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Hilarious translation from Google, but I get the gist.

Hi Steven,

It is not a transalation,but a poster with these words that came out in Audio magazine way back.

not many ppl like u arnd Dinyaar who wud go all out to help total strangers like this.

Well everyone is a stranger the first time we meet them. I like to look at each person I meet with an open mind and only go on the 'backfoot' if I find something fishy,amiss.

I have read MBRs post on the shocking incident of the wierdo drugging that couple and I agree that it could happen to anyone at anytime.

Capt. We encounter such people all too often. U are right. There are always some bad apples in the basket but by & large the apples are good and safe to consume and hence I just buy the basket !!!! Maybe some miserable incident will make me change my ways.

Hi Steven,

It is not a transalation,but a poster with these words that came out in Audio magazine way back.


No no Rajiv, was referring the the translation I got from google when in put in the german text you had posted. Actually I just read it again and the original is sure hilarious!!!

"The Machine control is not for Gerfingerpoken and mid grabbing. Oderwise is easy snap of the Spriggenwork, Blownfuse and Poppencorken with top Sparkes. The Machine is Digg this by experts only. Is not for Gerverken by the Dumnkopfen. The RubberNEK Sight scenes Cottonpicken Keep the hands in the pockets. So relax and wathes the flashing light."

Thanks Rajiv,

Hilarious translation from Google, but I get the gist. :D


Yeah Even I got it from google but is not understandable fully.
There are always some bad apples in the basket but by & large the apples are good and safe to consume and hence I just buy the basket !Rgds

Agree with you there not all are bad, but like what Captain said I have had my share of incidents which has foced me to change my ways. But its nothing as terrible as what has happened to Ram's friend.

Hope to meet some of the forum members one day have always missed out on the blr meets.
I have travelled a few times to a city for a day or two purely for the sake of joy ride, i enjoy the travelling in train provided it is a rajdhani or equivalent train. :)

It is always great when we meet like minded people, santosh and i are quite alike on so many fronts. :yahoo:

Actually Suri, understood my point well about not sending the player via courier, and see the amount of patience he had. It is indeed a rare travel which i undertook which most of them can not even think of, but then what happens is many of us do such things in some or the other way. :licklips:

If we will not do the things which we like then slowly we are hurting ourselves which is not good by any standards therefore i think one must always do what we like or believe in without bothering what others will think. ;)

I did not allow santosh to pick me or drop me at the station for simple reason that i feel it does not make sense to bother someone when there is so much of public transport available and with mobile being around, if there is a problem in reaching one can always make the taxi driver talk to whom we are visiting. We will always say that there is so much of traffic and what not, the core issue is what are we doing to avoid this mess, so what i did is, why make santosh travel for nothing at all. :)

I must say santosh has very good knowledge in handling his gears, if i would have a routine problem i would have to call a professional. :sad:

I liked the entertainment room of santosh, it has too many equipments but i think he does not get enough time to spend in such a great room, i always say when we make such a expensive room with so much of passion then we must respect the room by spending at least 2 hours daily in a phased manner. If Santosh starts watching movies on regular basis, i am sure that on first available opportunity he will increase the room length to double, as he has this opportunity. I must say that he is a very lucky man, the kind of space he has got in his basement, is mind blowing, it is a dream area to make a theatre there. :thumbsup:

I would have also liked if i could meet some more members but there is always a next time. :)

I feel if anyone who watches movies on regular basis, a media player is the best way to go forward but sadly very few people understand this, for me movies are like a thermocal glass, use and throw. It surprises me when people right, left, center say that they have so much of collection, this is something like when i was small i used to collect postage stamps and say see my collection, now i have grown up and would never indulge in keeping movies, just to show that see so many of them i have. :licklips:

I am very happy that i met santosh, and we are going to be great friends, we have planned a few things let us see how it will work. :thumbsup:

I think it is very important to be frank and practical because this way there are much less problems in life. It is always great to use technology and gadgets to make life simpler, i can not live without a advanced food processor, dish washer, a washing machine which can clean my weekly clothes in one go and can dry them 100%, I pod for calendar and setting more then 15 alarms in a day, etc and to top it all is to have your own private theatre, the benefits are so high that one can not imagine. :licklips:

