LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread

i guess every manufacturer does this(discrimination),panasonic doesnot use their latest infinite black pro in indian(asian) v20 series,LG does what explained above in detail,
samsung dont sell here the 590 series which has cinema smooth function.(apparently it is just cost them only a firmware change to add that to the 550)
I used to work for an MNC and when they introduce some riskier design change(mainly for cost reduction),they will try it here first.
Look at Samsung's website. They have the courage to lay out a full specification and say "No" if not certain fetaures are not applicable as against LG's "Yes" checklist.

Doesn't that amount to cheating, misleading info and unfair practice towards customers?

I have taken some time to read reviews of LG LCD/LED and the only worthy models are LE8500 and LX9500. The rest are plagued with issues - uneven backlight, worst reflections, 100/200Hz have no evident benefits, blacks are grey.

The good things are color reproduction, gamma and calibration options (not available on Plasmas).

Hmm, why did I give up my Samsung - someone hit me!

I am losing way too much sleep over this but that's just me.
Ok guys, i was searching the net and came across this Preparing and Filing Consumer Complaint in Consumer Complaints Forum in India, it's an NGO that has been helping Indian customers and protecting them from getting robbed by these MNC's, the fees is Rs. 300 for the first notice, how about we issue a joint notice to LG and if nothing is done by the company after the due date of the notice has expired they will also help in filing of case in consumer court in a proper way so that it reflects are problem in the most appropriate way, for which I think there will be no fees, and i think we have a pretty strong case here, plus we can quote all are complaint numbers and also quote the various correspendece that has ensued between LG and us via email, even reference to HFV could be given, What do you guys think ?
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Email from Rohit Pandit - Head of business entertainment. Dated 19-Jul-2010.

Dear Mr. Thomas,

This has reference to your mails and our response to the same on the above subject.

The problem that you are experiencing is also a concern for us since it has not been reported to us so far by any customer. We have conducted a random quality check on our models from the production line and have not found any defect that has been reported by you. Since you had lost faith in this model, we had offered you full refund of the product. But it seems that our goodwill gesture is being taken by you as our acceptance of your allegations and you have started demanding illegitimate compensation from us. We wish to clarify here that there is no manufacturing defect with our products and any product launched in India or worldwide or restricted launch in any part of the World is a pure business discretion which we have and has nothing related to any fault as alleged by you. We would like to bring to your notice that creating blogs, writing reviews or collecting other users is only arm twisting tactics and we shall not succumb to the same. If you are not satisfied with our product, we are, without prejudice and without admission on our part, willing to refund the price of the product irrespective of the period of usage of such product. At LG, it is our sincere efforts to make our customer satisfied with our product, but since, you are not, we have offered full refund.

If you wish to seek refund, you may confirm the same within 7 days of receipt of this letter/email, failing which, it shall be deemed that you have forfeited this option at your own free will for which we shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever.
Moderator / experts, need your help here.

Can LG put below condition / discalimer in emails? This is all of a sudden. I never signed anything that says they are free to impose rules on me.

"If you wish to seek refund, you may confirm the same within 7 days of receipt of this letter/email, failing which, it shall be deemed that you have forfeited this option at your own free will for which we shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever."

Pasted here is my reply:


This letter is no surprise to me. Good job!

  • The problem that you are experiencing is also a concern for us since it has not been reported to us so far by any customer.
Please visit websites, watch the youtube videos that were raised by customers. Through discussion it is clear that the display is biased towards green settings.

  • We have conducted a random quality check on our models from the production line and have not found any defect that has been reported by you.
Mr. Krishna Chaitanya from Pune tech confirmed that he was able to replicate the issue/problem/defect (whatever you address it as) on 2 displays in Pune lab. This is sole reason why he got in touch with Seoul R&D. I have copied him on this email. Let him deny this conversation / development couple of weeks back. Also, isn't this one of the problems why LG agreed to replace the first set? Then why the denial now?

  • Since you had lost faith in this model, we had offered you full refund of the product.
I haven't lost faith in the product but the people at LG. I still hold that it is a good display only with green pixel problem and missing calibration features. While my first set was a bad display the second one was physically damaged. I will upload a video tomorrow and post you the link.

  • But it seems that our goodwill gesture is being taken by you as our acceptance of your allegations and you have started demanding illegitimate compensation from us.
Goodwill gesture? I have not asked for gesture, goodwill or otherwise. There are problems with your display and fixes were what I requested for. The entire episode took a twist when Sapanarya emailed a list of LCD/LED and Sameer asked me to select one that I feel is close to feature set that I was looking for. I have attached the list. The closet LCD/LED was LE8500 and LX9500. I even replied that I was not interested in 3D. There is no mention of prices in the XLS. At least in the email you could have indicated something.

