Samsung 64F8500 Plasma Discussion Thread

You guys have a point. But I watch mostly news which is not available in HD anywhere. For movies it's mostly blueray rips. Moreover cable SD offers all the channels and my Mom is extremely happy with the image quality, infact some of the serials\soaps look pretty stunning even in details, so...............:)
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I have not said , i sit and admire the car and i wont drive and enjoy the car,It can be driven with gud fuel if not the best power petrol.If i switch off the tv and look and admire means you can say like this.I'm not going for HD DTH just for sake of i'm also watching HD Channels.Tell me really are u going to watch colors ,star gold and NGC, Discoverytv,Zee all the time.Those are nonsense junk channels for me.I bought the supreme TV to exp the high pic quality of things which i prefered and like to watch.Not to see some stupid junks which are hd.Let the DTH providers give the channels which i like in HD telecast.Meanwhile i watch blurays and DVDS of high Quality. Even in SD DTH many channels are awesome to watch in my w900.Someone said cable sd itself is meeting his joyful exp.
^^^ You are missing the point. You are only thinking about yourself. What about rest of the family unless the TV is for you and you only? I too, don't watch much TV. I have a huge movie collection to boot. But it is not just that I am the only TV user. However, if you (and your family) are satisfied with SD, then so be it. Anyway, this is my last word on the subject and we are really hijacking the thread.
Nothing to offense you Justkix.

HD Channels - 12 in Tatasky.

106 STAR Plus HD
112 Sony HD
118 Zee TV HD
124 Colors HD
202 STAR World HD
302 STAR Gold HD
342 STAR Movies HD
414 STAR Cricket HD
558 Discovery HD
666 M Tunes HD.

Out of these , apart from sports channels nothing is attractive.Same is the case of all DTH providers.It is not that since we purchased BMW or MB and should use only White petrol and power fuel.They should give HD in what we prefer to watch.Not that because of hd, we are going to watch those channels.I'm a south indian none of these channels, i watch in daily basis.For movie stuffs i have a blueray player.It should be viable to all.IS SD channels look better in DTH HD settop box ?. Then i will think of changing.

SD channels definitely look better on an HD box due to HDMI transport and also due to the upscaling done by the HD box. Is it worth switching to an HD box only for this purpose............that is something you have to decide.
There are 2 major problems with SD in general.
1. The pictures are soft and stretched.
2. There is no detail in picture.

This cannot be right because i love the SD on my Samsung plasma and Samsung has one of the best SD processing in the industry and the scaling is right at the top.

If the pic looks stretched then change the pic aspect ratio in both television and setup box, there is an option called screen fit in the plasma which will work the best.

If setup well i think your plasma will play SD and lower quality sources better than any LCD and that's an inherent quality of plasma so i guess if SD is not good then there is something wrong with the settings.

I will post pics of playing SD from my plasma later if i find time.:)
Yes. SD channels look way better on plasmas. But on a 64 inch, I wouldn't dare to play SD and lower resolutions.
For that matter, try to stream a non hd video from youtube.
A 50 inch would reach the boundaries of decent picture, that too at 10 feet.
Imagine what would happen on a 64 inch.
Have been busy and relatives at home, so couldn't post much in past few days. Kiddo cousins have been watching a lot of TataSky; movies with black bars and logos. Torture test :-) will find out the damage when I reach home.

Btw, SD is as watchable as any 50" I owned. If I say it looks cleaner and sharper then many will doubt me but, yes, the TV does a superb job. It does not make HD out of SD channels by any means but one will not be repelled either.
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Yes. SD channels look way better on plasmas. But on a 64 inch, I wouldn't dare to play SD and lower resolutions.
For that matter, try to stream a non hd video from youtube.
A 50 inch would reach the boundaries of decent picture, that too at 10 feet.
Imagine what would happen on a 64 inch.

Tried a few YouTube videos and they looked really good. No stuttering. I really love the YouTube pair option. It works seamlessly sending videos from S3 to TV

Will post pictures tomorrow. I have a 5MBPS connection.
No trace of IR.

New software available version 1105. Samsung churning out versions like no tomorrow.

I find that very odd. Why is Samsung releasing so many updates? What exactly are they fixing?

For Panasonic, I have not got any updates after I switched on the TV. Checked manually as well a few times.
I find that very odd. Why is Samsung releasing so many updates? What exactly are they fixing?

For Panasonic, I have not got any updates after I switched on the TV. Checked manually as well a few times.

I hope they are fixing the input lag issue with one of these updates
I hope they are fixing the input lag issue with one of these updates
I very much doubt whether firmware update can significantly alter the input lag figures. The flat panel TV technology has a lot of processing to be done. This data processing can be done by a good quality CPU. A more efficient firmware may improve the input time lag to a small extent but ultimately the CPU has to be capable.

Please note that I am in no way saying that this TV has more input lag than others or vice versa.
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I find that very odd. Why is Samsung releasing so many updates? What exactly are they fixing?

For Panasonic, I have not got any updates after I switched on the TV. Checked manually as well a few times.

Samsung must be fixing issues with smart features along with PQ upgrades. There was a constant reminder for few seconds that camera tucked away and can't be used even though those features were overridden. Last upgrade fixed the unnecessary message. It also enhanced the PQ a bit.

Good job so far.
My dealer keeps delaying the delivery,,, getting really fed up... the delivery has been delayed for the third time now.. from June end to July first week,, from July first week to July 10th and from July 10th to this weekend now.. :( I feel like kicking the crap out of him..
I very much doubt whether firmware update can significantly alter the input lag figures. The flat panel TV technology has a lot of processing to be done. This data processing can be done by a good quality CPU. A more efficient firmware may improve the input time lag to a small extent but ultimately the CPU has to be capable.

Please note that I am in no way saying that this TV has more input lag than others or vice versa.

Yes.Input lag is a chipset synchronization I mean clock issue. This cannot be fixed by firmware upgrades. As said , only smart features can get bug fixes. I even doubt the PQ can be upgraded using firmware upgrades.
Yes.Input lag is a chipset synchronization I mean clock issue. This cannot be fixed by firmware upgrades. As said , only smart features can get bug fixes. I even doubt the PQ can be upgraded using firmware upgrades.

Well, hope the yearly evolution kit upgrades will help. Anyway, I am least bothered about gaming.

Yes, the PQ can be improved by firmware. Samsung fixed the brightness pops in 2D. A 3D fix is on the way. Maybe Samsung's evolution kit is the magic here. I am just throwing dart in the dark but, yes, PQ can be altered via updates.

Btw, looked hard for IR and nothing. So almost non-existent IR and DFC are a welcome change. The PQ is sharp almost as LCD without that digital feel. Happy so far.

To test DFC:
Casino Royale poker sequences when the camera pans across the table.

Packed to the Rafters has many facial close-ups. Very visible when the faces move across the screen. I'll test when it is aired again.
Well. That is very good then. Btw any smearing is observed in still shots when the heads are moved in the frame?
Well. That is very good then. Btw any smearing is observed in still shots when the heads are moved in the frame?

No smearing of colors or DFC. No DSE. Saw cricket and tennis on HD. I tested for DSE when the camera traces the cricket ball across the field or sky. I keep looking for it but nothing that makes me doubt Samsung's panel driving method. Yes, there is slight band that is momentarily felt when camera pans across a solid color like the transition from starry sky to tea garden in Life Of Pi. It's for a split second and you have to replay the scene multiple times to notice. I then read in other forums that this is the case with most owners. So nothing to worry and it is hardly there.

Are there specific test sequences you want me to try and report?

Am impressed by this 64" model and it is hard to please me when it comes to flat panels.
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