Need suggestions on Amp upgrade from Exposure 3010S2 Pre/Power combination

Leben cannot drive the Harbeths as well but they sound amazing at lower volumes with them... For ATC, you do need a powerful amp but I guess the Exposure is good enough to drive them.. Maybe the Yiggy will make substantial jump in the sound..... Since you have already ordered it, I suggest you hear it first in your system as Mahesh says and maybe then take a call based on what you want...
Sane advice, Panditji :thumbsup:

I also think the Leben will certainly be a poor match for a Harbeth.
Maybe the Yiggy will make substantial jump in the sound..... Since you have already ordered it, I suggest you hear it first in your system as Mahesh says and maybe then take a call based on what you want...

Yes. That thought crossed my mind too..but hard to resist the option of exploring more.. :)
You can look at symphonic line integrated amps as well... they pair up very nicely with ATC.

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Good suggestion Malvai. You could also look at Job integrated or a Job power amp with a tube pre.
My suggestion is not to plonk that kind of money on an amp because you have a hard to drive speaker. You will end up with an expensive amp driving a speaker that might not do justice to the amp at all. Under normal conditions, the speaker should be the most expensive component in your setup since they are hardest to design for the highest level of performance.

At this point in time, buy the dac and you will hear a lot of difference in your current setup. If you really want to change the amp, take a look at the used market to see if you find something in the 2 to 2.5 lac range.

Do a quantum upgrade of the amp when you have a speaker which you are planning to live with for a long time. Synergy is key.
I heard the ATC with a well respected Line Magnetic and it simply didn't cut. So, yes, unless you plonk way too much money, tubes can't cut it for ATC.

From the available options I feel an Electrocompaniet AW180 can be well worth a try. It's a well regarded amp that can make the ATC shine. But with a pre added the cost may shoot beyond your current target.
I heard the ATC with a well respected Line Magnetic and it simply didn't cut. So, yes, unless you plonk way too much money, tubes can't cut it for ATC.

Agree with you. ATC is one of these speaker brands that simply don't work well with tubes. Unless it's a tube amp with really lot of output power. And these are way too expensive. The ATCs need lot of power to make them sing well. Same with Harbeth. I owned Harbeth myself and tried to drive them with a Naim integrated and Exporsure. It just didn't work well. Same problem Miany must be facing now.
I heard the ATC with a well respected Line Magnetic and it simply didn't cut. So, yes, unless you plonk way too much money, tubes can't cut it for ATC.

Agree with you. ATC is one of these speaker brands that simply don't work well with tubes. Unless it's a tube amp with really lot of output power. And these are way too expensive. The ATCs need lot of power to make them sing well. Same with Harbeth. I owned Harbeth myself and tried to drive them with a Naim integrated and Exporsure. It just didn't work well. Same problem Miany must be facing now.

The exposure pre/power is driving them well. But i feel the details and imaging could be better at lower/moderate volumes.. am thinking that a more powerful amplifier can contribute here.. i can always pump up the volume..but not with all the tracks..
Doubling the power will only increase vol by 3db which may not even be audible. Where increase in power could help is in the headroom when it comes to reproducing complex passages.
The exposure pre/power is driving them well. But i feel the details and imaging could be better at lower/moderate volumes.. am thinking that a more powerful amplifier can contribute here.. i can always pump up the volume..but not with all the tracks..

Speakers with high sensitivity normally play better (more details and imaging)at low volumes than speakers with low sensitivity (like your ATCs). Then you should better change your speakers and buy something with high sensitivity. But bookshelf speakers with high sensitivity are difficult to find. On my recent visit to Bangalore I heard the new Blumenhofer Fun 13 Mk2. They are very slim floorstanders with a rather small footprint. That could be something for you and the Exposure combo. Unbelievable what powerful and detailed bass comes out of these speakers.:yahoo:
Doubling the power will only increase vol by 3db which may not even be audible. Where increase in power could help is in the headroom when it comes to reproducing complex passages.

I dont to want to make the setup any louder. What I need is more details and better imaging at moderate volumes. Assuming that i am not going to change the speakers, what attribute of an amplifier can bring in this quality? Is it measurable like a power rating or damping factor or something like that? or is it inherent in the sound signature of the amplifier itself? Anyone having experience with Pre/Power from ATC themselves?
Speakers with high sensitivity normally play better (more details and imaging)at low volumes than speakers with low sensitivity (like your ATCs). Then you should better change your speakers and buy something with high sensitivity. But bookshelf speakers with high sensitivity are difficult to find. On my recent visit to Bangalore I heard the new Blumenhofer Fun 13 Mk2. They are very slim floorstanders with a rather small footprint. That could be something for you and the Exposure combo. Unbelievable what powerful and detailed bass comes out of these speakers.:yahoo:

Not planning to change the speakers.. Bought them brand new and am happy with the changes that it brought into the setup so far.. Moreover, selling this and bringing in another speaker will make me take a financial beating, which i dont want now...
Not planning to change the speakers.. Bought them brand new and am happy with the changes that it brought into the setup so far.. Moreover, selling this and bringing in another speaker will make me take a financial beating, which i dont want now...

Those are lovely speakers.
Don't sell them. Especially since you're happy with them as well...

Look for a Symphonic Line amp... or a Trigon integrated. Or an Accuphase. Acuuphase e360 upwards will be incredible with your speakers.

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Long time I saw a post by FM rbgopalan in Chennai for RG4 sale

Mouth watering :)

Good luck!
Miany, I would look at an amplifier with a higher damping factor. Why don't u consider the ATC amp itself? It should be a good bet.

I would also seriously look at the Job amp. It's extremely high bandwidth, superb bass control and organic mids. Should be a great match with the ATC. Job ships to India and takes care of customs and duties at the USD price. It's from the Goldmund stable which is a Swiss company and makes great amps. Job is a tricked down design of the Goldmund amp
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Miany, I would look at an amplifier with a higher damping factor. Why don't u consider the ATC amp itself? It should be a good bet.

I would also seriously look at the Job amp. It's extremely high bandwidth, superb bass control and organic mids. Should be a great match with the ATC. Job ships to India and takes care of customs and duties at the USD price. It's from the Goldmund stable which is a Swiss company and makes great amps. Job is a tricked down design of the Goldmund amp

Yes. I am considering the ATC amps as well. How about the integrated amplifiers from Perreaux? I got a suggestion that they make good pairing with the ATCs..
Those are lovely speakers.
Don't sell them. Especially since you're happy with them as well...

Look for a Symphonic Line amp... or a Trigon integrated. Or an Accuphase. Acuuphase e360 upwards will be incredible with your speakers.

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Yes. Trigon Epilog is worth looking at i think..

Accuphase.. well.. thats a dream... especially since the price is too high here in India... should be more than 7 lakhs for E470 i guess.. thats way too above my budget...
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