new subwoofer help

i tried lfe+mains and cross at 120 110 90 80 and lfe only also with above frequencies. The thing is midbass like 70 to 80hz is not loud or audible on my chair but when i sit just in front of woofer cone its deep bass but i cant hear it on my chair thats it. I TRIED EVERY SETTING what all members said i am not satisfied.
Go with professional installers. They can calibrate well. Please note they also charge well to satisfy
when i placed it for very first time it was exactly middle of tv unit there was 100% null i was like wtf. later i treid to move it and good deep bass. i mean loud bass is good but that too only when i set subwoofer level in svs app at -10db else ... even denon has set sub level at +12db . Also when i did play bass loop till 60hz was deep in my chair then for 70 and 80 i had to move my face a little to right side then it was good bass. so i think acoustic foam will do some thing. i have not unboxed yet umik1 i will do it today. is it possible that rew or dirac live can make the sub sound best wherever i place it or null can still be there?
Nice u bought umik 1. Ho much did u buy for?
I had the same problem of bass lack (even now it would be there), but now after i shifted woofer right behind me, its cool!
How big is your room? Is it open to a bigger space of some kind or closed?
Nice to know that you are now using those frequency loops!!👏👏.
Remember, now that your ears are tuned to subwoofer, you will never be satisfied with full range speaker. Try yourself and let know here.
Caz, i had the same notion. Now i can never be satisfied with my pioneer bass..The itch for more will keep growing...😉
There is a app called spectroid in android. And there is a youtube video called frquency sweep. Does it ring a bell??!!
So if there is null at 1 point bass trap can help at that same point
you would need bass traps at the corners. This will bring some improvements. rest you have to consult an acoustician. I believe having diffusers on the side wall will help too. Please post your avr settings as a video here to check if something else can be tweaked.
one last thing i forgot to tell if i put the subwoofer just to the right of my chair bass is very very deep loud without any issues. Is this possible just to right of your seat subwoofer can give best?
you would need bass traps at the corners. This will bring some improvements. rest you have to consult an acoustician. I believe having diffusers on the side wall will help too. Please post your avr settings as a video here to check if something else can be tweaked.
there is no need to post video some will argue use lfe only others will say lfe+mains. but i tried all so leave denon aside now. result is same.
one last thing i forgot to tell if i put the subwoofer just to the right of my chair bass is very very deep loud without any issues. Is this possible just to right of your seat subwoofer can give best?
In my limited experimentation with a small Qacousitcs 8 inch subwoofer, in 3 different rooms. I always ended up with the subwoofer placed right next to my sofa. It is easier to get a smoother bass response closer to the subwoofer than far away from it. So if you have the place, then place the subwoofer closer to your seat, as the AVR can delay the subwoofer to time align with the front and surrounding speakers.

Only in 2 channel systems we try to place subwoofer closer to the main speakers, so that both main speakers and subwoofer are approximately same distance from listening position. As 2 channel amps dont have any time delays or phase correction.

Edit -If placement next to seating position is not possible, then the next best location is in a corner, with the sub woofer placed as close as possible to the walls. The shorter the distance from the walls, the higher in frequency will be the bass cancellation in frequency. By getting this distance small, the frequency of cancellation will be way beyond the frequency the subwoofer is operating in. This will remove SBIR induced cancellation, but there will still be room induced peaks and troughs which have to be dealt via audyssey. Please read the below article for a detailed explanation :

Iam aware that Iam suggesting two different places to try the subwoofer. As this is the only way to experiment to find out which works best in your room, and at your seating position. However, if you want to remove the guess work and do it more sceintifically, then try the below :)

Edit 2 - REW is free for a PC. In REW there is a free room simulator. You can measure the dimensions of your room, and enter them in this calcuator, with the location of your speakers, the subwoofer and your listening positon. This is a very simple and extremely easy to use calculator. And as you move the speakers and subwoofer, the calculator will show the frequency response at your seated position. So without having to do sub-crawls can find the optimum position for thier speakers and subwoofers for the best possible frequency response. Below is a youtube link to the same. All the best :)

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