Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:
Tunlr was also another free service that i was using, but unfortunately they stopped operations. There were plans of becoming paid service. But they stopped completely saying that they did not have the time and bandwidth to keep this operational as it required lot of effort and going paid would increase the workload.
What a loss it will surely be missed. Pasting a note pasted on the Tunlr site below :
Tunlr Has Left The Building...
A little over two years ago we started Tunlr as a fun project. It was a steep but interesting learning curve and we've developed many ideas, skills and code snippets which we will be of use in future projects.
However, while preparing the paid plans we recognized that we had no desire to run Tunlr as a paid service. Running Tunlr as a good-quality and reliable, paid service requires more time than we're willing to devote to the cause. We didn't want Tunlr to become one of the many mediocre DNS unblocking services available on the market today. That's why we pulled the plug. None of your account data will be shared, all account data has been destroyed.
A few facts about Tunlr:
At its peak time, Tunlr had more than 100,000 (anonymous) users
During this time, the bandwidth for Netflix alone exceeded 30 TB of data/month
With the introduction of Gatekeeper 2, 30,000 accounts were opened in the first two months of this year
Tunlr was running mostly on dedicated servers in order to cope with the demand
The operational cost to run Tunlr's infrastructure was well below $1,000/year