which u like best.i do strongly recommend doing it b4 u choose ur dream tv! The Final deciding factor as more than often is the power of money .Hence its entirely ur call what u take finally!

I hope u have some ideas now & Not look as desperate as b4 :)
Nicely put

You have come to the correct places as suggested...u r welcome friend! :)
As i said earlier,for p.q,colours,black level ,3d & also of Bigger (pocket friendly)screen size tv,...plasma is the way to go...until OLED catches up!
For ur query abt 3d,u can read here > http://www.hifivision.com/television/20793-3d-vs-2d-doubt.html
just understand, 2d to 3d converted videos for any content-animation,serials etc would never look as good or as genuine as original 3d video content shot specifically on 3d cams or 3d rendered videos of older 2d content/videos as done by the movie studios.Still many ppl find the artificial 2d to 3d conversion quite effective & enjoyable in certain situations that they go to purchase 3d tv& the expensive 3d specs to enjoy them. Genuine 3d viewing requires additional h/w such as a 3d blue-ray player along with the appropriate 3d glasses! But since Genuine 3d material/movies r still scarce or expensive vis-a-vis 2d source content & its expense, ppl do often devise a shortcut way of getting to view 3d content with 3d sbs(side-by-side) videos(which r but ripped from original 3d br disc& compressed) & view it directly through their tv usb playback.Though these sbs videos don't have the real full visual 3d impact of original 3d content,but they r available for free on the net/torrent & also don't require additional h/w ,so these r much popular with ppls with 3d tv for watching 3d in cheap!

Now what tv u should buy is quite a different matter altogether,...i may recommend the samsung 51d550 which i brought & is a very Good vfm pdp for 2011,... but ur choice mayb different & quite subjective upon the tv's u demo With appropriate info & hence choice the one which u like best.i do strongly recommend doing it b4 u choose ur dream tv! The Final deciding factor as more than often is the power of money .Hence its entirely ur call what u take finally!

I hope u have some ideas now & Not look as desperate as b4 :)
You have come to the correct places as suggested...u r welcome friend! :)
As i said earlier,for p.q,colours,black level ,3d & also of Bigger (pocket friendly)screen size tv,...plasma is the way to go...until OLED catches up!
For ur query abt 3d,u can read here > http://www.hifivision.com/television/20793-3d-vs-2d-doubt.html
just understand, 2d to 3d converted videos for any content-animation,serials etc would never look as good or as genuine as original 3d video content shot specifically on 3d cams or 3d rendered videos of older 2d content/videos as done by the movie studios.Still many ppl find the artificial 2d to 3d conversion quite effective & enjoyable in certain situations that they go to purchase 3d tv& the expensive 3d specs to enjoy them. Genuine 3d viewing requires additional h/w such as a 3d blue-ray player along with the appropriate 3d glasses! But since Genuine 3d material/movies r still scarce or expensive vis-a-vis 2d source content & its expense, ppl do often devise a shortcut way of getting to view 3d content with 3d sbs(side-by-side) videos(which r but ripped from original 3d br disc& compressed) & view it directly through their tv usb playback.Though these sbs videos don't have the real full visual 3d impact of original 3d content,but they r available for free on the net/torrent & also don't require additional h/w ,so these r much popular with ppls with 3d tv for watching 3d in cheap!

Now what tv u should buy is quite a different matter altogether,...i may recommend the samsung 51d550 which i brought & is a very Good vfm pdp for 2011,... but ur choice mayb different & quite subjective upon the tv's u demo With appropriate info & hence choice the one which u like best.i do strongly recommend doing it b4 u choose ur dream tv! The Final deciding factor as more than often is the power of money .Hence its entirely ur call what u take finally!

I hope u have some ideas now & Not look as desperate as b4 :)

cheers mate. Now just to specify, I am looking for TV, which fits in a are with around 26 inch height including the stand. Seeing the specs on various sites, I have found that the max size I can get is 40".
So, suggestions for 40" are welcome.
I don't there is any Plasma around 40 inches on sale in India. Correct me If I'm wrong.

Pernicious, what is your budget ?
cheers mate. Now just to specify, I am looking for TV, which fits in a are with around 26 inch height including the stand. Seeing the specs on various sites, I have found that the max size I can get is 40".
So, suggestions for 40" are welcome.

Though a "Thanks" would have been more appropriate,but anyway, if u r Absolute sure that u cannot fit in a tv more than 40"(including stand) then leave plasma tv completely out of the picture, No Plasma tv comes lesser than 42/43"..mayb u wouldn't get one in Bkk too,if u r willing to buy from there with all the fuss! It seems, ur best bet would be looking/searching for a 32/40 inch lcd/led tv to fit in ur space constraint,if it's really small!

