Gratzies Sam.666 & Sriee for your acquisitions

hope you have a great time and looking forward for some pics
hey rud3dawg,
Haven't acquired the headphones i mentioned in that post yet. I was just trying to help a fellow FM with a wine, which is available in a different (and more cost-effective) bottle.
But since you congratulated me, let me earn it by telling you that I recently acquired a pair of Sony (don't judge me on my impulse buys)
MDR Ex-100 LP earphones. Had to be bought when my iPod touch earphones gave way on a Sunday stroll and I rushed to the nearest store to buy a simple replacement to continue enjoying music at work and found these.
Sound is clear with ample bass and separation (since I haven't heard too many reference-grade headphones, I can't really comment on the sound signature), but definitely a more powerful sound and step-up from the i-Buds. These Sony buds, for those who like to fall asleep with music, are insanely tiny and comfy for the sound they offer and don't irritate the ears even if you lie down wearing them and they came with four different-sized earbuds and a clip/cable winder for a nominal Rs900! -- Added Bonus!

hyeah: Of course, YMMV.
For home listening, I was also gifted a pair of Ministry of Sound
MOS 004 headphones in November 2012. Now these are non-folding, sturdy, white-coloured on-ear headphones which can't obviously be worn in office without inviting all manner of queries and the resultant disturbance in my music-listening (and the occasional bit of work

Also, being associated with MoS brand, the sound does tend to show the V-shaped frequency response, wherein the highs and lows enjoy (slightly) better space than the mids - this may be further enhanced due to the closed-back design of the 'phones. Mind you, though, these are nowhere close to the "bass-first, second, and third; highs and mids at fourth place" approach of the (in)famous Beats by Dre headphones, and offer a good display of mids, but don't explore the lowest lows in their entirety. The MoS headphones also look great in their tasteful matte white-grey combo.
They have a thick good cable connected to the left ear-cup, which can stretch a bit to ensure the headphones don't get knocked off my noggin if the cable is caught somewhere. This feature has been tested on alternate weekends and works well

! I know these were not purchased by me but just as well deserved a spot under the sun.

They are available for GBP 13.99 on amazon UK, IIRC.