Congrats. Do check the hours clocked on the TV to ensure that it is a fresh piece.
Thank you, i did so. Fresh piece, no hours on the clock and on-off count was also fine.
Initial impressions after ~30 mins of tweaking and playing around:
1. Viewing regular cable - poor quality signal from my cablewalla, but the TV actually displaying some channels a better than on my CRT. Overall some channels look noisier (have turned off all noise reduction, picture improvement features). Satisfied
2. Brightness - Good! Most satisfactory
3. Volume / Sound - Also good, sounds better than the Samsung 43e490 (sounded tinnier when i demoed it, just my opinion!)
4. USB Playback - Recognized a 500gb HDD with no issues, disk is full so reading is pretty slow. However movie playback is good, has controls for subtitles etc. Very happy
5. Picture quality on HD movie content from USB - Impressive black levels for an entry level model, colors are vivid, details on screen are also quite good. Will post a few pics to elaborate.
6. Negatives - I am hearing a very very slight buzzing from the set, audible when tv is muted. Not really audible when content is playing even with low volume.
7. Warranty Card - No warranty card in the box, opened it myself, what should i do next?
Overall very happy! No regrets for not getting a higher end model