McCormack gone.. what next ?


Another good amp for sale on :

200 watts per channel, 8 ohms
350watts per channel, 4 ohms

How good is this ?

Ive heard a few adcom amplifiers and will say mccormack to adcom is a bad move. This is my personal opinion.

On the other hand if all you are looking for is just a power and not a specific kind of sound signature then adcom might work, also may be if you add a very good pre amplifier it may perform well(not sure to what extent).

If you are looking for serious value for money amplifier then find a person who knows DIY and ask him to build you a pass x series mono block (100 watt class A amplifier), you can get the best components and DIYA has a lot of ideas and build details regarding this. If done successfully i think it really hard to beat by most of the amplifiers mentioned here.

There is also a pass labs pre amp which works really well with this mono block and it will cost you less than 5 thousand rupees to build.
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Hi subash,

You still have not got the point. ;)

I do not think we are getting anywhere here. You are talking Greek and I am talking Serbian :mad:

I am sure you are a great guy and have a great home theatre. I too love movies. We shouldnt be discussing audio. Movies, yes ! And over a beer !

Have a good day !:)

hi squarewave

have got your point, most of what you write is a direct mix N match of posts from other threads from different forums :D may be the 2 year research before you bought your amp did this to you :)

in simple english its an anti-climax ending this without a shoot out:mad:

if willing let me know v cud still go ahead ,still waiting for a pic of`your set up

have a great week end

Ditto George....

Dunno why this thread is getting vitriolic....

Subhash & Squarewave, guys does every discussion need to have a point of view that is wrong or right?

The way we're seeing it is that both of you have very valid points. So just live and let live!

Kindly cease and desist..One of the hallmarks of this forum has been politeness to all, and that each one's opinion is respected.


Never in any of my posts have I crossed the line of politeness.I have remained objective as much as possible.

I participated in the discussion only because the OP (Spidey) wanted opinion on amplifiers for "two channel audio ". If the discussion was about home theater, I would have stayed far away.

This is one of the reasons why I advocated separate forums for HT and Stereo. Both are completely different animals and require a different approach. One of the strange facts about this forum is that the experienced two channel audiophiles are very "silent spectators" even when it comes to discussion on 2 channel audio. There are very few here (some of who I know very well). The reason is that they do not want to bother.They will pop in for a post or two and but will shy away if the thread gets heated.

If this discussion was on a two channel forum, the thread could have been much more collaborative and educative. The two channel crowd is a cautious lot but if you keep an open mind much can be learned. I recently started a thread on ribbon tweeters on another forum frequented by many two channel audiophiles in India and I was amazed at the thoroughness of the discussion. It is close to 11 pages now.

I agree with George about the politeness on this forum. If this was on AA or Audiogon, I can imagine the fireworks !

Subash, the beer is still on !

Kindly cease and desist.One of the hallmarks of this forum has been politeness to all, and that each one's opinion is respected.


Well said George.

I think this arguement is futile if it is emotiva vs jeff rolland or something.

Basically, we ourselves are responsible for the very high and prohibitive costs at which brands sell. They sell because there is a market and they reach that market by sponsoring in magazines, websites, forums etc. In end we end up paying for that adverstisement.

Pardon me, Sonus Faber has blocked the last page/back cover of the What HiFi indian magazine for last many months. One dealer told me that rate is prohibitively costly (in few lacs) and to recover such amount in profit they will have to sell a lot of systems( per month). But still they can afford to advertise because we are paying and buying.

We have to change our mindset and welcome new kids on the block. At least give them a chance to stand up to the heavy weights.

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Never in any of my posts have I crossed the line of politeness.I have remained objective as much as possible.

I participated in the discussion only because the OP (Spidey) wanted opinion on amplifiers for "two channel audio ". If the discussion was about home theater, I would have stayed far away.

This is one of the reasons why I advocated separate forums for HT and Stereo. Both are completely different animals and require a different approach. One of the strange facts about this forum is that the experienced two channel audiophiles are very "silent spectators" even when it comes to discussion on 2 channel audio. There are very few here (some of who I know very well). The reason is that they do not want to bother.They will pop in for a post or two and but will shy away if the thread gets heated.

