McCormack gone.. what next ?

Square, it is not about hot or cold.
For me, I get into a discussion only if the motive is either to learn or teach or both. If it is none, you can be sure the motive is something lower. It could be ego boost or simply time pass. I have seen such things happening out here, so I am cautious.

:lol::lol: learn or teach :lol::lol:
I think for the forum to move forward, it would help if we document our experiences and references. I think we will all learn a few things when people with the knowledge and the ability to discern differences of different equipments.

I think we have too many putting their ego forward and preventing a proper discussion.

I am an admitted noob and would love to listen/read/refer differences that people found in equipment. Although it would be still biased (with the ears of the reviewers) its much better than whats happening in this thread.

Just my 2 cents, please flush it if you think this was a waste of time :)

With experience and references put forward in a gentle and less arogant way, will definetly gain respect rather than claiming to be jack of all trades
Guys, a update.

As you can see from my other thread, I was floored by the basic amplification that could drive some high-end speaker.

But still, I am continuing my search for a good amplifier.

By the way, on a side-note, I can get a Onkyo-1008 9.2ch amp for 70k+ .. is that a good model?

My dilemma, whether to buy a powerful amp or to beef up my AVR ..
(of course , this is not from pure stereo point of view for which i will have to split my system into two)

Short listed amps :

1) Emotiva XPA-2/3 250W x 2ch

2) Adcom GFA-7805 300W x 5ch

3) Bryston 9B-ST Five-Channel Power Amplifier 5 x 120W THX

4) Bryston 4BST Pro Power Amp 250W x 2ch

5) Or a good high end AVR.

I am getting these models at special price, so ur input would be appreciated.

pls suggest and give ur valuable opinion.

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If you can work out a solution and can afford it,then SEPARATE your Movie and Music setup.
I don't think an AVR should be part of a music listening set up.Period.
For the two channel keep it simple.
From what I have seen on your post you have Dynaudio Audience 72/Marantz 6003/Chord Crimson and Silver Screen.Good enough.
If you are getting a Bryston 4B ST,then perhaps you could try it out with a Prometheus Passive Pre or a used BP6.
Even a Bryston B 100 SST(preferably with a Dac option)would be nice.
Other options Krell 4Xi/MF A5 both used,in the 60-70K range.
Spidey... your shoudl seriously consider GOOD 2 CHANNEL amplification.


HT, like Ajay says, should be separate...

There is an amazing amount of power amps available in Mumbai right now. Do a through testing/listening and then go for it.

Just my 2 bits...
You may consider looking at an AVR with multizone facility. The zone 2 output to be fed to a powerful 2 channel amp .... that would take care of your 'music' part.

Please correct me if I am wrong here ..... zone 2 signals do not get interfered upon much ... obviously, to my untrained ears, they shan't be able to make out much on the 'alien' gains that colour any outputs ...
I believe set up should be kept as simple as possible.The more 'channels' and cables you add to the mix the WORSE the sound will become.
I'm a firm believer in this-in fact with separate 2 channel systems and a dedicated HT system, I believe that multiple systems for audio is an even better way to go if possible.

>I don't think an AVR should be part of a music listening set up.Period.
Spidey, the fact is that your system sounds ONLY AS GOOD AS THE WEAKEST LINK IN YOUR CHAIN.

The ideal would be to set a budget, see how you can best match your speakers to a good integrated or a pre/power combo.

integrating the audio to an AVR will get you itchy and trigger happy within weeks... That what I have seen with most folks (including my own self).

I would recommend that you seriously think this through.

The fact is that you already gave up on a hard to beat set up... The challenge is to get something (at least) twice as nice. Without going overboard.

Do the rounds my friend. It will help you save a lot and it will keep the upgraditis bug far far away for a long time to come.
Spidey, why do I get the feeling that your older system was better than your yet to be purchased system. Please don't let my fears come true:).

You had some real gems in your rig before including the Mccormack. Why are you looking at AVRs now? Specs like 5.1, 7.1, 9.2 are all just numbers, don't chase them. Big mistake....I can assure you that you will be looking for an upgrade soon if you take the AVR route for music.

George, Manav and others on this thread speak from experience. I can vouch for that, the very reason why I have seperate "seperates" for Stereo and Movies:).
I've said it before but I will repeat it one-last-time.
I don't understand what all this 40-60,70-30 music/movies business is all about.
An AVR adds so much distortion to the music that it is not worth listening to it anymore.All those Mode Selections(Two Channel/Seven Channel/Rock/Jazz/Classical/Pro Logic/Movie/Music/Pure etc. are a load of BULL!Even for watching movies,and I do watch a lot of them,I prefer a GOOD TWO CHANNEL!
All these 5.1,7.1 boxes are merely so much furniture.No way would I personally call them 'music systems'.
My last post on this thread.:)

I myself admit that I am not a so-called "sterophile"; though I can make a stereo setup if I want.

To setup a 2ch stereo will be a no-brainer.

It is my folly or my desire to setup a multi=ch system that will closely come upto good delivery of stereo.

For ex= the combination of Emotiva UMC-1 + XPA-2/3 , will satisfy a stereo lover upto 90%.

SO the choices are there though systems do get complex after that.

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