Aight, and I think it will totally kill my system at last if I try to use it without an ADC converter!Hmm yes it can, why not. You'll need a good AC to DC converter giving out 30amps to power a Car amplifier. If you have components readily available, it's okay, else the choice is yours.
A member @gkannan is running a similar setup.
I don't understand one thing and may be cuz of that I'm unable to figure out something DIY or its cheaper equivalent:
Sony made the Sub optional (since it's first launch in June, 2004) which means there gotta be some scope or prospect of redirecting LFE to the main speakers w/out the use of sub. I barely listen a simple sine-based bassline in a Dubstep track at normal volumes whereas the 60-200 Hz is clearly distinguishable from the rest of the low freq. spectrum (in other words, most noticeably, the 60-80 Hz band is just so overpowerful that it buries the rest of the bassline's detail in a particular track and I honestly don't like it). Now this thought provokes me to believe that there still might be something that I could do or else at last I have to live with it unless I get a decent compatible Sub.
Check out the manual here if anyone's curious about this still-amazing Hi-Fi Entertainment Sys. (i mean c'mon! It's been probably 12+ years since it was born and it drives me crazy everytime I think of that considering the lifetimes of the modern marvels).