My ATC Saga

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I din't reply after the previous post because, 'damage' is very subjective.

A dot in the driver could be perceived as 'damage' by someone who is buying. Especially if it is second hand.

When there is a contention on what is 'damage', there is nothing that you can do. Also, from what I read, D/MM rejected the offer @80k and santhosh bought it for 1/2 the amount. Something which is perceived as damage for 80k can very very easily be ignored at 40k.

Iam not saying that there is indeed a damage. It is all in the the way people look at it. Especially if you are looking for resale as you are a reseller, you might look stuff in a different angle from how a person looking to get 'sonic bliss' would look at things..

It is better to leave things at this. Everyone tried to help everyone, everyone perceived things differently for different reasons and price points, everything which was in order got blown up out of propotions by repeated openings of threads and nothing can be repaired now by any amount of explanations from either side.

Very well put :clapping:

People are sadistic on this forum & they love to get their 'kicks' in any which way possible, case in point, the thanks offered for each post against me by none other than 'VD' Vinay Donor. :cool:
I learnt that my erstwhile good friend :rolleyes: santhosh was going to buy them, so I informed him my findings. Not matter of outside mumbai or anywhere.
Nothing to get confused. As of today, I learnt another lesson in life, DO NOT HELP ANYONE ON FORUMS, LEAST OF ALL SO CALLED GOOD FRIENDS. :indifferent14:

Have fear of God if not of forum members. While returning speakers, you have confirmed to me everything fine. This is really ridiculous statement.. Do some introspection... I have no grudge against you but really want to realize you that never waste one ample time with intention of taking things granted. I wont mind dealing with you in future if it is done with serious intention.

I din't reply after the previous post because, 'damage' is very subjective.

A dot in the driver could be perceived as 'damage' by someone who is buying. Especially if it is second hand.

When there is a contention on what is 'damage', there is nothing that you can do. Also, from what I read, D/MM rejected the offer @80k and santhosh bought it for 1/2 the amount. Something which is perceived as damage for 80k can very very easily be ignored at 40k.

Iam not saying that there is indeed a damage. It is all in the the way people look at it. Especially if you are looking for resale as you are a reseller, you might look stuff in a different angle from how a person looking to get 'sonic bliss' would look at things..

It is better to leave things at this. Everyone tried to help everyone, everyone perceived things differently for different reasons and price points, everything which was in order got blown up out of propotions by repeated openings of threads and nothing can be repaired now by any amount of explanations from either side.

Deal was finalised at 65K (not 80k) with original invoice dated Dec-11 and atacama stand. He is making gol gol jalebi of everything now. he confirmed to me that everything is all right in speakers. Now if someone asked him, he said it was damaged. Really shameful statement....... You cant fight with liar. No way. Better to close this thread as well.
Are ATC speakers too much power hungry?
Can that possible distortion because speakers were driven by probably low powered amp?
Firstly this is not about a Mumbai-Bangalore thing nor is it 2 sides. Sorry to see it taking that route (if at all). Let us fix that first, we are community irrespective of where are from and our backgrounds.

Come on guys. I was away in a family get-together and missed his call(s). I sent Denom a text within few minutes of his call that I would return his call soon and I have done that. Missing a call does not mean I am trying to avoid someone. Come on guys, I have a life outside the forum. Again, I am gonna be away tomorrow as I am participating in Bangalore 10k run. So what? And why would I not be able to look him in the eye?


Cab with Serial No.0058 had distortion coming from the midbass driver. The same was communicated to Santhosh, but apparently he can't hear any distortion.

Question of pics does not arise as outward no apparent damage was visible.

@ ROC, hope that clears the cobwebs in your mind. How I concluded was left to my 2 ears, thats how. There, stopped beating the bush, happy ???

Man! You cleared the air...

Santhosh... Kindly Step in...and now it is matter of ears.:)

Blasto: You have a very valid point about a defect @80k is perceived as a big one and @40k, it might be passed off as a small one. For me it about owning a fully functioning ATC, irrespective of the price as long as I was able to afford it at that point in time. I might dismiss something cosmetic when offered at half the price but not if there is an audible problem.

