Pune HFV Meet 2011

OK I've spoken to Amit of AVXellence & also Aquarius - both will bring some demo gear. Lets start working on the date now - Mubeen, any change in your dates ? Otherwise, its going to have to be after 30th Oct, which seems so far away !

Could you request Amit to get some speakers in the affordable range like Paradigm Monitor 7/9 floor standers?
Hi Mubeen, Ruenigma,
Can you make it on 9th Oct? It's a difference of a day or two from your preferred dates.
@Sonosphere: Sorry sire, will be out of town in that period. That's why specifically opted out of it. :(
Was gonna get in the Wharfedale 9.6 .However i have blown a tweeter. it has started jarring :( Will have to get it replaced . if i find time to get it replaced in time will bring it in .
Hi Mubeen, Ruenigma,
Can you make it on 9th Oct? It's a difference of a day or two from your preferred dates.

Hi Sonos,

Cant make it on 9th mate, i am afraid. Will be on holidays, out of town. Back on 23rd October, and any date after that is suitable to me.

Hi Sonos,

Cant make it on 9th mate, i am afraid. Will be on holidays, out of town. Back on 23rd October, and any date after that is suitable to me.


Ok Ruenignma, Mubeen, lets see how things work out. Can't see a clear picture presently.
Dumb question alert >>
this is to all guys who have mentioned "any weekend" in the xls file regarding Suggested Meet date...

When you say "any weekend" does it mean "any Sat/Sun" or "only Sun"?

Please clarify (preferably in the xls file itself).

Diwali is too close, so I guess October isn't possible. How about fixing a date in November so that people don't plan other activities? Need to "book" a date as soon as possible.

I can't wait to hear all that great equipment and meeting you all, not to mention the joy of telling my wife once again "there are more of us who you think are equipment-crazy" :lol:.
Hi all,

Nice to see the interest and excitement for the upcoming meet catching up :)

I am on holidays and will be back to Pune on 23rd. Apologies for the inconvenience and delay it might have caused.

I will be again off for a week in Nov from 12/11 to 19/11. I can join anytime before or after these dates.

OK, I propose the following firm date:

6th NOVEMBER, 2011, SUNDAY, at Viki's Place.

All those who have registered already, please confirm your availability.

We will not be changing this date now, otherwise it's never going to happen.

Great. I have explicitely written "fine with 6th November" folks, do write your status as well

Look forward to meeting you all.
Great, lets start earlier this time, say 9am?

Lokk fwd to meeting you Denom!

Hey Sono - it seems to me like a lot of guys will not find this thread - how do we make sure everyone on HFV in Pune knows about it?

Yes. AV lounge isn't such a popular category.

Search page doesn't let us search by location. Can we ask moderators to provide a list of all users whose location is Pune?
I am available on 6Th. Early start is ok by me. Currently I am not offering any new gear , but hope to get a HK3490 amp by the.

Let us also finalize the common tracks we will be playing. From my side I suggest repeating 1812 Overture - Cresendo. Instead of the song from Roja I would suggest a sufi song that I heard - has a lot of mixes instruments & wide vocal range. Will track down the same & update.

Is it possible to copy all the tracks, which we will be shortlisting, into one CD so that handling gets reduced?
Good ideas. However there are a few problems with copying all test tracks on one CD -
  • It's a possible piracy risk.
  • Copying a track with even minor scratches results in a worse reproduction. This is because noise present on the CD and in the instrument during recording is copied and is played every time exactly the it was at the recording plus any additional noise present in the instrument and the recorded CD while playback.
Let us also finalize the common tracks we will be playing. From my side I suggest repeating 1812 Overture - Cresendo. Instead of the song from Roja I would suggest a sufi song that I heard - has a lot of mixes instruments & wide vocal range. Will track down the same & update.

Is it possible to copy all the tracks, which we will be shortlisting, into one CD so that handling gets reduced?
OK, I propose the following firm date:

6th NOVEMBER, 2011, SUNDAY, at Viki's Place.

All those who have registered already, please confirm your availability.

We will not be changing this date now, otherwise it's never going to happen.


Hi Viki,
Sorry for late reply, just checked this thread today.

6th Nov is ok with me. Will update the xls file accordingly soon.

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