Pansonic XT50 owners thread

Congrats man....however I have seen Panasonic letter..50xt should have come with 2 glasses specially when u had paid 61k.....

U can also check flipkart .they r giving away 2 glasses at 60999...also it has nothing to do with price as anyways 50" model should come with 2........

btw...i called up panasonic and had an extensive discussion with them on whether the 3D glasses come inside the box or are given seperately. They say that for 50XT50, it does not come inside the box and it is each dealers decision to offer the best combination of price and glasses.
No worries - you can PM them to me or email me if its okay with you.

Why this?. A simple query like "3D rips" will through out hundreds of links on filestube and torrent sites. What we need is a thread for quality 3D films and documentaries and there threads already started for this.
Why this?. A simple query like "3D rips" will through out hundreds of links on filestube and torrent sites. What we need is a thread for quality 3D films and documentaries and there threads already started for this.

Cool - I thought you had certain links but were unable to share them because of rules of forum as mentioned earlier. Anyways thanks for your suggestion.
Cool - I thought you had certain links but were unable to share them because of rules of forum as mentioned earlier. Anyways thanks for your suggestion.

Actually, I have ordered samsung 43E490 today, which will be delivered in two days. Today and tomorrow are holiday for Onam festival and I am now searching for some 3D stuff for testing the TV when it arrives. My search listed a lot of links, but do not know their quality. Any way I am downloading a couple of them, and further downloads will depends on their quality and clarity.
Re: HT delivery.

Its XH-170 model - you can see the specifications and features on the website. Have got it installed alongwith TV and can control its volume through TV remote now. In addition to hearing regular TV channels, I have also played few DVDs & music albums through HT and am overall quite satisfied with its performance. However I have not compared it with Onkyos, Denons etc as I was not planning to buy one but its a gr8 free gift for me as it surely improves overall experience since the TV speakers are not too good for Plasmas/LEDs these days and I would recommend everyone to consider HTs.

What layout you followed? surround or front? Were connecting wires provided are of sufficient length. My room size is 13x22.
whether this HT is BD player compatible?
No worries - you can PM them to me or email me if its okay with you.

downloading movies via torrents is immoral. Not sure about the legality of it as I am no expert in Indian laws. But I guess getting any copyrighted material for free should be illegal:yahoo: We can justify it to an extent because not all 3d blu rays are released in India or even if released may not be available at the nearest retailer near you. Hence compared to our western world brethren we can occasionally download rare unavailable movies.

Easiest way to do them is go to and type the movie name. Ignore the first 4-5 rows as they are from premium sites and cost money. Second half of the screen on the bottom side you will see lots of links. Typically they are arranged based on the number of seeders (people who have the file and are sharing it) and Leechers (people like you and me who are downloading it). Stick to the top 4-5 rows as these are the most recent ones having lots of activity. If you choose any row which has 0 or 1-2 seeders - speed will be very less and the download will stop if the seeders shut down their computer.

In the end in return for all the free downloads - please donate @ 100 bucks a download to some religious/charitable institution of your liking so that the paap doesnt stick to you (it may screw around with your UT50!!!!!!!!!)
If you want to get the best movies for 3D, the following is the list I came up with after researching on the net. Most of them are not available in India as 3d blu rays - so in way downloading them will make us less paapi:mad:

1) Despicable me - my favorite animation
2) Imax movies like the space one or tahiti or deep sea
3) Hugo - my favorite live action
4) Avatar
5) Cloudy with chance of meat balls
6) Tangled
7) Tintin -

I have all of the above and plenty more and my 35GB free limit from my BSNL connection got over in first week itself!!!

in the torrentz site - look at the specs and decide whats the best for you. For animation I guess the 1 gig rips should be good enough (they dont have DTS audio I think). Hugo - I downloaded a 10gb rip and this one had DTS audio and I was pretty impressed - nice way to test ur HT
I forgot to mention - I am not fan of action movies but I believe resident evil movie is good as they keep throwing axes and stuff at you.

lastly dont forget the two LG demo videos - they are made to show 3d capability and are better than most movies IMHO.
What features u turned off..I see some floating pixel specially around face of characters....or in background of subtitles....

