My Home Theater Journey

I am already seeing you being in the process of getting an HSU sub ( even though there is no dealer in India).
Great work friend !!! :)

Hooray received HSU VFT 3 MK III Subwoofer a week before and connected to the HT set up my god the performance was astounding as the Subwoofer has totally vanished and gelled with respective speakers depending on the effects.
No Boom, unnecessary reverberations, door / window rattles etc. It is clean and rounded bass compared to my earlier SunfirevTSEQ12 Signature.

I happened to see an ad in US for a HSU TN 1225HO passive Cylindrical subwoofer. I casually read the reviews and found that this is one of the most sought after ones in late 90s and early2000 and even today. This particular unit is an unused open box sale. The best part is this can be powered with any 250 watts @ 4 ohms power amp just by adding a HSU BASS optimizer.

So Notwithstanding the performance of VTF3 MKiii I just ordered TN1225HO and its on its way now. I want to add this to my rear and see.

Will update the developments.
Please post some pics of your setup. I'm thrilled and so much amped right now :D I'll definitely visit your place in future. May be arrange a meet at your place :)
Please post some pics of your setup. I'm thrilled and so much amped right now :D I'll definitely visit your place in future. May be arrange a meet at your place :)

Absolutely, No problems, presently I am on frequent outstation trips once I am done we all can meet. I am just finding ways to post pics of my setup.
You can also use Photobucket and share the album instead of posting individual pics. Will help others with slow connection load the page quicker :'( Take me for instance.
Its been quiet long I updated this thread.

My last updation was of HSU subwoofer, which has taken the lows to a new level. In fact the Sub has vanished and it was Omni present.

Early 2014

I had an opportunity to buy Anthem A5 power Amp so bought the same and thought it will really jell with my Anthem Statement D2v but to my dismay it was a total disappointment that too given the price point. A5 was no way near to my ATI 1805. So sold the Anthem A5 power amp with in a month and was back to ATI combo.

Middle of 2014

I had a great information that Parasound HALO series A21, A51 and JC1 mono blocks are available on sale as a set so I had to take a flight and close the deal and got everything shipped to Chennai. hooked up the Parasound A21 for Left and Right and A51 for Center, Surround and Back. The JC1 mono blocks I had hooked up in my stereo set up ( That's all together a different journey)

These mammoth Amps have immense power and never get tired how much ever you push them. Still I felt the ATI 1805 was jelling in my set up in a better way compared to Parasounds though being one of the top class power amps.

I was really wondering how the ATIs could do that, ofcourse they are one of the great power amp designers and manufacturers and in fact they are the OEs for many of the top brands which many of us don't know.

ATI was very warm and very much in tandem with my processor Anthem Statement D2V more over it was complementing my B&Ws with full warmth ofcourse being 180W x 5, on the power front little more is needed though. Now my set up has become LCR and Surrounds driven by ATI and Ironically Surround Backs were driven by Parasound A21.

End of 2014

This has pushed me to search for a better Powered ATI for LCR so my hunt started again as usual came across in Ebay US ATI 2003 which is nothing but 200 x 3 with Balanced inputs. As usual imported the same and love at first sight, what a build quality and the design inside is straight forward, with two Toroidal transformers one serving two modular blocks inside and the other one serving one modular block. Hooked up the same to the LCR and this time with Balanced interconnects from the Proc. to the ATI 2003 for the LCR and the ATI 1805 has been moved to Surround and Back with one channel to spare.

At the first start up itself it was clear that I had to change the Level calibration as the LCR level was set according to 1805, so I had to tone them down a little and voila what a command of power the 2003 was providing. It started to handle the B&Ws like a breeze with total control and full warmth and lot of head room to spare.

I felt my HT set up has been full filled to my taste.

But still to say I am in search of an ATI 3005 or ATI 3007 I don't know is it gonna be a loooooooong wait are may be in close proximity.

Will keep you all posted.

The journey continues
I had a great information that Parasound HALO series A21, A51 and JC1 mono blocks are available on sale as a set so I had to take a flight and close the deal and got everything shipped to Chennai.
Yes,a killer deal in Mumbai which I missed.:)
Its been quiet long I updated this thread.

My last updation was of HSU subwoofer, which has taken the lows to a new level. In fact the Sub has vanished and it was Omni present.

Will keep you all posted.

The journey continues
Please do continue this lovely thread.
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