New hindi lp mastering quality

Hi Rikhav

All UK pressed cds between 1988 and 1993 which say DP or AAD on the back sound very good. They typically have catalogue number PMLP xxxx or PSLP xxxx. M stands for mono and S stands for stereo. Any cd from PMLP/PSLP 5001 to 5800 pressed in UK is a safe bet and sound fabulous. Film songs from the 50s and 60s sound great on these cds.
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Hi Rikhav

All UK pressed cds between 1988 and 1993 which say DP or AAD on the back sound very good. They typically have catalogue number PMLP xxxx or PSLP xxxx. M stands for mono and S stands for stereo. Any cd from PMLP/PSLP 5001 to 5800 pressed in UK is a safe bet and sound fabulous. Film songs from the 50s and 60s sound great on these cds.

Thanks again for this vital information as there are many UK pressed CD's on amazon but manufactured much later then 93
Will start looking out for the film cds with specs suggested by you
Hi Rikhav

The US presses are not good. Do not buy UK pressed cds with catalogue number CDF 1.2xxxxx. Exceptions are Khel Khel Mein, Bemisaal/Jurmana, Anurodh/Anurag. All PMLP/PSLP titles have been reissued in the CDF 1.2xxxxx series. Some of the PMLP 5xxx series have not been pressed in UK but in Switzerland or Korea and are very good. These are Prem Rog/ Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Anand/Bawarchi/Namak Haraam, Do Badan/Kaajal, etc
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Good info Prem. Thanks.
Any pointers to identify first pressings for Indian vinyls ?
Hi Hitensitapara

The first pressings for films upto Do Raaste are on Angel Records. The jacket might say Angel but you actually need to check the label. Its maroonish in color. From Do Raaste upto releases in 1976 they were on Odeon label. Post that the first presses are the ones that you find in a gatefold jacket. For example Kabhi Kabhi in a gatefold jacket will be a first press. Later presses will be in a sleeve jacket. Ditto for a whole lot of releases in that period.
Thanks Prem. What are the nos. on blank space after the runner groove near the lable ? Are they batch nos. ? So one could look for vinyls pressed 1st lot of pressings pressed from brand new metal master. :licklips:

I think I have one/two vinyls where lables are not printed only A and B side stamped on it and Sign of someone (Record cutter/engineer) signing his initial with OK mark.
Very difficult to say with Hindi lps. There is no recorded info. Anything with A or B or T1 or T2 could be the first press.
Hi Hitensitapara

A or B is something you are more likely to find in Music India lps.
Just checked. Its Polydor with...
'Clean for 8 or less'

Wrtten on the lable.

Must be some standard for vinyl quality
Hi Prem,
I agree ith you on that point that they do sound very good and amongst them 1942 a Love story quality wise lags a bit behind. Specially the song pyaar hua chupke se there is something wrong the way it is recorded. The voice of Kavita Krishna Murthy doesn't sound very prominent. Did you also notice that?

Yes the voice depth is missing.
This must be their sampler lp
Probably yes!
I wonder where these skilled/technical/brilliant people are nowadays ? Living without appreciation ??? Probably coming generation would never know who (supporting musicians, recording engineer etc.) contributed to amazing golden period of old hindi movie songs. Kind of sad. Top bollywood actors are paid 15 to 20 crores per film and movie industry can't make simple documentation.
Can a project be started to bring these people in light?
off topic : I know a Sindhi fellow who has documented all Mohd. Rafi songs. A Gujarati Fellow who has documented all Mukesh songs. And I think (not sure) a Maharashtrian has Lata songs. So records may be there. but not properly arranged in one place. Will take too much efforts. And getting people together can be a problem.
Irony is that strangely these days when garbage+filth is abundant in movies they are documented.
Rakhi Sawant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am sure these mastering engineers will have a story to tell about each album. The problem is where do you find these mastering engineers. They are unlikely to be still working.
Today got Mohabbatein which is digitally remastered. I really liked what I heard.After this experience I am quite tempted to go for other digital remasters. Also got 3 Idiots which has excellent recording as well.
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