Denom told me on the phone that there is a distortion in one of the mid-bass drivers. But it was MM who told me that he has seen high-res pictures and that the mid-bass driver has prominent marks on the the surrounds, as though it was scrubbed with an abrasive material. There is no such thing on the speakers, they are in very good condition and functioning well and there is no distortion from whatever I tested. I don't claim to have golden ears but sound to me is very important. We would not be in this hobby if it were not. If I am not able to hear the distortion but still enjoying it, so be it. I am happy for person X to come to my house to test the speakers and post here.

Guys, let us not prolong these things. I know it is easier said than done. But let us move on. My intention was to bring this thing to a logical conclusion since there was so much to be cleared in the previous threads.
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Denom told me on the phone that there is a distortion in one of the mid-bass drivers. But it was MM who told me that he has seen high-res pictures and that the mid-bass driver has prominent marks on the the surrounds, as though it was scrubbed with an abrasive material. There is no such thing on the speakers, they are in very good condition and functioning well and there is no distortion from whatever I tested. I don't claim to have golden ears but sound to me is very important. We would not be in this hobby if it were not. If I am not able to hear the distortion but still enjoying it, so be it. I am happy for person X to come to my house to test the speakers and post here.

Guys, let us not prolong these things. I know it is easier said than done. But let us move on. My intention was to bring this thing to a logical conclusion since there was so much to be cleared in the previous threads.

Ok, clearly put.. This is not police probe, could you please post the close up pics of same.. So it is not Denom ulitmately it is only "MM" who told there is scratches.. right

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Firstly this is not about a Mumbai-Bangalore thing nor is it 2 sides. Sorry to see it taking that route (if at all). Let us fix that first, we are community irrespective of where are from and our backgrounds.

Come-on.. I mentioned 'outside of mumbai' because outstation members depend on others for views on components that they buy since they cannot 'directly visit' for inspection/demo.. Like avid's speakers for eg:. Nothing to do with mumbai-bangalore here.. Wonder what made you reach the conclusion!!
Ok, clearly put.. This is not police probe, could you please post the close up pics of same.. So it is not Denom ulitmately it is only "MM" who told there is scratches.. right

Sure, I will post close up pictures later tonight. I am stepping out again shortly.

Come-on.. I mentioned 'outside of mumbai' because outstation members depend on others for views on components that they buy since they cannot 'directly visit' for inspection/demo.. Like avid's speakers for eg:. Nothing to do with mumbai-bangalore here.. Wonder what made you reach the conclusion!!
Thanks for clearing that. My bad then!! Glad there is no such feeling among us audiophiles :) .
Before closing this thread, I would request all of Santhosh friends to visit him and inspect everything and take macro snap of drivers with DSLR and post it here in future to clear another Lalu theory floated by denom....... I dont have enough intelligence to handle Lalu. Thread may be closed ..
Aha! So finally gave in to the atc craving eh santhosh! :) have to hear the atc sound now after all you were telling about it ... Enjoy the great deal you got!


DHT - Direct to Heart Tube
Have fear of God if not of forum members. While returning speakers, you have confirmed to me everything fine. This is really ridiculous statement.. Do some introspection... I have no grudge against you but really want to realize you that never waste one ample time with intention of taking things granted. I wont mind dealing with you in future if it is done with serious intention.

Deal was finalised at 65K (not 80k) with original invoice dated Dec-11 and atacama stand. He is making gol gol jalebi of everything now. he confirmed to me that everything is all right in speakers. Now if someone asked him, he said it was damaged. Really shameful statement....... You cant fight with liar. No way. Better to close this thread as well.

Before closing this thread, I would request all of Santhosh friends to visit him and inspect everything and take macro snap of drivers with DSLR and post it here in future to clear another Lalu theory floated by denom....... I dont have enough intelligence to handle Lalu. Thread may be closed ..

