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Zhaolu D3 24/192 Oversampling DAC

Bought this off the forum recently. Solidly and thoughtfully constructed, the power transformer and smoothing capacitors are each separately screened from the digital circuitry, while touches like the rhodium-plated silver RCA sockets on the rear panel are unexpected in a device at this low price point. Featuring four digital inputs (2xRCA, Toslink and TG-link) selected from the front panel, an unexplained facility for setting the default selection sequence (the manual is in Chinese) and a single pair of RCA analogue outputs, this is still very much a minimalist device. Its output is specified at 2V, the standard for Red Book CD replay.

I freely admit, the sheer physicality of this DAC was initially very impressive. Suffice to say, the honeymoon didnt last long. As the novelty wore off, its relentless drive and overtly hi-fi presentation became fatiguing, while its lack of musicality steadily came to the fore. Tonal hardness throughout the presence range and an overemphasis on the leading edge of sounds robbed acoustic instruments (violins, flutes and guitars especially) of their timbral signatures, superimposing a slightly hollow or nasal colouration. Where Id previously lauded its drive and dynamics, I began to suspect that these qualities were being underpinned by excessive output across a wide band of frequencies, from the upper-mid bass to the low treble. wherever in the music I focussed my attention, there was just too much of everything. Ultimately, it came down to this; despite excellent transparency and several qualities that were admirable in isolation, at no time did the Zhaolus sound provide a convincing illusion of a real music event.

This outcome was disappointing and surprising, in view of the widespread praise that the D3 has enjoyed in online forums and the evident care taken in its construction. I cannot identify any obvious reason why it should be so; the device has simply not worked well in the context of my system. Based on what I heard, others may find it to be the antidote to a dull system balance (though that is fairly rare in my experience), and it might also impress in lower-resolution systems, where the overt detail and dynamics could count for more than any issues with tonality. However, I must suspect that I have not heard the best the Zhaolu D3 can offer.


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Thanks for your answer.

I'm not planning to do big mods, only op-amps and maybe some caps. I was wondering if anyone did the Zapfilter along with other mods like caps and opamps or what-not. Dont even know how many mods there are for the Zhaolu, everytime I think i've read a thread with em all another thread lists more mods or something.
@hydrovac-Many good DAC try to dig maximum details in music.By doing so,sometimes high frequencies can be sharp and listening for long may not be enjoyable.You can try changing speaker position too.Recently when we were doing some testing,found that wall was reflecting sound much.Moment we kept speakers on sofa,material absorbed the sharpness and treble became sweet.
Try some tweaks.
Starting to build out a Home theatre system
In the last month I have picked up a
Panasonic AE8000
PSB Imagine T2s

Looking to pick up either a Marantz 7008 or a NAD 777/787 to replace my Onkyo 875 in the next month or so.
Hello Everyone,

I am follower of this forum for quite some time.. I read a lot and the discussion threads were really helpful.

Last month I finally started building my HT:

Receiver - YAMAHA RX V475
BS Speakers - KEF Q100
Speaker Cable - Monoprice

Now looking a good SUB and media player.
Hi Divya85,

how much it cost you :

Receiver - YAMAHA RX V475
BS Speakers - KEF Q100

and from where you purchased above items in mumbai ?
Bad boy is home....!

Hey Santy ....Congrats !! :clapping:
Welcome to SVS club .... So how different is it from PC12 ?
Perfect fit for any HT and the kind of the SQ we are used to.
The beauty of this beast is it effects that can not be described in words ( Windows / Doors rattling, Floor Vibrating, Furniture shaking ) and yet they are limited to the room and does not bother the neighbors or members in other rooms :)
I have bought denon avr x500 costing 25K in Chennai.

And in processes of assembling the home theater. Currently have bought two Tower speakers(mordaunt short tower speakers) and a subwoofer(quadrant sub woofer)
Hi all,
I am in the process of assembling an HT and to set the ball rolling i purchased a Denon AVR X2000 yesterday. I am planning to pair it with Sonus 2605 V3 which have been ordered and are expected to arrive by Feb 1, 2014. :)
Does anyone have any experience in media server. I am looking to pair a mac mini with a plex and use it as a primary media server and surveillance system at home.
Starting to build out a Home theatre system
In the last month I have picked up a
Panasonic AE8000
PSB Imagine T2s

Looking to pick up either a Marantz 7008 or a NAD 777/787 to replace my Onkyo 875 in the next month or so.


Rohan if u don't mind can u pl share the price of T2 and from where u purchased.
Hey, I now own something that John Atkinson gave a rave review to! I must be an audiophile now :cool: :ohyeah: :cool: :ohyeah:

McCormack TLC-1 passive pre-amp, from HFV for-sale forums, ex member ReignOfChaos...


You can just see the M-Audio AV-40, hardly in the same class, but I hope to do better one day soon. The ifi iCAN, dwarfed by the TLC-1, is sitting there to the right. Primary source is an ODAC, which is hidden away under the monitor shelf. I intend to connect TT and cassette deck to the TLC-1 too, at some time.

I did not think that connecting another component between DAC and hp-amp could possibly improve anything; the best I hoped for was transparency. I'm astonished: there is a new dimension of sound in my headphone.

Whoops... looks like I'm talking like an audiophile now :lol:

More about the setup, and the sound, here.
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.