Met Someone from our Forum?? - SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES HERE.

:) It was pleasant surprise few days back. As I met our very own Hemantbhai. It was a marriage ceremony of a dear friend's daughter. (Hemanbhai was from the groom side :D).
It was nice meeting you bro.

Best regards

P.S. : Yes we talked about Audio stuff :p :D

My wife was shocked - oh no not this place!!
Btw it was pleasure meeting you Hitenbhai!

also Hitenbhai recognised me from meet photographs!!So we are famous!!
Met Blasto and Musicbee here at Hyd. Auditioned Blasto's awesome Jamo FS and Polk, KEF BS speaks with Yamaha A-S500 at ProFx. Also had a tasty lunch at Angeethi with the chaps. Thanks Blasto & musicbee for your hospitality and company. Hope we catch up again.
Met Blasto and Musicbee here at Hyd. Auditioned Blasto's awesome Jamo FS and Polk, KEF BS speaks with Yamaha A-S500 at ProFx. Also had a tasty lunch at Angeethi with the chaps. Thanks Blasto & musicbee for your hospitality and company. Hope we catch up again.

Must add "Blasto" was very helpful and we had a great time auditioning speakers and listening to/talking music topped off with a great lunch.

Also, Blasto opened our eyes/ears to the possibility of Jamo. I was set on KEF myself but after listening to the Jamo's at Blasto's home and at Cinebells one can certainly consider the "Concert" series of Jamo. In particular the C607 was very impressive.
Met Capt. Rajesh today in hyderabad over coffee. I must say a very soft spoken gentleman.. literally :)

It was a pleasure meeting you captain and we must do a get-together next time you are in town
Hi Sachin
It was pleasure meeting you too albeit at a Coffee shop rather than a more preferred loc of your listening room due to paucity of time.

I hope we make amends next time. :p

Thank u for making Hyderabadi hifi enthusiasts flock together.
I met cybervinay last week. He was in Bangalore for a week on work. Managed to catchup with him at my place. Very soft-spoken, knowledgable and passionate about all things audio.

While I knew he was constantly DIYing, I never knew he owned so many sought after vintage speaker drivers like the Altec 804, Tannoy Monitor Reds, Golds and also several TTs including the Garrard 301, Dual and JVC.

It was a pleasure meeting you Vinay:cheers:

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Hi Sachin
It was pleasure meeting you too albeit at a Coffee shop rather than a more preferred loc of your listening room due to paucity of time.

I hope we make amends next time. :p

Thank u for making Hyderabadi hifi enthusiasts flock together.

Hey captain, you in hyderabad today?
Can you join us for the audition?
Got an opportunity to meet a few members recently and throgouhly enjoyed meeting all of them-avidyarthy, hifiashok, aks007, and asit. Hoping to meet a few others on some more travels next week.
Chandigarh - Members

I today met 3 members from Chandigarh.

It was a great hospitality by Mandeep, Ajay & Goyal. I hope you guys will come to Mumbai during this year.

It is because of this forum that we are able to meet like minded people.

Thank you Hifivision.

vinay, mandeep, sanchit

Thanks for coming over. The hours just flew by. We managed to squeeze in plenty of hifi talk. But a more comprehensive stock market debate with vinay will have to wait for another day :)
Dear Vinay, Ajay, Sanchit Goyal

It was a pleasure to meet u all.

Vinay Sir Thank you so much for your wonderful visit to chandigarh. I just want to let you know what a great day we had.

Thanks Sanchit, for the delicious breakfast and i must say, your bedroom HT setup is simply superb.

Ajay sir, your music setup is just great and thanks for the delicious lunch you served, apart from vast knowlege about music and movies, you are also very talented with cooking also.

Thank you both for being such gracious hosts and treating us so royally.:clapping:


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About Mandeep, he was very gracious to be with me during my entire time at Chandigarh for which i thank him very much.

Mandeep has a decent dedicated home theatre with projector and he has recently bought a 50 inches TV costing over Rs.50,000/- and is installed in his theatre. He watches movies in 720P on week end's and sometimes he remains day long in the theatre to watch movies at a stretch with small intervals.

The reason he bought TV is because of his interest to watch some major sport events for long hours so did not want to stress the bulb life of projector. The dilema is that buying a TV also costs a lot of money so the bulb life is not a issue if it has to be replaced.

