Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:
..Mmn.....@nsinghal can u perform the same test. I mean go to speedtest and manually choose a server from us and report what speed you get.
Wow. I don't have a PC and Speedtest's iOS app couldn't have made it any more difficult to select a US server! Took me almost three minutes of manual scrolling to find US servers. And to make things worse, it defaults back to closest server once you quit the app. Horrible!
I got an average 5 Mbps with and US speedtest server though it ranged way too much. Sometimes went as low as 2 Mbps and other times as high as 7 Mbps.
Also, read on for more details and other tests I performed trying to determine my speeds....
First, without any DNS server in play and with local speedtest server (vodafone delhi). Got 8+ Mbps every single time. No issues.
Next, again no DNS server but changed speedtest's server to US (New York, towerstream). Consistently got 6mbps. Never less than 5.5 Mbps and never more than 6.5 Mbps. Ping rates went down to 300+ though.
Third, DNS server (unlocator) and local speedtest server. Same results as earlier. 30 something ping rate and 8+ Mbps downloads.
Finally, DNS server (unlocator) and US speedtest server (New York, towerstream). Ping rates went down the crapper. 1000+ at the minimum. Also download speeds are no longer consistent. I got as low as 2 Mbps and as high as 7mbps. For some reason the time it took before I saw the download meter start moving, was directly relevant to what speeds I was going to get. If the download meter started moving within seconds of ping test results, it'd easily reach 5+ Mbps. If it took too much time to start, it'd barely reach 2Mbps before it stopped. Everytime the speeds were increasing when it stopped. So maybe if the test went on for another 20 seconds, it'd have reached 5 Mbps. Dunno what's the real problem here.
I tried another way to determine actual speedtest. Went to and found the latest new,free iOS apps which had showed up in AppStore just minutes earlier and downloaded them from iTunes US servers. Now these were the crappiest of apps you'd find out there and no one in their right mind would download them ever, let alone within minutes of them being available in AppStore. So I seriously doubt there is any chance of the ISP caching these apps. Acc to my calculations I got an average of 5.3 Mbps speeds with all these downloads (using unlocator DNS and us iTunes Store).