I had made it very clear -"very few LCD/LED matches up to Plasmas and I don't think this offer will work". Even on subsequent communications did I stop requesting fixes for PK550 and "started demanding illegitimate compensation"? I have written repeatedly that the time and energy I have invested (now wasted) to chase LG is beyond my sanity. What is the compensation for ignoring calls? Whenever I called Sapanarya someone else would pick the phone and after brief hold would reply "He is in a meeting and will call back". Never got those calls. Check your office outgoing call records and compare it my mobile itemized bill to check who called whom, how many times and for how long.

If I asked it were for 3 things:
1) Fix PK550 problems. Communicate correct specifications and features to consumers. Does not putting up this model on your site prompt consumers to look at similar models on other sites / online reviews?
2) No refund as these are small issues that LG can fix without rocket science investment. Also, I was promised fixes. So why refund? I had demanded refund when I saw issues on my first set. Why did you not provide it then and instead promised everything will be taken care of?
3) If you promised me a LCD/LED replacement of my choice then stand by it.

I expressed my opinions to Sameer and that is when he got negative. So please do clarify my "illegitimate compensation". If I asked for compensation it was a good PK550 display without problems and stay true to your words.

  • We wish to clarify here that there is no manufacturing defect with our products and any product launched in India or worldwide or restricted launch in any part of the World is a pure business discretion which we have and has nothing related to any fault as alleged by you.
I would advise LG India to go through various reputed forums. They say green pixels can be reduced but only if calibrated. With no advanced calibration options on PK550 it is left with green pixel problem. Simple to understand? I guess.

Mr. Ganesh visited my place and adjusted the settings through service menu. It showed a slight improvement. He went back giving me hope that things could be fixed. No one ever got back and I am left with a changed service setting on HDMI1. Would a consumer have a specialized remote to adjust service settings? So why not provide it as normal menu options when elsewhere you can offer same feature set. THIS IS WHAT I ASKED FOR and not LG's LED TVs.

I am not alleging. I am communicating problems! I am not demanding. I am asking for what was promised! It left me fuming when different people gave different views and false promises.

  • We would like to bring to your notice that creating blogs, writing reviews or collecting other users is only arm twisting tactics and we shall not succumb to the same.
Creating blogs, writing reviews is my rightful freedom. Why would you stop me? Would you send the same words to professionals who review your displays and give it less stars?

I am not collecting other users (and maybe collecting is not the right word). What tells you that? It is their opinion. If we grouped, our only objective was that with the more users complaining of similar problems and even suggesting fixes, LG would hear our collective voices. Did I ever make public the list of LCD/LED you emailed? It is only when Sameer turned the plate I voiced LG's false promises.

  • If you are not satisfied with our product, we are, without prejudice and without admission on our part, willing to refund the price of the product irrespective of the period of usage of such product. At LG, it is our sincere efforts to make our customer satisfied with our product, but since, you are not, we have offered full refund.
LG refunds if customers are not satisfied with a product. Nothing new. However, you can't force refund through customer's throat as your closing statements reflect. That would be something new.

"If you wish to seek refund, you may confirm the same within 7 days of receipt of this letter/email, failing which, it shall be deemed that you have forfeited this option at your own free will for which we shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever."

I would like to know when did LG started sending such emails with disclaimers and words like "deemed" and "forfeited". Is this a legal document or something that I signed for? Is this the norm when LG can't fix issues? You could have replied acknowledging the problem and providing me with better picture settings as an intermediate solution.

My complaints were requests and suggestions to improve your PK550. I continued to recommend this model to potential buyers. Verify this with the dealer from whom I purchased the display. My constant calls to LG were to check if problems were fixed. Somewhere the follow-ups were misconstrued and I was given other "options". That is where things took a wrong direction.

As I said, it is not a matter of compensation. Nor an offer for LCD/LED. It is the respect that you show to consumers when they voice their concerns - whatever it may be.

Is this letter the thought of single responsible person at LG? It reads like a personal vendetta rather than a consumer company. I am sure LG would not do this.

One more thing, please send Plasma knowledgeable person for service visits. Not the one that lays Plasma face down and applies pressure to unscrew the back panel and then goes to repair a fridge as his next service call.

Please note that I derive no pleasure in ranting problems or behaving like a petulant child. It takes quite an effort to get me ruffled. But some of your personnel have managed to do exactly that.

You have spoken with me very little to know the nature of problems I have endured. Again, it is my ask and of other owners (not collecting people) that you provide a solution (other than refund) and false promises (like LED/LCD). This, I hope, you take as a request and not a demand for compensation.

