Movies Discount and Offer threads :D

They've not specified region information for blurays at all. Any idea what region would these be for?
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There are very few Region C movies. Most of the movies sold in India are region free. The only region C movie I have seen (purchased) in India is The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian. Of course, I must add that I have very few Indian purchases.
Just bought 'Brave' and 'Hobbit'. Let's see whether they are region free or otherwise. Both seem to be have a good audio track.
Kix- when I said region C it normally means Region Free, as almost all the titles being retailed here are Region free. Anyway, it is interesting that Prince Caspian was strictly Region C. There will be hardly any other.

BTW, how much you paid for the Hobbit -3D from Amz-In?
Kix- when I said region C it normally means Region Free, as almost all the titles being retailed here are Region free. Anyway, it is interesting that Prince Caspian was strictly Region C. There will be hardly any other.

BTW, how much you paid for the Hobbit -3D from Amz-In?

I think you may have missed another thread where I mentioned the price. I paid Rs. 1274 for the package.
Oh.. I might have missed that one.. In any case, this is the best I have seen so far, a 50% discount makes it Rs750/-. Too good to resist. So went for it.
Any other recommendation - purely from an audio point of view? I am looking for a great audio track with lots of LFE intensive and surround scenes
FYI - Both blu-ray ordered are region-free :) Ordered the Toy Story Trilogy (most of the animations are region free). For the prices they're available at, they're definitely a steal. Brave in fact is a 'Collector's Edition'
There you go.....

Lion King 3d -650/-
Snow White - 400/-
Enter The Dragon - 500/-
Hangover 2 - 500/-
Desperado - 500/-
50 First Dates - 500/-
Hancock - 650/-
I just got back home - and got from snapdeal :
Hubble BD (3D) 650
Tombstone BD 400
Proposal BD 400
and a couple of DVDs -
Shall we Dance and a couple of tiltes I forget! :=( ...
BTW Have 2 sealed Mint Sets of Claptons 2004 Crossroads Concert am willing to exchange for the 2007 Crossroads)
Got the foll BRs from snapdeal

Toy Story 1/2/3 - 1200
The Hobbit - 650
Batman Begins - 500
Brave - 500

@just4kix - They do have very good offers. Since you're a collector, you may get some real good deals.
Got the foll BRs from snapdeal

Toy Story 1/2/3 - 1200
The Hobbit - 650
Batman Begins - 500
Brave - 500

@just4kix - They do have very good offers. Since you're a collector, you may get some real good deals.

Ok. Will check. My problem is that there are not too many choices since my collection is fairly sizeable. But I realize that my situation will not apply to everyone and hence I withdraw my previous post. :)
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