Logitech Media Server (LMS) - Users Thread


Active Member
Apr 18, 2010

This is a review of a software I have been using for many years. It has been continuously improving experience. Therefore I thought to share information scattered on the net and various forums. I am sure other members may be able to add / try their experience with this software.

I also used Roon for 2 years. I recently let the Roon membership expire.
There is a datedness driven by open source nature of things but I would request members not to be influenced by it and to prod on for a very rewarding audio experience. :-)

Hardware :

1. Linux /Windows/Mac machine/ RPI 4 as server. ( Any old PC would also do) .
2. RPI 3 or 4 / Allo USBridge /Digione etc. / Chromecast devices
3. RPi HAT or Any other DAC ( I have Allo Piano with Kali and it is pretty good)
4. Ethernet Cables ( Go for wired connection )

Software :

LMS ( Logitech Media Server) :
Downloads (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
Getting Started

○ Up-sampling upto 384kHz for all sources inclusive of Tidal /Spotify - Setup in 1-click
○ Consumes low resources - therefore can be setup on even low power computers like RPi4 or old Linux PCs. I use an 8 years old 2GB RAM Hitachi laptop.
○ Free ...

History : Slimdevices server software goes back a decade. It was bought by Logitech, used for this Squeezebox line of products. After the demise of the squeezebox line, the software is still under active development

Key Features : Free UPNP, Remote Libraries, Tidal, Spotify Integration etc.

Plugins are the way to install additional functionality. All plugins are FREE. Some of the notable ones :

User Interface :

Ipeng on iOS ( Paid , note that you can also buy an option to make it a player, and take all advantages of server doing all the processing !!)


Material Skin Plugin ( Platform Independent - FREE)


In future posts , I will post some of the settings, which I have found useful.
Picoreplayer + LMS is an excellent combination.
On android, one can use squeezer as the LMS front-end.
Squeezer has improved a lot in the last few iterations (in the last one year or so), but IMHO Material skin on the mobile browser is still a very good option. I do miss volume up down on phone volume control and lock screen playback with the browser player though...
I have tried on Intel NUC
  • Windows 10 with foobar2000, kodi, JRiver Media Center.
  • Linux variant like volumio
I have settled with daphile which is linux based os with LMS.
I have been using it from last three years, without any hiccups.
Online music library integration plugin is wonderful. It pulls up playlists and favorites from both Spotify and Tidal and marks them as well.

Online music library integration plugin is wonderful. It pulls up playlists and favorites from both Spotify and Tidal and marks them as well.
Does it remove duplicate from online music library, for example if I have Swades in local storage, then not show album from Spotify or Tidal.
I am new to Raspberry PI, familiar with LMS
I am planning to setup raspberry pi based player for LMS, with Picoreplayer + LMS.

Suggest me which RPI should I purchase, for following requirement ?
  • Can boot from USB Pen Drive. (Heard stories of SD card failures, hence pen drive)
  • USB DAC connect to RPI.
  • USB External 2.5 inch HDD connect to RPI. ( No NAS at premise ).
  • RPI should connect to WiFi (5 Ghz preferred).
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