New Member
Congrats Santy.The boy looks BIG & BAD:licklips:
I got my pair of speakers last month for Christmas. Got a cell phone for the new year. A canvas 2.2 white color.
I also modded the SBT by adding the Touch Toolbox 3.0 from Soundcheck -
soundcheck's - audio@vise: Touch Toolbox 3.0
It has definitely improved the resolution of the SBT even more.
Also installed Fidelizer and TCPOptimizer on the server machine.
Really happy with the sound of my system now, however, the tinkerer/DIY'er in me will continue to find ways to improve the sound even more.
One more mod in pipeline is to slightly attenuate the output of the speaker's tweeter output level, as I am using them in a nearfield setup in my smallish apartment. Ordered some 1.5ohm and 2ohm non inductive resistors of 10 watt rating. Thinking of adding them on the tweeter speaker terminal, as jumpers, hence attenuating the signal to the tweeter.
An used, old, rickety, wrinkly Phillips 242 know what they say about 'Wise old men', just 48 hours in my room and it has already proven to me that I need its wisdom and elegance in my musical journey more than anything else almost. Just wondering what I will get when I put in a MM cartridge and if I get a phono preamp.
I am in good company in its wisdom.
[/URL]I have been on this fourms for quite a while now and I see, people sharing their reviews and purchases independently. Lets start a thread to consolidate this. Lets share our purchases pertaining to any audio/video gadgets we purchase, how so ever small or big it is.
I think this would be a great information source for all of us.
1. Also share a line or two for what made us decide that product
2. Other contenders
3. Price...ofcourse
4. Purchase date
5. Purchase place and vender details
6. Any suggestion/problem with your product purchased.
7. If possible do not forget to post a picture of your product
My latest purchase...
I already had WD TV and so I was looking for a bit more comprehensive player which has inbuilt storage, YAMJ, and online streaming. Contenders were ofcourse xtremer and WD Live. Both were quite close contenders, I opted for POHD over WD Live because of inbuilt storage. xtremer internal storage is limited to 500-700Gb HDD also I was following the development team on each of the respective fourms closely and I found out that, POHD staff is very responsive and very fast in bringing up the updates, almost all your queries are answered and what ever is promised in firmwares is delivered....unlike Xtremer I presume....
Finally was the YAMJ which was only available in TViX (way too expensive)
I am waiting for Commercial release of YAMJ, till then I am just following the development team/members to learn as much as I can on the product.
Purchade Date: 25th FEB 2010
Purchade place: New Delhi
Vender: aqtronics Delhi
Head office ::
#1616, 8th Main Road
3rd Block Jayanagar,
Bangalore 560011 Tel: +91 80-41210347
Price : 12500 (including all taxes)
No problems AFAIK yet.......
While searching for a new pair of floor standers to change my jamo met this guy, so impressive. So i have started my home theatre set up from .1 .
While searching for a new pair of floor standers to change my jamo met this guy, so impressive. So i have started my home theatre set up from .1 .
pb12 plus buddy.Nice! Is that a PB12-Plus or PB13-Ultra?
Its a beast. Congratulations and welcome to the SVS club!