OLED TV's price/best quote thread

Latest update for today...
LG C3 65 - 185000 (10k CB)
LG G3 65 - 205000 (This price only at 1 place but no stock, minimum delivery period 1 month)
225000-240000 (10k CB) at various places, immidiate delivery
Latest update for today...
LG C3 65 - 185000 (10k CB)
LG G3 65 - 205000 (This price only at 1 place but no stock, minimum delivery period 1 month)
225000-240000 (10k CB) at various places, immidiate delivery
Where did you this price for g3?
Where did you this price for g3?
One of the Reliance Digital stores. But delivery only after a month or maybe more. They are taking booking with full amount but I was hesitant to do so. I asked them if they cannot deliver even after a month and they said they will give a credit note for the amount paid which can be used for any other purchase and this I was not comfortable with and went with C3 from another dealer as RD could not meet my price.
One of the Reliance Digital stores. But delivery only after a month or maybe more. They are taking booking with full amount but I was hesitant to do so. I asked them if they cannot deliver even after a month and they said they will give a credit note for the amount paid which can be used for any other purchase and this I was not comfortable with and went with C3 from another dealer as RD could not meet my price.
Good decision. If they can’t return cash or to the card it would be at their mercy.
Naah, you’re right it doesn’t, but I don’t reckon it will fall much more this season. Although international prices for it are hovering around 350ish (USD 4200++). This is also not an India manufactured unit, so I guess there’s some duty involved.

I tend to use the UK prices as they have VAT, and usually closer to the prices we end up getting here. For e.g. the G3 77 is at 3900 on Richer Sounds UK which works out to 3.95L. The C3 is at 3200 which is 3.25L, these prices may be a good indicator of the floor for the prices at the end of the month.
I tend to use the UK prices as they have VAT, and usually closer to the prices we end up getting here. For e.g. the G3 77 is at 3900 on Richer Sounds UK which works out to 3.95L. The C3 is at 3200 which is 3.25L, these prices may be a good indicator of the floor for the prices at the end of the month.

Makes sense. Aus, UK, SEA markets perhaps more representative. US is a really high volume market and that mostly defines its discount dynamics too.

Any tips on checking the unit when it is delivered? Uniformity tests or some such routine?
Really appreciate your inputs. Yes the G3 is the top notch one and undoubtedly the best. And since today morning I've been behind a few retailers for prices and finally got the lowest at 205000 (10k CB) for the G3 65 with a web camera free but delivery within 15 days once billed as no stock anywhere.

Also got C3 65 at 190000 (10k CB). (Dusherra prices as said by salesman)

These prices looks very good compared to the earlier I had enquired and really feel like booking the G3 immediately. I asked if the prices will correct further in a week or so and he said that this is the best prices from the company for Dusherra.

Both comes with 3 year warranty. And taking another 2 years additional from Reliance costing 25k makes it 5 years full warranty.

I'm in a delimma whether to wait a few more days and see if the price reduces little bit more or take the plunge.
Please wait till start of the sales. Generally, offline stores start sales closer to the festival and after online sales end just to avoid price comparisons. After online sales, generally online price gets increased for few days. Those days offline sales agent show price online as high! and sell things at mrp! So, keep track of offliine and online.
Imp thing: If you have got a online pre-booking/ launch offer. Then that can never be competed with offline. That deal will always be better.
Guys real offline sales won't start before 18 I am hearing,rather pointless to show desperation to these sharks unless you can't wait a few weeks. Then too crazy deals won't start before a week of Diwali and won't end till a week almost post Diwali. Find the last year Diwali prices and target them or lower as reference.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.