i feel 3D will not be a premium feature from 2011
I feel 3D will not even be a feature in 2012!
TV manufacturers are coming up with half baked new stuff every year to sell their TVs.. Instead of baking the previous years half baked stuff properly the next year, they continue to churn out more half baked stuff every year!!
People should have sued samsung for advertising the LED TVs with that name with a huge price tag, instead, every other manufacturer is using the wrong terminology to confuse people..
It is well known that non-local dimming LED TVs add little to no improvement to the normal LCD, even then, instead of bringing in local dimming LED at an affordable cost, the companies are selling non-local dimming LED LCDs as if there is no tomorrow..
Now the emperors new cloths come in the form of 3D. With all the dearth of 3D content and insanely amateur implementation of 2D -> 3D in all the current TVs, the manufacturers have the guts to even call them 3D capable..
It takes only 5 minutes of demoing these things to come to the conclusion that you dont need 3D nor are the TVs capable 3D machines.. HD TV demo itself is a fraud.. Absolutely slow moving picturs with no black content at all generated out of blu ray players which are multiple times costlier than the TV itself is the norm.. On top of that if they are not able to display considerably good 3D content, "Something is terribly Wrong"! Add to that the alien looking 3D glasses.