I would like to escalate to your level up and to Mr. Y. V. Verma and Mr. Amitabh Tiwari. Let me know the correct procedures and contacts.

Whether I continue to stay as a LG consumer is now up to you. The PK550 deserves the fixes/updates rather than "pure business discretion logic".
A stunner of a mail Mr. Thomas .......

Looks to me, this LG guy is nothing but a useless junk of the MBA category knowing a few jargons.

I am a satisfied customer of LG ... refrigerator, washing machine, MWO and a CRT, more so, am totally satisfied with their after-sales. But, this reply of theirs has set me back thinking a bit. It is the people who make a brand ... a brand does not make by itself. This LG guy, turns out to be a 'bad' fish in the pond.

Your 'answer' needs to be sent to all LG mail IDs that you can lay hands on, IF THERE IS NO IMMEDIATE RESPONSE by this LG gentleman. Let that company know of the bad fish within it.

Actually, at such position, we shall not accept such lam response.

Probably thats what they do when they are cornered. Create Fear and wash off your hands.

Curious about his next move as his tactics didn't work. :lol:
I thought of buying this model & I am following this thread regularly. And after reading all the posts, i stopped considering LG PK550 as my next probable big screen purchase. I hope you guys will be able to solve the problems you face, after spending a good amount of your savings in owning this model of flat panel.
Moderator / experts, need your help here.

Can LG put below condition / discalimer in emails? This is all of a sudden. I never signed anything that says they are free to impose rules on me.

"If you wish to seek refund, you may confirm the same within 7 days of receipt of this letter/email, failing which, it shall be deemed that you have forfeited this option at your own free will for which we shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever."

When a sale is made, you must remember that it is a closed transaction. Warranty provides some leeway for you to get defects rectified. Unless a sale specifically states that there is buyback option, the seller is not obliged to buy back any product. Since he is offering a refund, I presume he can set whatever conditions he wants.

@bssraju:u stole the words out of my mouth bro....seems like Samsung C is the one i will be getting.Was never a fan of LG electronics, but the initial impressions on this LCD was more than promising- but guess it was a bit too early to judge.Hopefully, the problem rate will be negligible and those who have the sets will be able to enjoy their purchases.

Hate it when we have to pay this much cash and still be taken for a ride/toss up on the product quality - holds true for all the plasmas so far.
@bssraju:u stole the words out of my mouth bro....seems like Samsung C is the one i will be getting.Was never a fan of LG electronics, but the initial impressions on this LCD was more than promising- but guess it was a bit too early to judge.Hopefully, the problem rate will be negligible and those who have the sets will be able to enjoy their purchases.

Hate it when we have to pay this much cash and still be taken for a ride/toss up on the product quality - holds true for all the plasmas so far.

I also hope the problem rate is minimal & also wonder how many owners, who has similar problems, are able to notice these problems & are able to get rid of them.
@Imrahn and @bssraju
Please dont get me wrong. I am not questioning your decision to move away.
But I would like to know what is(are) the exact issue(s) in 50PK550 that made you decide not buy this?
Please feel free to ignore this post if not valid.
Looks like we are doing a good job of scaring people away.... I just hope some LG guys join the forum and see our sincere efforts of making potential customers jittery:)
Looks like we are doing a good job of scaring people away.... I just hope some LG guys join the forum and see our sincere efforts of making potential customers jittery:)

I sometimes feel guilty about it and posted my opinion about this couple of times. :sad:

And these days I feel, may be LG deserves this :mad:

Am surprised that banding(as reported by some owners) takes a back seat when compared to dancing green pixels on some brightness settings that at present we dont use :p Anyways dont want to debate on these as its very subjective. We got a task in hand.

Anyways, Vivek did you check with anyone on whether 50PK500 without R is released in India? Or its another blunder in the website.
I made a phone call only.. didn't manage to see the TV in a showroom... been running around for a MUCH MUCH bigger purchase in my life :)

As per the showroom guy, they still have only the R series
When a sale is made, you must remember that it is a closed transaction. Warranty provides some leeway for you to get defects rectified. Unless a sale specifically states that there is buyback option, the seller is not obliged to buy back any product. Since he is offering a refund, I presume he can set whatever conditions he wants.


Thanks Venkat.

LG has a refund option if not satisfied with product. It is not an offer from Rohit but a standard. So does that make a difference then?
LG has a refund option if not satisfied with product. It is not an offer from Rohit but a standard. So does that make a difference then?

Could you find any written document about this refund option? @Mannu also had mentioned about this.

In my complaint to LG, I had enquired about this and asked for the details. No reply so far.:mad:
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