Hi Naveen and others,
I was looking for this st 30 tv for quite some time, courtesy highly optimistic review from all.
Let me tell you the rates I got:
I started with jumbo anbience gurgaon giving me 42st at 55k demo piece with one glass. Lots of haggling and hight attitude of sales guy- I dropped the idea
Then I find the same tv at a small shop at 51l with TWO glasses. Could not visit as shop was at out of my way place
Third I find this tv after some time with chroma at price of 39k ( can u believe it. Sales guy later tells me it is tr last demo piece in chroma and nowhere in Delhi it can be found). He swore the scratchlesss piece and can send it to my home fron godown directly. I believed paid 39k ( was happy at my bargaining skills and returns home). Day 2 TV Arrives. : it has Two big scratches on screen

. Furiously calls the sales guy at chroma who appeared at phone after long wait and shamelessly offers me 5% further discount. No answer to my question on why didn't he inform me the scratches. Their manager was also casually apologetic. This is chroma. The Tata shop which a common man beleives to be transparent. Thankfully they refunded the money after two visits.
1 week later : jumbo sales guy (ambience VK) promises me 42st at 57k from a dealer outside jumbo bit wudnt telle the name and promise home delivery. At 57k. One glass. I wudnt agree on home delivery again without seeing. Bit he didn't tell me the place. Must be some commission issue.
FEW DAYS LATER. : same tv found at a prominent shop (name I'm forgetting ) at yusu sarai red light at 62 k two glasses. Wouldn't budge a rupee
Interestingly panny shop just a few furlongs distance quotes me 68 and then lowers it straight to 60k hearing the rate in the neighbourhood shop
Oh my my. I was so confused. What is he real rate
I didn't buy as I was put off by the sheet loot of these unscrupulous sales guy.
And finally as I called another panny showroom same tv at 50k two glasses.
Can u believe it. !!!!!
That means a simpleton who can't control the shopping urges wud get the same tv at 68k in one panny shop can be had at 50k in another at the same time
All this variation in prices are in a short interval of 2 weeks or more.
No wonder panny doesn't have any strategy on place if their pricing is so week.
PS : I wonder are the insane to pitch this TV at 82k Mrp when Sony 42 inch led is at 54k.
God knows how are sales strategies are made.
Last comment. May be I will buy tomorrow at 50k and I woh no one quotes me lesser than this.