Pass B1

@Bibin - can you please see if you can include tips [chisel, pencil and bent chisel] for the Soldron?
Soldering Stand with sponge/cellulose
Jackly [or better] 32 in 1 or better screwdriver set

BTW, which DMM are you suggesting?

Updated the list

1. Soldering Iron
a. Goot,Japan (40W) - 400.00 (Limited Stock)
b. Soldron (25W) - 200.00
2. Solder - 110.00 (100 Grams)
3. Soldering Flux
a. Normal - 12.00 (10 Grams)
b. Liquid (Silicon Liquid Flux) - 120.00
4. Wire Stripper - 275.00 (Multitech)
5. Wire Cutter - 100 (Taparia)
6. Digital Multimeter - 165.00 / 600.00
7. Desoldering Pump (Metal) - 190.00
8. Tweezer - 30.00
9. Small Nozzle Plier - 170.00 (Taparia)

10. Nuts and bolts with washer (22mm x 3mm) - 10.00 (12#)
11. Spacer (SS) - 80.00 (10 Nos), Plastic - 10.00 (12#)
12. RCA Female Panel mount (Gold Plated) - 60.00
13. RCA Male (Gold Plated) - 125.00
14. Power Jack Chassis Mount with 10A Fuse Holder - 50.00
15. Power cord - 100.00
16. Two core shield wire (OD 6.5mm) - 90.00/Meter
17. Switch - Power (Push Type) - 25.00
18. Switch - Source selector(Rotary) - 60.00
19. 3mm LED - 10.00 (10#)

1. Request from keith_correa
a. Soldron Soldering Iron Tip (Chisel for soldron and pencil for goot is available)
b. Soldering Stand
c. Screwdriver set (32 in1)​

UNI-T33D Digital Multimeter

What are the options for an input selector - for say 4 inputs? Is there a ready made switch available that can be bought or do we need to assemble one from components?

It is very easy to make one yourself. I made this for my B1

@ Bibin, would the quality of the DIY source selector same as that of the one available on E-Bay? I'm assuming that the signal would travel through the source selector.
@ Bibin, would the quality of the DIY source selector same as that of the one available on E-Bay? I'm assuming that the signal would travel through the source selector.

Yes, the signal travels through the relays. The quality will be same.
We can increase the quality of the source selector by using high quality relays like "Omron signal relays".

@ Bibin, would the quality of the DIY source selector same as that of the one available on E-Bay? I'm assuming that the signal would travel through the source selector.

Captain, I preferred TAKAMISAWA RY5W-K relays (blue in pic) which are
  • low voltage operated (5V).
  • Yes these are handling signals hence above said relays have vacuum sealed "Gold overlay silver-palladium" contacts.
  • Low voltage plus low power requirements (150mW), hence less magnetic field produced near internal coil where your signal is also present in the vicinity.
Stuck relay can connect output stages of two sources together. So this is important criteria and make wise decision. :)
Not sure if this build will need it but a drill machine has been on my list like the Bosch GSB-13RE Kit. Am open to other suggestions. I'm interested in a variable speed since it can then be used as a screw-driver too.

Bosch GSB 13 RE Kit - Pune - Home - Furniture - Garden Supplies - Fatima Nagar - purchase india furniture

While drilling metal, please ensure it is so securely fastened, it wont budge with high force. Imagine a metal plate you are drilling suddenly starts rotating at 2000rpm with the shaft of the drill. It would be worse than a knife cut.

Captain, I preferred TAKAMISAWA RY5W-K relays (blue in pic) which are
  • low voltage operated (5V).
  • Yes these are handling signals hence above said relays have vacuum sealed "Gold overlay silver-palladium" contacts.
  • Low voltage plus low power requirements (150mW), hence less magnetic field produced near internal coil where your signal is also present in the vicinity.
Stuck relay can connect output stages of two sources together. So this is important criteria and make wise decision. :)

Thank you for the suggestion Omishra, how about using these relays:

They are available locally and they have hermetically sealed models too...

Thank you for the suggestion Omishra, how about using these relays:

They are available locally and they have hermetically sealed models too...


+1, they are promising as you are getting 5V operated in that. Weather sealed, high conducting contacts and low power consumption with high operation cycles are only thing we are looking for. Its nice as they are Made in India.
Is there a way to make the B1 output 'balanced' from the existing 'unbalanced'
Possible! But I know it using additional OPAMP stages. Need to look if it could change /add harmonic character of sound. Balanced IC helps noise cancellation where common mode noise induced from surrounding. I feel small length interconnect with good quality shield could be unbalanced when signal level is line level.

Do you have special requirement in mind?
Do you have special requirement in mind?

I'm getting repaired the Behringer active xover that I got from Flanker.r. I had obtained it to tweak the GRR X-LS Encore and compare it's performance with similar speakers made with Peerless drivers.

It then struck me that I could use this to also biamp my Cadence speakers. However, the input and output of the Behringer are balanced. I know I could use a i/c with unbalanced RCA on one end and balanced on the other end but thought making a balanced preamp is the right way to go.
One can upgrade the B1 to balance IN and Balance OUT without using any opamps.......Just having Jfets is more than enough. The main ingredient in B1 is the JFET character itself.
One can upgrade the B1 to balance IN and Balance OUT without using any opamps.......Just having Jfets is more than enough. The main ingredient in B1 is the JFET character itself.

Thank you for the info Kanwar. I'd be obliged if you could kindly elaborate on how to do the modding.
There are 2 ways:

1. If your source has balanced output then its very easy, just you have to make 2 parallel stages of B1 [mono channels] with dual potentiometer, feed one with + signal and another one with - signal and you will get same thing in output as well. For stereo operation just increase the mono channels to 4 total.

2. If the source is unbalanced, then some complexity in circuit is needed in order to make the outputs balanced, but by using JFETs only. That would call for another art work, but its doable.

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If the source is unbalanced, then some complexity in circuit is needed in order to make the outputs balanced, but by using JFETs only. That would call for another art work, but its doable.

Sounds complicated. By artwork, you mean designing a circuit I guess. How much would this cost does it justify in commensurate increase in SQ?
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