After a long hunt for an improvement in the amplification department, finally i decided to take the active route.. i took a leap of faith and went for SCM 19 Active floorstanders.. only backing up for the decision was the reviews in the internet.
Partnered it with an ATC CA2 Preamp (I got this from an FM..a real gentleman whom i felt should not be bargained with and who seemed to have taken great care of his equipment.. Man.. it was a pleasure dealing with you!!).
Now.. to the more important aspect.. the sound..well...its MAGIC... Such sharp imaging and depth and the sheer black background to the music is just amazing...Only listened to couple of hours today and i can already make out improvements mentioned.. The speakers need atleast 100 hours of burn in before reaching its true potential.. I have similar experience with the SCM 19 passive speakers...
I did some room acoustics as well before buying these active speakers..
- installed bass traps...
- placed absorption panels in reflection points.
- some heavy curtaining for the windows as well..
These changes made a major improvement even when i was using the passive setup...
Now time to bug you guys more...need a good CD transport with AES/EBU output that can be connected to my Yggy... max budget is 1.5lakhs.. Please let me know your suggestions...