Marantz CD6003 Group Buy

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Quantity and Selling price are inversely proportional. Probably it is a good idea to have the price based on units - "Min 10 Units - Price X, Min 15 Units - Price Y and Min 20 Units - Price Z" like that. Now if the price increases because of less numbers, some more folks may drop off from the list and again we need to start the polling and it will drag on like this. Just my thoughts ... I would like to procure one asap.

Denom: Any idea of the pricing now as our numbers reduced ?
What is so fuss about Silver colour when Denom clearly state that only Black colour is available?
Like Henry Ford said ," Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black"

Denom please add note - The CD player is NOT available in Silver, Pink,Magenta or Ribbed,Stripped.Dotted or in Banana or Strawberry flavour!!:ohyeah::ohyeah::yahoo::licklips::licklips::rolleyes::cool::lol:
What is so fuss about Silver colour when Denom clearly state that only Black colour is available?
Like Henry Ford said ," Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black"

Denom please add note - The CD player is NOT available in Silver, Pink,Magenta or Ribbed,Stripped.Dotted or in Banana or Strawberry flavour!!:ohyeah::ohyeah::yahoo::licklips::licklips::rolleyes::cool::lol:

I think the version Hemant was referring to also vibrates at variable speeds/rpms? All controlled by remote? :rolleyes:

PS: How many shades of BLACK can we choose from? :licklips:

@ gobble .........
I know .. I know ... btw, what 'shades' have you sampled of late? Hardly am able to see you in here regularly anymore ... !!!!!?
@ gobble .........
I know .. I know ... btw, what 'shades' have you sampled of late? Hardly am able to see you in here regularly anymore ... !!!!!?

Oh I don't "sample" I let others do it under my "supervision" :D

I may be "elsewhere" :rolleyes: hence you won't see me frequently here :)

But we are going OT.

I had a question about the group buy -

1. Since this "vendor" is buying a carton exclusively for you how will he handle warranty replacement? He will sell ALL his gear after getting confirmed order for the set number of pieces, and he cannot afford to acquire the carton if the numbers fall short. So how will he replace one or two defective lemons? In a bundle of 20, at least one or two are bound to be lemons going by probability.

Aaah ... the game of Russian Roulette begins ... I am having a front row seat and enjoying it only :ohyeah:

Its very simple, there are too many naysayers/villains/clowns/call them what you want, in this forum who keep putting spokes in the way of prospective buyers minds. Hence the number of buyers keeps shrinking & this deal does not go through. And yeah we all know who these people are.

The price of 15.5k is only possible if there are 25 genuine & confirmed buyers who make the 100% advance payment to me. Why do I need to keep saying this again & again???

For existing number of people still interested in purchasing this CDp, around 15 or so, I will try to convince another source to agree for a 17.5K Black colour all inclusive pricing with shipping(without B&W). If I get the go ahead from these 15 odd people by tonite, I will talk to him & finalise it tomorrow itself. So make up your minds & let me finish this long running & never ending thread ASAP. In any case will pull the plug on this thread tomorrow, as there is no point in flogging a dead horse :cool: & we all go back to doing what we do best:rolleyes:
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I already bought one, two weeks ago :licklips: ..... with Denom's whole-hearted assistance, help and what not :clapping:..... Hand carried it to Delhi :yahoo::).
Sorry guys. I am dropping out, I cant stand this abuse and wait forever without any affirmative answers.

Being brought on good value system, losing self respect for 3000rs and odd is pretty weak on my part.

Sorry guys. I am dropping out, I cant stand this abuse and wait forever without any affirmative answers.

Being brought on good value system, losing self respect for 3000rs and odd is pretty weak on my part.


same question here too..who abused you cause after reading your comments i went and read the whole thread twice but couldnt figure out anything
please state what happened as we all are one family and we should live as one
Whats the best you can offer us?

Guys are we sure does it still stays at the same price.


Sorry guys. I am dropping out, I cant stand this abuse and wait forever without any affirmative answers.

Being brought on good value system, losing self respect for 3000rs and odd is pretty weak on my part.


May be it hit...:sad: I don't think denom has mentioned you.

Denom you also have to mind(careful) your words and control yourself buddy, if you are doing service with good intention, nevertheless you will be hit with some harsh words.. Keep going...Leave apart and count on the numbers..
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I am still interested denom. Black or silver colour, to be delivered to Pune.
Hi Guys,

I am dropping out, as i bought the cd player yesterday:yahoo:. It all happened so quick, took me time to believe. i wish i could describe the feeling when found cd player right in front of me yesterday.

Requested one of my friend, who was in Bangkok for 2 days,fortunately we ended up having a small conversation day before yesterday requested him to talk to FM ravin to seek help, and as expected fm ravin did his part. Thanks alot ravin ( Highly Appreciated).

Will be uploding pictuers soon....:clapping:

Sam Sarna

Kevian Bro,CHILL !

no need to be sorry, you did not do anything wrong. Now go & listen to some symphonic metal :D

Hopefully all those interested earlier are still on for the group buy, based on which I can get a final figure & revert with the next step.

So far confirmations from foll:

Sam Sarna - Delhi

Cacophonix - Ahmedabad

Peri - Chennai

Vartakavi - Hyderabad

Sups - Pune

Prash2k01 - Gurgaon

Sudhishkv - Bangalore

Rohitgupt - Mumbai

Saradhi - Bangalore

Sreekanth - Hyderabad

Amitzhankar - Mumbai

Deepakgang - Kerala

Thanks guys for keeping the faith - hope it all works out :)
May be it hit...:sad: I don't think denom has mentioned you.

Denom you also have to mind(careful) your words and control yourself buddy, if you are doing service with good intention, nevertheless you will be hit with some harsh words.. Keep going...Leave apart and count on the numbers..

Srini, can you pls point out what I said that has hurt you or anybody else???? Pls advise me as I am truly clueless!

Here I am made to apologize for no fault of mine, great & thanks for the same.

Yes, Srini, you are right, doing service with good intention was what I thought I was doing. But now its plain simple that I am the Bad Guy here, So sorry for being one. I will truly keep that in mind for all future interactions on HFV.
Meanwhile, who ever is still interested in buying, pls do PM me & I shall try my best to Hook you up with the CD6003.

Thanks for having patience for the same.
Hi Guys,

I am dropping out, as i bought the cd player yesterday:yahoo:. It all happened so quick, took me time to believe. i wish i could describe the feeling when found cd player right in front of me yesterday.

Requested one of my friend, who was in Bangkok for 2 days,fortunately we ended up having a small conversation day before yesterday requested him to talk to FM ravin to seek help, and as expected fm ravin did his part. Thanks alot ravin ( Highly Appreciated).

Will be uploding pictuers soon....:clapping:

Sam Sarna

Hi Sam,

So glad for you :) Pls do write a review of the CD6003 for the benefit of all HFV'ians.

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