Still to correctly correlate ur tv & the space required for it, u can look here too,to correctly guess which size tv u can or cannot take,
1)ScreenMath.com :: HDTV Plasma and LCD Screen Size Guide
2)Visual TV Size Comparison : Display Wars
3)TV Calculator

Anyway ,Good Luck for ur tv purchase this Durga Puja! :)
Though a "Thanks" would have been more appropriate,but anyway, if u r Absolute sure that u cannot fit in a tv more than 40"(including stand) then leave plasma tv completely out of the picture, No Plasma tv comes lesser than 42/43"..mayb u wouldn't get one in Bkk too,if u r willing to buy from there with all the fuss! It seems, ur best bet would be looking/searching for a 32/40 inch lcd/led tv to fit in ur space constraint,if it's really small!

Still to correctly correlate ur tv & the space required for it, u can look here too,to correctly guess which size tv u can or cannot take,
1)ScreenMath.com :: HDTV Plasma and LCD Screen Size Guide
2)Visual TV Size Comparison : Display Wars
3)TV Calculator

Anyway ,Good Luck for ur tv purchase this Durga Puja! :)

Bro, I meant thanks. Check this out: Urban Dictionary: cheers lol!
Anyway, so really? plasma not a good option for a 40"? I heard the benefits of plasma start accruing after 40" so, what do you feel it doesn't matter whether I get an LED or Plasma? no difference?

Guys, now LED vs LCD, can it be put like this, that an LED has all the pro's of LCD but doesn't have many of it cons?
See whether a Plasma is going to be beneficial to you or LCD depends on your viewing environment and you have not specified anything at all regarding your viewing environment,what kind of content you will be watching, what your budget is etc. As long as these things are not clear nobody will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Basically if you watch in a dim room then Plasma works better and if you have a room which is very bright or there is sunlight coming in then LCD/LED is preferred due to high brightness.

Similarly if you have a large family and they all watch TV together then a plasma is preferred due to wide viewing angle.

As for LED vs LCD, technically they are both LCD so nope LED does NOT do away with LCD weaknesses.

The only difference is the backlight module - CCFL in case of LCD and LEDs in case of LED LCDs.

There is no PQ improvement in going with LED LCD, the only gain is lower energy consumption with LED LCD TVs.

There is no PQ improvement in going with LED LCD, the only gain is lower energy consumption with LED LCD TVs.

Theoretically true. But in practice, LED displays are seen much clear and sharp than CCFL backlighted ones. why?

Is due to higher brightness ? whiter light ? or more light at the edges ?
Bro, I meant thanks. Check this out: Urban Dictionary: cheers lol!
Anyway, so really? plasma not a good option for a 40"? I heard the benefits of plasma start accruing after 40" so, what do you feel it doesn't matter whether I get an LED or Plasma? no difference?

Guys, now LED vs LCD, can it be put like this, that an LED has all the pro's of LCD but doesn't have many of it cons?
I believe 42" is the minimum size in which plasma TVs are available
Okay, here goes:
viewing environment: My room (has two doors with glass panels to the veranda, DIRECT sunlight in day time, pretty bright)
Viewing distance: There is a sofa, which is about say 60 degrees from the Tv and about 6-7 feet away. and, the bed, directly opposite to the tv 90 degrees about 10-14 feet away.
what kind of content you will be watching: Basic cable TV, some times I'll plug my movies from the Pen drive, mkv/avi if possible would be awesome
what your budget: Very flexible, preferably around 50-60 grand, but can spend more too.
Last edited:
I would recommend Samsung D6000 LED 40". I think its a bit beyond your budget but it seems like a perfect choice for you.
3D Full HD.
Supports almost all video file formats.
I would recommend Samsung D6000 LED 40". I think its a bit beyond your budget but it seems like a perfect choice for you.
3D Full HD.
Supports almost all video file formats.

could you please justify your answer? I mean, can you elaborate that what features does this TV have that it would suit me?
Also, any other alternatives, and it's current price?

Thank you for the suggestion though :-) Appreciated.
I already mentioned the reasons but let me sum it up again for you

1) You mentioned you want only upto 40" TV and this is 40". Others are 42" The only other TV that comes in 40" is Sony EX720 but that is more expensive and does not have good support for various video files.

2) It has 3D and also 2D- 3D conversion feature

3) Its close to your budget (around 69k)

4) As mentioned earlier, LCDs are preferred in a bright viewing environment.
Okay, Thank you. But the price is quite higher than 69K according to this link:
Design to deliver a world of possibilities - UA40D6000SR - LED TV - Television | SAMSUNG
or are you mentioning some other TV? also, on the specification page, it is not mentioned anywhere that it supports 2d-3d conversion. Rather, when I compared it with D6600, on the feature 2d-3d it showed no for d6000 and yes for d6600.

Next up: Guys, if we leave 3d alone can you guys suggest some high end 2d leds/ or anything else for my requirements?
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