The shop from which I buy my tv's and stuff, it says it can get me the old faithful (as per this forum) pana P42V20D for 64K. I could negotiate around say 2-3 grand maybe. So how is the price? Is it good?
Any other TV recommended? Should I get this or get the Sony 46" EX520 from Bangkok which would cost a bit more than this and travelling hassles+No warranty?
Hi, I have been following this thread and I understand your apprehension and dilemma looking for a good tv. Everyone has given their opinion and I guess that has got you more confused. I think I even saw the pan v20 being compared to a pan U series or even a sony LCD. If you only knew how absurd all this really is.
Let me get to the basics, please take time to read this coz it will make you an intelligent buyer and help you make the right choice. I am not going to suggest screen size as that depends on your budget, but the rules is always go for the biggest your budget allows, even if that means stretching a bit.
Plasma vs LED/LCD............the debate continues, well it only continues for people who are not aware of the facts and technology available today. If you are looking for accurate black levels, high contrast ratios, accurate flesh tones, an immersive cinema experience you cant get anything better than a plasma. No matter what anyone tells you or keeps commenting, this is it!!! Forgot to mention your eyes will also thank you for long viewing hours, plasma is easy on the eyes so less eye fatigue.
NExt, lets talk about Panasonic............to give you a brief if there was any tv which is considered reference level, which actually set reference standards for other tvs to follow.....was the Pioneer Kuro..........no tv even till now can beat the kuro!!! However, with the neo pdp panels developed by panasonic, this is the only technology available that comes closest to the kuro. So, if you look at the series........VT30, GT30, ST30 (2011) and VT20, V20, G20, S20 (2010) these models have the new panels. The U and X series do not come with these new panels, so please do not go for them. V series being top of the line, so even if you get a V20 or VT20, that is more superior than any LED/LCD tv in the market. Therefore please do not even compare other tv's and models to the V series. They have won many awards and are very highly rated. The new VT30 is now rated the best tv ever. So, basically you cant go wrong with any of the above series.
Also, I hate to disappoint LED/LCD lovers............plasma is here to stay!!! Plasma is the king......no doubt LED/LCD technology is getting better by the day and is getting there, but they still need to match the kuro if not beat it!!!
I hope I have cleared any doubts or questions you might have had......please feel free to address any more queries or doubts. All the best!!!