Kanwar, I am moving (have moved) all your posts and related posts to a different thread. These posts were seriously derailing this thread.
My Mistake....!!!
Sorry to all guys, if i had unintentionally hurt anyone here.
Kanwar, I am moving (have moved) all your posts and related posts to a different thread. These posts were seriously derailing this thread.
Hi Anil,
Sorry for the delayed reply.
The circuit is based on a 2-stage differential push-pull, 2stage darlington, parallel push-pull, direct-coupled OCL(ouput capacitor less) class A operation. The amplifier has no electrolytic capacitors in the signal path. The only capacitors used in the signal path is for i/p DC filtering and they are film capacitors in parallel with 0.1uf polystyrene capacitors.
Warm Regards.
Hi Akshay,
Congrats on Puriss endeavour
Wanted to ask some questions regarding your design.
1: Why did you choose 2stage darlington instead of 3stage darlington [Triple Emitter Follower], IMHO it gives more current gain and loads the VAS much less, thus enables more resolution and nice drive capability in driving low impedance loads.
2. Since class A loads the powersupply constantly with high idle current, it might would have been beneficial to use a balanced bridge output which doubles the slewrate and gives more room for output device SOA for the same power output by lowering the rail voltage , thereby keeping the devices well under the second breakdown region. Also the second order harmonic cancellation in bridge output is much higher plus an added bonus of using single polarity supply, if the design permits.
Thanks very much for the reply Akshay
Btw: A bridge output design never has any capacitors at its output because the both nodes of bridge float at same VCC/2 potential and thus DC offset is negligible.
Ok, so in effect , instead of a +-80V rail you would use a 160V supply, is that right. Comes to the same thing, dont you agree..
Hello Akshay,
Any new updates ???
Is audition possible in mumbai this mth end?
Of amp?