Omega Super 8 Alnico

I was trying the rule of third.
Room length 40 feet and width 18 feet. There was a sudden storm and the hail on the roof made a terrible racket so i had to abort the setup to enjoy the smell of the petrichor.
resumed listening.. this time I tried a double pronged attack, playing the music I like with an arrangement that plays into the strengths of a system like mine ..
Sarah Vaughan - Crazy and Mixed Up a well recorded jazz album in which Sarah sings with a small ensemble ( Joe Pass on guitar , Rolland Hanna on piano , Andy Simkins on bass and Harold Jones drums )..
Realised that I have a large sliding door on the right of the right speaker that can be opened into infinity ( room is on top with a small terrace on the side ) .. that takes care of the first reflection on the right ..experimented with asymmetric toe in of the speakers .. right speaker at an incremental angle ..left more or less firing straight .. I am listening near field on the triangle .. suddenly the speakers disappeared.. well to an extent .. Sarah’s voice - the sensuously husky voice of a jazz songstress into the 48th year of her singing - was slightly left off centre at a good height ..I could almost sense her large lips opening and closing...There is a sense of her body contributing to the song , it's vocals all the way ...The accompanying music share their discreet spaces ...Barring the shimmering cybals that sparkle with Sarah's breathe as she sings Track 6 Seasons...When the vocal takes a break the stacatto of the piano holds its own as the decay lingers..The bass is modest but present ...Overall I am happy with this sonic smorgasbord...
Congratulations on a great room Moktan!
I'm sure the sound must be glorious in there ...

I don't know if you mentioned but what speaker cables are you using with the Omegas? Bass definition can depend on the speaker cable as well. I use a Copper Litz wire speaker cable that significantly went lower and tighter than my previously highly regarded cables. I would also recommend looking up speaker stands from Skyllan down the road. They made a significant contribution in my setup.

Superb pictures of your room though. What a great place to listen to music!


Thanks . The cable is JPS ultra conductor 2.
The Skylans are recommended and the current local carpenter DIY effort initiated by it's previous owner is perhaps inspired by it.
Hi moktan,

Sound Foundations has a model that is very close to the Skyllans.
Have not used them but they might be worth a try.
But the original Skyllans do make a huge difference in the sound - improved bass being one.

Another option for speaker cable is the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA.
Some of our forum members are using it with great results.


Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.