Mine was something similar..floating around the edges of a human - it has something to do the video quality. I think after i turned it off - it has come down - cant confirm since my tata sky yearly renewal got over 3 days back and I didnt renew hoping they will call me and offer me some no DTH for past 3 days and I notice these things only on few channels and that too few programs. My kids play 3d BR rips all the time - no problem there

I dont remember what I turned off - but any feature the TV has - and thats very limited - I turned it off including image retention and burn in, smooth flow...etc
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Re: HT delivery.

What layout you followed? surround or front? Were connecting wires provided are of sufficient length. My room size is 13x22.
whether this HT is BD player compatible?

Surround format - one speaker each on L,C, R of TV on same wall & 2 surround on walls with sub-woofer placed on front on the left side following the same setup as suggested in the manual. The length of wires is good enough for a large room.

I dont think its BD compatible - Did you check the specs on website?
If you want to get the best movies for 3D, the following is the list I came up with after researching on the net. Most of them are not available in India as 3d blu rays - so in way downloading them will make us less paapi:mad:

1) Despicable me - my favorite animation
2) Imax movies like the space one or tahiti or deep sea
3) Hugo - my favorite live action
4) Avatar
5) Cloudy with chance of meat balls
6) Tangled
7) Tintin -

I have all of the above and plenty more and my 35GB free limit from my BSNL connection got over in first week itself!!!

in the torrentz site - look at the specs and decide whats the best for you. For animation I guess the 1 gig rips should be good enough (they dont have DTS audio I think). Hugo - I downloaded a 10gb rip and this one had DTS audio and I was pretty impressed - nice way to test ur HT

Thanks for sharing comprehensive information - this is exactly what I was looking for, websites, movies to go for etc etc... thanks mate :clapping:
cant confirm since my tata sky yearly renewal got over 3 days back and I didnt renew hoping they will call me and offer me some no DTH for past 3 days

You might have to wait for months before they start offering discounts, thats what happened with my Airtel DTH last year...
Thanks for sharing comprehensive information - this is exactly what I was looking for, websites, movies to go for etc etc... thanks mate :clapping:

Start with Despicable me and let me know when he fires missiles..whether you feel its coming on your face and you duck to avoid it and all that

I didnt experience any of this - but from the video I can make out this particularly scene is made for the pop out effect. Since you got Panasonic glasses may be it will be better. If so I will buy a glass myself from Panasonic

Also I think to experience full 3D one needs to sit as close to TV as possible as the TV screen needs to occupy as much of your vision as possible..only then I guess the pop outs will have its full effect
Precisely not sure why tv is in love with human bodies and shows unwanted extra details......

Yeah and I will share a different example on this (normally I quote two and half men where I feel this)

Last week I was watching this TV on DD on ragas in movies - I opened a thread on this - here they were playing a clip from the movie Anupama I think - Leela Naidu and Balraj sahani? anyways the quality of the video was very poor, it was black and white and when they were moving fast I could notice these water color thingies on the edges of their bodies.

Now after 5 mins they were playing a song from another black and white movie but this time the video quality was pristine and even when Nutan was moving around I didnt notice any of the water colors on her body edges

So this proves even within the same program depending on the video source it varies. - I think you can just turn off any video setting that artificially tries to make the video good -that might do the trick

Does it dish hd is sitting idle for over a year since I moved to tatasky hd..never got any offer

Different policies for different companies I guess - we have 2 Airtel DTH connections in our 1st house (got it complimentary with our LCDs) and once the connection got over then we didnt recharge again (2011), till today we get SMS to recharge them and get 50% -100% extra. (6 months free on 6 months recharge etC)
Different policies for different companies I guess - we have 2 Airtel DTH connections in our 1st house (got it complimentary with our LCDs) and once the connection got over then we didnt recharge again (2011), till today we get SMS to recharge them and get 50% -100% extra. (6 months free on 6 months recharge etC)

I am also getting SMS alerts for renewals ( before due date) and offers on remitting larger amounts. Does these mean airtel has a better customer care ?
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