Samsung 64F8500 Plasma Discussion Thread

Lost - Season 1.

Most of the pictures are in full zoom.


Overexposed image.

Shaiju, some pics of SD content too please. Eagerly waiting to see how SD looks on your tv?


I know your are waiting for SD. My apologies. Will do that tonight or tomorrow morning. Just trying to get around with various camera settings so that screen captures are not blurred or dramatically opposite to real life viewing.

For SD I plan to post pictures taken with all camera settings and point out the one that matches the display. That'll be more useful I guess.

Not sure if you have answer this earlier, did you notice any motion blur or judder during pan shots ? Can you test this in HD/SD?

Not sure if you have answer this earlier, did you notice any motion blur or judder during pan shots ? Can you test this in HD/SD?

Hi dost.

I haven't noticed any unwanted judder. Cinema Smooth clears up whatever little is there with no SOE.

Motion blur is close to nonexistent.
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SD seems pretty good. Even my 46W950 is giving good SD images even from my SD cable box and I am rethinking whether to go for HD Dth.
SD seems pretty good. Even my 46W950 is giving good SD images even from my SD cable box and I am rethinking whether to go for HD Dth.

W950 is excellent at reducing SD softness and artefacts without adding more.

When watching BD the noise reduction features should be off. However, use them for SD. Try various settings until you get a clean image.

On F8500 I bump up the sharpness plus keep Digital NR and MPEG NR at low or medium.

SD looks pretty good.. please try to post more pics... Thank you. :)

There are 2 major problems with SD in general.
1. The pictures are soft and stretched.
2. There is no detail in picture.

I haven't seen any display that adds depth to SD because there is none to begin with in the source. What can be improved on are the sharpness and noise. Additionally, plasma is better as it does not show the pronounced blocking artefacts and motion blur (ghosting).

Having said all this, I am no expert in SD. For that matter I am still getting around with HD adjustments. Slowly I plan to get calibration equipments and make the best out of my display.
If you have a large flat panel full HD TV, then going for HD DTH is a given thing. You can survive but it will be like eating daal-chawal everyday - not that daal-chawal but one can't eat it everyday.
for 10 hd channels( max 20 from some dth comp), you have to pay more.Most of them are not true hd channels.DTH providers should give more hd channels that are true hd , then only everyone will go for it.It is just gimmick now to go for HD.HD is not attractive now.Boy we don't watch always sports channels and star movies channels all the time.If we need to watch 1080p movies also we can go for bluerays and dvds.
for 10 hd channels( max 20 from some dth comp), you have to pay more.Most of them are not true hd channels.DTH providers should give more hd channels that are true hd , then only everyone will go for it.It is just gimmick now to go for HD.HD is not attractive now.Boy we don't watch always sports channels and star movies channels all the time.If we need to watch 1080p movies also we can go for bluerays and dvds.
We watch mostly the HD channels on TataSky. I believe that they are true HD channels (1080i). I believe that Videocon, Airtel also broadcast 1080i HD channels and not upscaled ones. Even DishTV is offering a lot of 1080i channels although they continue to upscale some SD feeds and calling it HD. BigTV is more honest - they have 1080i channels and other upscaled channels which they clearly state "HD like".

Our TV usage is as follows:

- HD DTH: 40%
- SD DTH: 30%
- Blu-ray movies: 30%

On a typical working day, when no movies are played, the HD to SD ratio is 2:1 nearly. Most people who have HD TV subscribe to HD services. It simply does not make sense that you purchase a 80-100K TV and stick to SD because HD is costly. Then you are not really enjoying your TV. If you buy an expensive car, its running will be expensive too.

That said, I would definitely welcome more HD channels.
Nothing to offense you Justkix.

HD Channels - 12 in Tatasky.

106 STAR Plus HD
112 Sony HD
118 Zee TV HD
124 Colors HD
202 STAR World HD
302 STAR Gold HD
342 STAR Movies HD
414 STAR Cricket HD
558 Discovery HD
666 M Tunes HD.

Out of these , apart from sports channels nothing is attractive.Same is the case of all DTH providers.It is not that since we purchased BMW or MB and should use only White petrol and power fuel.They should give HD in what we prefer to watch.Not that because of hd, we are going to watch those channels.I'm a south indian none of these channels, i watch in daily basis.For movie stuffs i have a blueray player.It should be viable to all.IS SD channels look better in DTH HD settop box ?. Then i will think of changing.
SD channels may look better with the HD STB - I can't say for sure. I would love to have some regional channels in HD but it is highly unlikely.
SD channels may look better with the HD STB - I can't say for sure. I would love to have some regional channels in HD but it is highly unlikely.

I was thinking that cable SD would look terrible, but the quality is very good on w950. So I may not move to SD\HD Dth in the near future.
By not upgrading to HD platform, you are underutilising a great TV for which you already paid a huge amount of money. It's features are best enjoyed with HD input only, in no way SD can do justice. Rest is your call.
By not upgrading to HD platform, you are underutilising a great TV for which you already paid a huge amount of money. It's features are best enjoyed with HD input only, in no way SD can do justice. Rest is your call.
My feeling exactly. That is what I meant with the expensive car analogy - will you keep the car in parking lot, sit in it, admire it but not drive it because petrol is expensive and this car consumes more than others?
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