LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread


LG tech called me today and said the firmware is in testing stage and they will release it by 8th August or so. They will update the clients after that date.

At least they are calling back and providing details :).
Thanks Venkat.

In Hyderabad Final Price of 60PK550 - 1.17 Lac
50PK550 - 62K
60PK950 - 1.39Lac.

Haven't checked 60PK950 on action, but reviews of 950 are not enough motivating particularly about HD Pic.Quality, its being said that its not great comparatively.

PQ of 60PK550 is Good if not great from 5 feet distance.Haven't checked 50PK550 though.

Shop -Kohinoor Vashi
On Sunday Kohinoor vashi quoted 58.5 K ( No nego. first cut price) for 550 against exchange of 4 year old Philips 29 Inch flat CRT..

Is this price too high?

( I am suggesting this TV to my bro who is non Audio/Video file!)
@Shaiju: I thought you got a replacement TV with latest firmware update and made peace with your set. What is your current opinion on your set?


Yes, they did a firmware update but have not provided the calibration features. I have ran out of 3 HDMI inputs; point is we have different sources that require different calibrations - why not provide it. That's what I am waaaitinggg for.
Hi Guys,

So if you all remember, when i bought this display i told you about that 3 month return policy thing and how LG issues you an insurance kit, Well i recieved the kit today, it also has an ATM type of card, which says life's good club membership, and a booklet which has a number of coupons which can be availed for different discounts from various other companies, like dominos, indian today magazine etc, they are about 20 in number, also it says something about insurance, so looks like the dealer was telling the truth about all the insurance stuff, i am yet to read it though, what about you guys, has anyone else got it as of yet ?

LG tech called me today and said the firmware is in testing stage and they will release it by 8th August or so. They will update the clients after that date.

At least they are calling back and providing details :).

That might explain why the LG guy who takes care of our company orders notified me, that TV will be delivered after 10 days

Is this insurance kit sent to all LG plasma owners? I recently picked up a 50PJ560 and have not received anything like that yet. Of course it hasn't been even 1 week since I got the tv. Very happy with it though.

i got a call from LG yesterday saying that in 4 days the upgraded PCB will be ready and will be replaced

when the LG service guys visited me , thro the service remote also they were not able to see the usage hours but there was only an option to reset usage hours to 0
i got a call from LG yesterday saying that in 4 days the upgraded PCB will be ready and will be replaced

Why is this replacement of PCB? Is it fix that green pixel issue?
I thought it required only a firmware update.
I dont like my new TV to be dissected so early :mad:
And I suppose this whole new firmware/pcb development will add some more days to my already long waiting time for the 50pk550
Many of you must have read this http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=852536

If not take some time - patience required :)

There is a thread on this forum that mentions few what's important and what's not for a TV. I did metion out there that the 3Cs are a must - color, contrast and clarity. The above thread also reads something similar.

Hope all this reading supports better buying decision.

Back to my PK550R. It still being discussed. I play BR movies and see neon greens in dark areas. So ball back in LG's court. Let's see how they pass.
Went to Chroma (opp lifestyle, inner ring road, Bangalore) to buy a portable hdd. Checked out the plasmas...they told me the PK550 wasn't in stock even in their warehouse. Will take 15 days...so I guess if a big chain like chroma is facing delays, there is probably something cooking up in terms of retrofitting the new units with a different pcb/firmware

It is a similar problem. In fixing the green pixels (if LG actually did so) they have broken the whites. Was watching Up on BR and could not get rid of neon greens on old man's hair during night scenes. Got some explanation on voltage and dithering but what do I have to do with it? Fix it one way or the other. Now I will get LG guys to calibrate my set rather me showing the problems.

heynownow, it's all a speculation now regarding the shortage. Don't know what LG is up to.
Darn. I was hoping that with the firmware and pcb fix in place, I'd be able to buy the set. Now gotta wait for god knows how long.

I have been following the discussions on this thread for quite some time (ever since I decided to buy a HDTV) and was eagerly waiting or a resolution to the green dancing pixels problem.

I've been trying to decide between the LG50PK550 and the Samsung 50C550 for a long time and seesawing back and forth. Initially I thought that I'd go infor the LG and then when I learnt about the green pixels issue as well as the lack for calibration options and the reflective screen, I thought I'd go in for the Samsung. However, I read an owners review on this forum itself and came to know that there are some serious banding issues on the C550.
Sigh.. the 50" Panny is too expensive and their after sales service is sub par so that rules it out.

I thought I'd have look at the two models and play same content to come to an objective decision but it looks like neither of them is available "off the shelf".

Still deciding what to do.

Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Shaiju, Viveknath, dotMac, Mannu and others for sharing their experiences, opinions and being honest enough to call a spade a spade.:signthankspin:
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Yes,shreeps,even I would like to borough your words,I was also looking to buy a LG50pk550,but waiting for the issues to be fixed first

These issues with the 50PK550 are precisely why I avoided the model. Plus my requirement for better sound. I picked up the 50PJ560 last week. I'd say, if you're not too particular about full HD, you can just pick up the 50PJ560 for 3k less and enjoy. Frankly I never found any difference in picture quality between a HD ready panel like the 560 and a full HD panel like the 550. I played the same content on both the models and checked from a distance of about 10-12 feet.


These issues with the 50PK550 are precisely why I avoided the model. Plus my requirement for better sound. I picked up the 50PJ560 last week. I'd say, if you're not too particular about full HD, you can just pick up the 50PJ560 for 3k less and enjoy. Frankly I never found any difference in picture quality between a HD ready panel like the 560 and a full HD panel like the 550. I played the same content on both the models and checked from a distance of about 10-12 feet.


:annoyed:WHen are you posting the pics, i have been waiting for it like forever, it's been almost 1 week since you said you would post some :sad:
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