Logitech Media Server (LMS) - Users Thread

I have used pico player/ lms combo sometime back.
The advantage then of lms was that it had native plugin for most streaming services including youtube.
Another advantage of lms was it allows for explorer like viewing ofusic folders without having to build a library.
How big is your music collection? I've had it on a 150GB collection and it didn't take more than 30 mins. And iirc, the skin does have a music folder browse functionality. Not at home so can't attach a screenshot.
I've picoreplayer + lms + squeeze running on a raspi 3b for ages. Works perfectly fine. But I do lose the in-ram advantage of picoreplayer. I tried volumio, moode etc but didn't like them. Os+mpd was fine for a basic system but LMS offers a lot more functionality, especially with streaming plug-ins.
Anyway, to each his own.
How big is your music collection? I've had it on a 150GB collection and it didn't take more than 30 mins. And iirc, the skin does have a music folder browse functionality. Not at home so can't attach a screenshot.
Thank you. Will await your screenshot. Not being able to browse using folder structure is a deal breaker for me.
My collection is 1.8 Terrabyte. mpd does that in less than 5 minutes. But it could be because mpd doesn't fetch things like album art, etc. It just creates a db with tags limited to artist, album, title, file creation time, track, genre, date, composer, performer, disc.
Check out this advice

Go to Settings > Home Screen Items > click to cog wheel icon next to My Music and check the option for Music Folder.
Thank you. I will try this again. I had to uninstall because the cpu usage hit the roof. I think something happened after i enabled the rating or the youtube plugin. I'm right now installing LMS again.

Meanwhile I found out how to select an audio device if the host has multiple audio device. The squeezelite binary has command line option to specify the audio device.
Few of us (at least me) have been using desktop apps on X windows when I used sun microsystem desktops in the 90s. This was much before android was invented. Later when linux desktops came (from 2001 onwards), we started using gnome or kde desktop apps. Even as of today many of us use desktop apps primarily and use the chrome browser only when using something like hifivision, facebook.

Using chrome (or any other web browser) to play mpd is very much inefficent compared to using the desktop app. When you use a desktop app to play music with mpd, the cantata client makes just one connection to mpd for its lifetime. Just one connection on port 6600 and keeps it alive. When you use a browser to play music, the browser will connect to the moode, volumio apps running on port 80 and the actuall app will continuously make connection to mpd on port 6600 every few seconds, just to display the playback position to the web client. Just do tail -f on /var/log/mpd.log and you will find the log full of connnection from moode, volumio or whatever interface that you are using to play music.

Other things that I use desktop app for all day to day jobs

1) mail - evolution on my linux laptop or the apple mail on macbook pro
2) Cantata for playing music on all of my devices (on both linux as well as macbook
3) The desk app for mastodon
4) twitter app for twitter
5) telegrap app, signal app
6) riot.im app for IRC

@trumee there is a squeezeplay desktop app for LMS. Try that. Here is the link
Well.. I am not against the apps or doesn't mean I don't use/like any app. I too used/using apps like evolution, thunderbird, seamonky etc on linux desktop. What I meant was for 'anything and everything there is an app' came very recently. Also can't say its strange to not having a desktop app for LMS. May be there is one if it's still a commercial offering, who knows.
I found a way to create a app like env. Uses the browser but is not part of the browser tab. So you can use alt-tab to switch from your current window to the player window. This is by creating Site-specific browser (SSB). All browsers allow you to create SSB. In fact the amazon music app, the youtube music app are actually SSBs

Here is my SSB for LMS Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 17.50.54.jpg
Enable the chrome plugin and you can play music on your android smart tv or any chromecast device.
After hearing so many good things about LMS, installed LMS on my Odroid XU4. Took some time as I am running Arch on it. Installed the material theme and it looks pretty. I am using the squeezelite renderer in moode player on Allo Boss 2 with it currently
After hearing so many good things about LMS, installed LMS on my Odroid XU4. Took some time as I am running Arch on it. Installed the material theme and it looks pretty. I am using the squeezelite renderer in moode player on Allo Boss 2 with it currently
The design is very versatile and my favourite plugin is the chromecast bridge. That allows me to play music on my google CCA, android tv, chromecast. For the rest of the devices/setup I use mpd, but without the web browser. The other good thing is displaying the album art, etc is done by LMS and not by squeezelite (the actual audio player). So playing audio doesn't waste CPU, memory for displaying mundane things like album art, song progress bar.
The design is very versatile and my favourite plugin is the chromecast bridge. That allows me to play music on my google CCA, android tv, chromecast. For the rest of the devices/setup I use mpd, but without the web browser. The other good thing is displaying the album art, etc is done by LMS and not by squeezelite (the actual audio player). So playing audio doesn't waste CPU, memory for displaying mundane things like album art, song progress bar.
Before settling on moode I had tried out Picoreplayer but it sounded dull compared to Volumio / Moode / rAudio-1. But the current LMS-Squeezelite setup sounds sweet
Before settling on moode I had tried out Picoreplayer but it sounded dull compared to Volumio / Moode / rAudio-1. But the current LMS-Squeezelite setup sounds sweet
Good to know, will try out Moode.
Currently using Raspberry Pi Zero 2w with PiCorePlayer.
I saw in a few old posts you mentioned Daphile. I am about to try Daphile, so curious to know why switch from Daphile to picoreplayer
I switched from intel NUC to Raspberry PI Zero 2W.

Early I was using Daphile, because external HDD containing music files connected to Intel NUC. So it was single computer solution.
Recently I setup server, which provides services like NAS, LMS, Plex, etc...
Since using intel NUC only as LMS client didn't make sense also wanted to move to fan less system, hence moved to Raspberry PI.

Daphile only support x86 and x64. It does not support Raspberry PI.
Since PiCorePlayer is very small in size, runs completely from RAM, I choose it as LMS client.
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