Ohhh, you are only one having fear of God, others are sinners & what not!!! If you are so God fearing, you would not rake up all this & make a big issue out of it. Stop casting stones when you yourself live in a glass house.
Now that everything is clear your making frivolous statements & talking nonsense of jalebi & lalu.

I have nothing to hide, I tried to help someone out & in result got burned, tried to make amends, but you just were not ready to move on, you kept gnawing ON & ON.... Feel sorry for you, really.
Ok, clearly put.. This is not police probe, could you please post the close up pics of same.. So it is not Denom ulitmately it is only "MM" who told there is scratches.. right


Yes, I have clearly mentioned in post no.38 - no visible damages to the driver. Distortion is heard when music is played, yet mr. Raj writes that i have mentioned physical damage to the driver, maybe he is eating too many jalebi's & speaking to his friend lalu:indifferent14:
Ohhh, you are only one having fear of God, others are sinners & what not!!! If you are so God fearing, you would not rake up all this & make a big issue out of it. Stop casting stones when you yourself live in a glass house.
Now that everything is clear your making frivolous statements & talking nonsense of jalebi & lalu.

I have nothing to hide, I tried to help someone out & in result got burned, tried to make amends, but you just were not ready to move on, you kept gnawing ON & ON.... Feel sorry for you, really.

Now to defend yourself, you dont have any way but to choose politician path and mess up things. Why you have said to me everything is fine while handing over speakers. You are bigger than Lalu. All of santhosh friend sooner or later are going to listen and inspect drivers at micro level. I hope they will give their views as 10/10 mentioned by santhosh after listening for more than a week (and handed over by me without any pre-payment) can never be digestible to you to defend yourself, it has now become your compulsion to throw bouncers. You cant win by words of politician saying 10/10 product as distorted as it is going to be exposed in due course of time when people visit to santhosh. No one will support your concocted theory to defend yourself which you never stated in last 2 weeks.
Yes, I have clearly mentioned in post no.38 - no visible damages to the driver. Distortion is heard when music is played, yet mr. Raj writes that i have mentioned physical damage to the driver, maybe he is eating too many jalebi's & speaking to his friend lalu:indifferent14:

Again and again I am saying that while returning speakers, you confirmed perfect condition. After someone asked about making dent in deal, you started throwing bouncer with distortion/damage in speakers. Whatever you say here, your exposure is on the wall..... (if not in this thread then all people visiting santhosh going to spread about truth even though they may not post here).

AT THAT TIME, I am suggesting you a ready made reply as under:-
ATC may be playing alright in santhosh system but it was distortion while playing in my system (PERFECT REPLY :lol:)
I would request mod not to close this thread as someone taking item costing one arm and leg for 24 hrs just for demo (no ATC demo is available in Mumbai) by making me fool for commitment of his friend (which were delivered by me at his place) and returned by him with sms (collect your speakers) after 24 hrs has no option but either to accept it or throw bouncer. He has chosen second path so lets face bouncer happily :)
with due respect to everyone.
i think Raj has made his point.
Denom too has asked him to 'forgive and forget'.
the best part is that Santosh got the speakers that he is thrilled to bits about.
i say all is well that ends well and its time to move on.
Hi all,

Am bit eager to know (of course everyone ) who is this MM (Music M!)

Knowing Santosh I do not think he will the ATC only because of the low price... He must have chcked the quality too...


Only for your satisfaction, try this:cool:....Measurement of speaker distortion - diyAudio

Measurement of speaker distortion

Just read in the thread mentioned above and an interesting point
:::::Again I think we do not disagree. One singer + one saxophone tolerate high level of low order harmonic distortion, and still accepted well by listeners, even prefered by some. A philharmonic orchestra, well recorded at high dynamics (like Linn SACD Linn Records - Mozart Symphonies 38 - 41 e.g.) does not tolerate high level of distortion and an experienced, trained listener can easily find the difference.
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