I spend around 8/10 hours a day in my mini theatre as i do my stocks and commodity trading via my 2nd projector and needless to say that i watch 2 to 4 movies a week and sometimes listen to music. If i am watching some foreign TV serials, then i watch daily. :yahoo:

I have met a few forum members in Mumbai and have had a pleasant experience with them, in that sense i am very grateful to the owners of this forum. :signthankspin:

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:)!!!!!!!!!!Wish You All a very Happy Friendship Day!!!!!!!!!!:)

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I have met Santhol2 from this forum.
He had purchased a TT from Delhi which I gladly carried till Bangalore on my personal visit.
It was a short visit to his place in the evening in which he gave me a demo of his infamous HT room. The starlit ceiling is MUCH better in person. The whole HT for that matter is much better in person than in pictures. We played some songs and then about 30 minutes of Transformers. This was followed by a very nice dinner (which I hogged).
I met Santhosh's dad, his wife and his son. His son already loves gadgets!

Santhosh to me is a very helpful person and we have all seen how sensible his replies on this forum are.

Santhos, I think is a person who does not know how to say 'No' :)

Santhosh, thanks for being a great host. I hope to visit whenever I am in Blore next ! God Bless!
Yep, he is an awesome guy. He and Saikat were the sole reason we could make it to the various places in Bangalore in the maddening traffic to listen to various speakers. He is a very thoughtful host.
It seem I was the last one to post on this thread!

Well, yesterday I got to meet avidyarthi of our forum. He had expressed interest in listening to the Acoustic Portrait set up. He is here in Cochin for a few days and was kind enough to come over to my place. We spent about about 45min chatting and listening to music, having a good time at the expense of Avidyarthis colleague, who was getting bored to death with all the obsession over music. It was nice to meet another great member of HFV in person.


Thats avidyarthy( on the left and his colleague Mr. Goel on the right.

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Thanks Titus (iaudio).

It was indeed a pleasure in having a long drawn out discussion on Hi-Fi with you. My compliments to you on your existing Acoustic Portrait music set-up. Very revealing neutral output with a fantastic soundstage. It was very near to the 3 D staging usually seen with very high end equipment.

As informed to you, this AP easily beats my Topping set up and either equals or maybe, exceeds my other Sony - Norge combo. A 'very slight' lesser bass on AP maybe the reason for it, else on the treble side, the AP is better. AP is not known universally ... the brand is not visible, else, I am sure it would have given the bigger guys a run for their money!

Like to thank you for spending a good 45 mins discussing what we crazy guys seem to know best .. :) ....

AND, not to forget to share a few lines about the city you reside .... WOW ... Cochin takes the cake ... lovely, spotless, pot-hole free roads ... dazzling markets, well maintained buildings and disciplined people.... prosperous too. Had some free time, so went around sightseeing ... very very impressed with Cochin. A lot better place to stay than the 'hellholes' aka Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore .... Could easily have been the BEST if the climate had been a bit like Bangalore's.
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Missed this thread completely.

Thanks Jitu for your kind words. For some reason, the "Thanks" button does not seem to work after I thanked two other posts on the same thread. It was really nice to meet you and Preeti that day. Always fun to meet a fellow audio cume automobile enthusiast. <For those who didn't know, Jitu is an avid bullet fan and loves riding long distances on his T-bird>. Loved your pics on the pan-india ride you have posted on facebook. I wish I could do something like that in this lifetime:).

About the TT dude, I can never thank you enough for taking the trouble of carrying my TT all the way from Delhi->Hyderabad->Bangalore. We'll catchup more often after you have moved here.
I have met couple of guys ... so far my experience is that most people
were opportunists except a few of them ,
people are people they are just waht they are no grudges

Some people expected amazing enhancements / ideas for their
setup .. some searched deals ...some said can you do this and that
I have done the best i can , all were interesting experiences .
I have known the human beings in a better way after that .

yes few good friends also i made
yes no names , will be a good idea.
I have met kaushik, kittu1977, seby_v, venkatcr, sandeepmohan and reignofchaos. All great chaps!

Looking forward to meeting Dr Bass and some other Bangalore audioheads at an upcoming meet.
:) It was pleasant surprise few days back. As I met our very own Hemantbhai. It was a marriage ceremony of a dear friend's daughter. (Hemanbhai was from the groom side :D).
It was nice meeting you bro.

Best regards

P.S. : Yes we talked about Audio stuff :p :D
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