I think sport events could be easily watched in a living room via TV and opportunity is that one can still be more with family members sitting around you. The watching of sport events in a theatre shall mean more cut out with family as already there is a phasing due to often watching movies alone due to high passion.

If others are in such a situation should they consider to use their routine TV for sport etc and for larger events like a world cup use the projector? The money spending on TV and related for such purposes, should it be considered a avoid and would it be good to divert the money to make our good theatre more dynamic in terms of more better seating, lighting etc?

Mandeep has a suggestion that forum handle should have a age option so that the seniors can be addressed accordingly etc.

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It was a pleasure to meet Ajay.

Ajay has a vast collection of movies + music and has a great set up in the living area which looks more like a dedicated room with minimum furniture etc and neatly done up. With the kind of passion Ajay has, he deserves nothing less then a recliner for seating.

Ajay is considering a projector and screen at a later time to view movies and was asking us which screen will be better. We gave our suggestions and added that it will be better that he visits some forum members with his few movies and see which screen + projector he likes.

Ajay is very energetic and good at cooking, in flat 30 minutes he made 2 vegetables and rice etc.

We both trade in stock and commodity market so there was a lot of talk on this with diverse opinion. Ajay has a firm view about the market that it will keep going up till May'12 and needless to say that he has a firm view on some individual stocks.

In my case i do not have any view on market's fall or rise therefore i buy on weekly basis by using the mutual fund route and take a exit once the target is achieved.

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Have personally met quite a handful of 'us' guys in the last Mumbai HiFiVision meet and the Delhi mini-meet at Lakozy, but the real introductions do happen if it occurs at 'ones' place. Jotting down the ones at my place or someone elses during my nomadic travels all over the countryside ....

- iaudio ....... Cochin
- Denom ...... Navi Mumbai
- GVenu ...... Bangalore
- GeorgeO ... Bangalore & my place
- hifiashok ... my place
- hrtk ......... New Delhi
- trittya ...... my place
- Parora ...... my place
- Virenji ...... New Delhi
- Gobble ..... Bangalore

Maybe, missing out on one or two at most in the above list ... with the hope of coming across more of you ..... It is as if you do not feel alone and all by yourself in another city .... don't get the same feeling with office colleagues!

It was a pleasure to meet Sanchit.

Sanchit has newly come in to the great world of projector and has placed it in his bedroom. The projector was bought from abroad by his friend, rarely one would get such good friend's who are so helpful.

The projector viewing distance from bed is about 10 feet while room length is a whopping 23 feet. I have suggested him that it is rare that one gets such a excellent room length so he should not watch movies from his bed and should make some adjustments in room and watch them from 20 feet with the additional opportunity of having a proper seating arrangement because it will not be convenient to watch moves regularly from bed. Sanchit and his brother has promised me that they will work on my suggestion.

The interiors of his house is very good and major renovation work is on for over a year. Mandeep and i were treated with royal breakfast and deserts.

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I have met Alok too, which was a good 5 hour meet.

There was a lot of activity in his house, around 8 people were working on the theatre, once it is ready this could be easily among the top 5 theatre's in this forum, many congratulations.

Alok has done a lot of planning to get the things right so that the regret is to it's minimum of something going wrong and most importantly he is not making the theatre in piece meals, it is a start to finish job.


The day i was returning to Mumbai after meeting the 4 forum members, robbery struck.

I was robbed of following items in Rajdhani train.

  • Debit Card
  • Pencil Torch Rs.500/-
  • 2 Pen Drive's Rs.1,000/-
  • 1 New Trouser Rs.1,500/-
  • Music Speaker (Small) Rs.1,500/-
  • 1 Data Card of Reliance Rs.3,000/-
  • 1 Data Card of Tata's Rs.2,000/-
  • Travel Bag Rs.3,000/-
  • Cash Rs.5,000/-
  • I Pod Rs.12,000/-
  • Electric Shaver Rs.12,000/-
  • Net Book Rs.21,000/-
I have traveled so many times in this train, never such a thing happened to me. I exercise a lot of precautions while travelling etc but the irony is who can beat fate.

It seems a lot of such robberies are happening in the recent times so we need to be at more guard with the travel.

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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.