Post your latest AV purchase(s)......

Congrats ironhorse
Enjoy. Nothing like the big screen experience.
But why three odacs?

needed one for me :)

spoilt my manager and team mates too... now they need that

good quality audio :)

so other 2 after soldering goes to my office folks and already new joinee's here
Review of the Edifier Studio 7 R2700
First Impression was WOW!! Its a big speaker set Approx 15 inches in height.
Dominated by Large 6.5 inches woofer and accompanied by 4 inch Mid-range And 0.75 inch Tweeter. Good Looks I must say .
Sound is impressive with a heavy dose of bass. Its not like a 2.1 system where you hear all boom boom but its clear bass.
I had a Z5500 long ago and comparing to that this is sweet.
Not loud , not ear blasting but kind of just right.
And for 11K this is the best i could get.

I'm looking for replacement speakers for my desktop and considering these speakers. Can these speakers be wall mounted?

A pic or two of your setup would be nice.

Hello Everyone,
I had purchased the recent items when I returned from UK 4 months ago.

ROTEL RSX-1550 ( 1250)
ROTEL RMB-565 ( 850)
B&W CM7 ( 1050)

All these were brand new & the RSX & RMB combination was purely made to enhance the input to my meaty CM7 speakers!!

I feel this CM pair got a high sharp range compared with my previous 602S3!!
Any comments would be appreciated
Bought logitech harmony 200 online.Received it today.(Have some doubts.)
Happy new year to all.

Happy New Year to all!!
Bought a pair of Usher S520 to pair up with my Dared i30.

Also ordered a used Squeezebox touch, before it gets extinct or antique :clapping:

Got a pair of Polk Audio RTi7 FS speakers as a gift for the house. Paired with Norge 2060. Pretty good. I feel they will sound better on a higher grade amp. Any suggestions till 50k?
Bad boy is home....!

Congrats Santy ! It looks mighty, hope your neighbors won't be complaining... ;)
From where did you buy it ?

Thanks :). I bought it from Audire Technologies.
Yes it is huuugggeee and I am a bit worried about neighbours now.

Congrats Santy,now you are tempting me to visit your setup again.:D

Anytime doc. :)

A couple of more pics:


it looks very big.:p
how about the performance with your system,when comparing to your previous sub.
how big is the hole in your pocket:mad:
Sounds like good investment! :ohyeah:

I also modded the SBT by adding the Touch Toolbox 3.0 from Soundcheck -

soundcheck's - audio@vise: Touch Toolbox 3.0

It has definitely improved the resolution of the SBT even more.

Also installed Fidelizer and TCPOptimizer on the server machine.

Really happy with the sound of my system now, however, the tinkerer/DIY'er in me will continue to find ways to improve the sound even more.
One more mod in pipeline is to slightly attenuate the output of the speaker's tweeter output level, as I am using them in a nearfield setup in my smallish apartment. Ordered some 1.5ohm and 2ohm non inductive resistors of 10 watt rating. Thinking of adding them on the tweeter speaker terminal, as jumpers, hence attenuating the signal to the tweeter.
Get the Award Winning Diamond 12.3 Floorstanding Speakers on Special Offer