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Video introduction to ISO-L8R155 speaker stands
This is simply ridiculous. I can hear one hell of a difference on my crappy laptop speakers. Clearly the audio is manipulated.
Not so fast! Check out Gearslutz. OK, they are Gear Sluts, by definition, and even pros have their own susceptibility to snake oil, albeit different to the audiophile flavours --- but they tend to be less prone to buying complete rubbiish, especially when it looks like cheap plastic. Which, on the web, this does.

IMO, making a "video" for this kind of comparison and asking the viewer to hear the difference itself is ridiculous in first place.
I agree with you so much that I almost didn't bother to even watch the Isoacoustics video.

Putting, or watching, hifi "demos" on Youtube actually shocked me the first time I encountered it. It just leaves me thinking WTF? WHY EVEN TRY TO DO THIS? In ITALIC CAPS.

About this video... either it is fake, or something is big enough to survive even the Youtube pipeline. Assuming basic integrity of the company (and they would certainly have used superb equipment to record that demo, not just some handy-cam) then all I can say is, I wouldn't buy the speakers on the basis of that, or any video, but there may be evidence there to buy the stands.

FWIW, I am a believer of speaker stands but not willing to buy this claim as shown in the video.

When I get around to it, and get a few other liabilities sorted first, I'll be your guinea pig :). I'll post a video on Youtube :lol:

EDIT: Let's take the conversation here: Isoacoustics ISO-L8R Monitor Stands

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finally settled on the monitor audio silver series speakers 5.1
coupled to sunfire subwoofer with dual 12inch drivers and
marantz 7008 avr
cables from DAC
all the above connected to
previously held panasonic plasma 50inch
and source
playon hd media player with 1 TB hard disk:ohyeah::clapping::yahoo:
video is on youtube


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all thanks to bass n treble delhi--denny jose--excellent proposition and discount


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@Poppy - This thread is still waiting for your DZ7 pics! Have you completed your setup now with the receiver or is it still pending?
@Poppy - This thread is still waiting for your DZ7 pics! Have you completed your setup now with the receiver or is it still pending?

Hi kneo
thanks for the message .zeroed down on Dali7 5.1 with Denon x2000 paid the amount but waiting for my interior work to get completed it is taking a long time:sad:
I am also eager to share hopefully by may end will able to.
Picked up A 720 AV receiver from the US.
Costed approx. 35k.
Coupled it with Wharfdale diamond 10.5 costing approx 40k (I think)
and a preowned Velodyne DPS.
Pickedd up a Sorch Audio Z2 DAC for my second setup and a Sorch Audio Handy DAC for headphones.


Had been eyeing it for some time. Initial impressions are pretty good. However, I do not have spare time for next month or so to indulge in music and play with it extensively :(. Probably will ask some other FM to listen to it and give his opinion and compare against the ODAC.
Had been eyeing it for some time. Initial impressions are pretty good. However, I do not have spare time for next month or so to indulge in music and play with it extensively :(. Probably will ask some other FM to listen to it and give his opinion and compare against the ODAC.

A pcm2706 based DAC stands no chance against more able current gen competition based on async transmission.

That chip has ridiculously high jitter.
Agreed. However, for $125 shipped, I doubt I can get any dac which supports async. Moreover, I plan to use it in my future second setup with an android tv stick or an r-pi, neither of which require huge power supply or create noisy environment which sould help. In similar price range, ODAC definitely is better in numbers but I was enticed by z2's arguably better looks :). However, both work in isochronous mode so no difference there. The components used are pretty good (nichicon, sanyo, wima, dale etc.) and it allowed channging the opamp (had a spare pair of OPA627) so bought it in the end. Another downside is it is not usb powered :(.
Had some 'lighter' moments today....:D.

Bought this from snapdeal for my friend. He had a 'strict' budget of Rs. 3k :lol:
But it turned out to be quite good (ofcourse for the given budget).

I don't know how much a 12k stand made a difference to a 2k speaker (!) but he is very happy with it. :p :ohyeah:

I really have no idea why the 2.1 speakers which has nothing to do with digital had 'Digital Audio' label embedded on all 3 units!

When I explained him about the law of diminishing returns, he was perplexed. I said "if you want a significant difference, you need to spend 4k more. From that a significant improvement would cost you 40k more and from that, it would be 200k more for a fulfilling upgrade and so on... "


But seriously, SD's pricing is very competitive. FK sells for Rs. 2.9k.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.