If this discussion was on a two channel forum, the thread could have been much more collaborative and educative. The two channel crowd is a cautious lot but if you keep an open mind much can be learned. I recently started a thread on ribbon tweeters on another forum frequented by many two channel audiophiles in India and I was amazed at the thoroughness of the discussion. It is close to 11 pages now.

I agree with George about the politeness on this forum. If this was on AA or Audiogon, I can imagine the fireworks !

Subash, the beer is still on !

Square, it is not about hot or cold.
For me, I get into a discussion only if the motive is either to learn or teach or both. If it is none, you can be sure the motive is something lower. It could be ego boost or simply time pass. I have seen such things happening out here, so I am cautious.
Hi Subhash,

I do agree with much of what squarewave has said. The point he seems to be making is not that emotiva is bad but that placement/room dynamics/gear synergy can make components sound spectacular or lead one to very wrong opinions. And yes it is indeed possible to have a pretty fair guess as to sound from seeing just a pic, where the speakers are placed, assuming one has done one's homework on rooms, placement etc. So nothing magical about it. I've seen some pretty terrible room pics on this very forum itself and if the owners took the trouble to research and correct the room, placement etc instead of rushing to upgrade they'd be rewarded with far better sound, assuming of course they think upgrading is the key to getting better sound instead of treating the room first. Of course money, the freedom to be able to tweak the room due to various circumstances/temp housing and other factors all come into play...leading to quite a few setups that are less than ideal but the best one can do under the circumstances.

This is a situation I too find myself in for a few months now and my system doesn't sound halfway like it used to sound. Hence the temporary ban on auditions.

At the end of the day if you like something forget everything else cos everyone will have different opinions anyway :) It's your money and your ears and you can be your bottom dollar that if you've truly found something you like, no, indeed love, while you're enjoying your gear the other guy will still be cycling through upgrade after audiophile upgrade seeking an elusive holy grail. I've seen it happen and am continuing to see it happen.


edit: there seems to be a prior history so do excuse this post if so :) we'll chat when you come over subhash! I need to make a trip to santhol's place to listen to his home theater set up. He's quite happy with his emotiva too! Though the thing I'm happy about is that he's getting into turntables hehe GRIN :) another one bites the black dust!
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guys guys, both of you appropriated the right points, but seem to be approaching the 'argument' from two different tunnels...

But, on the whole iaudio is correct on all aspects.

Fui'm sure the emotiva is a great amp.

But, do i personally believe that it can give amps like the Krell or ML or Jeff Rowland a run for its money?

NO. Absolutely not.

What it does do however, is give you SQ way higher than its price point.

And I respect it for THAT.

Also, there is a great merit in what squarewave is saying.... How can a person who hasn't even extracted the true potential of his equipment be trusted for his opinion?

I personally have seem some people blow away systems 5 times the price by simply doing some amazing component matching, placement, room tweaks....

which clearly the said has not even attempted....

Malvai, Where do I figure in this debate?:D ( whatever I do like the sound of it:))I guess you meant audiodelic or square_wave.

As our GeorgeO said, Take a chill pill hi fi brothers.
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Spidey, sorry buddy, looks like your quest for the amplifier wont be resolved in this thread!

@mods: Can we please get this thread back on track?
I think for the forum to move forward, it would help if we document our experiences and references. I think we will all learn a few things when people with the knowledge and the ability to discern differences of different equipments.

I think we have too many putting their ego forward and preventing a proper discussion.

I am an admitted noob and would love to listen/read/refer differences that people found in equipment. Although it would be still biased (with the ears of the reviewers) its much better than whats happening in this thread.

Just my 2 cents, please flush it if you think this was a waste of time :)
and coming back to the thread...

although the op has said dynaudience kind of speakers, wouldnt it be better to fix the speakers sound signature and then hunt for the amps, rather than the other way round.
and coming back to the thread...

although the op has said dynaudience kind of speakers, wouldnt it be better to fix the speakers sound signature and then hunt for the amps, rather than the other way round.

I was under the impression he meant slightly difficult to drive speakers and hence the discussion veered towards high power amplification.
I had invited Bansal98 for the demo. You are not invited !!! Dont get sticky and cheap.


again thats sounds like an empty drum !!!!

Ok ,lets see if Bansal cud make out any differences with different materials used?? kindly highlight
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.