Samsung UA40D5000 LED TV

Hello all,

I 've just purchased SAmsung 40d5000 I live in Turkey. I m very satisfied with the color and etc also no clouding or some light problems at high levels. (I am a novice user)

But I have problems during hi-speed camera pan (changes) like sports or action movies.. the image is not sharp enough. when the camera moves fast.

I read that the tv's have AA panel I Checked mine and it is H303 panel.
Do any of you know about this type of panels and what 'd you think when compairing other panels?

thank you.
Hello all,

I read that the tv's have AA panel I Checked mine and it is H303 panel.
Do any of you know about this type of panels and what 'd you think when compairing other panels?

thank you.

Did you see that H303 in sticker or somewhere else.
No idea what that panel is its not a AMVA(AA),SMVA(CN) and SPVA(SQ).
So either it could be some new company or it could also be a sharp panel.

Go to the service menu and check it out during standby press Info/menu/mute/power or Mute/1/8/2/power.Check the panel type.
yeah it is written on the sticker behind the tv. located under serial #.. hmm thank you for your reply adder. I also could not find information about the panel. only heard some other D series with panel H301. I'll check that from the service menu when I'm home.
Adder, I could not open the service menu. tried pressing the buttons in order you said. and tried pushing all together.. did not work. last is power so tv turn on normally when I pressed it.
yeah it is written on the sticker behind the tv. located under serial #.. hmm thank you for your reply adder. I also could not find information about the panel. only heard some other D series with panel H301. I'll check that from the service menu when I'm home.

@figment, please check out this link..

As per the info in the first post there..
"Version "H" panels: H305, H306, H308, unclear what these are, but so far they seem to be made by Samsung (data pending)."

i guess with a panel made by Samsung, u need not worry..
Adder, I could not open the service menu. tried pressing the buttons in order you said. and tried pushing all together.. did not work. last is power so tv turn on normally when I pressed it.

samsung must have changed the codes.
Hi please go to the store again and ask the guy for the tvs remote and go to system settings and then to Eco settings and then switch off light sensor. Light sensor makes the picture little dull and its ON by default so thats why i think you finding the picture not as good. EX520 is a very good value tv but EX720 is much better due to 3d and motionflow. Check Panasonics E3, E30, D30 and Dt30 models. They are still not launched but they are also very good. Hope this helps. Tc.
Wow guys, thats some conversation. So back to the Topic. I have been a Sony fan (Have a V series 32 LCD). But the new models Ex520 and Ex720 (especially 520), I'm not much impressed with PQ. I think last year model, 710, 500, 400 are much better. Am I right?
For 32 inch LED, going for Ex720 3D model I'm not very sure (even price wise). SO thats why I asked for your suggestions. The D-series is good but Sony Ex520 series, is it good enough??? Are there any LG/Panasonic models available in 32 inches, which are good....
Info/menu/mute/power combo worked. (but it reset all my display/sound settings I did not know that :) )

anyway so what can you say about SPVA panels?
Info/menu/mute/power combo worked. (but it reset all my display/sound settings I did not know that :) )

anyway so what can you say about SPVA panels?

Well its the best panel compared to other panels that you can get from a samsung tv.
Of the various lcd panel tech ,the SPVA has deepest blacks along with along with UV2A panel from sharp.
Optimal Picture quality setting for TV watching -
In Picture Mode - Standard
Just changed the below settings-
Reduced Colour from 50 to 40
Reduced Brightness from 45 to 35
Changed Tint from G50/R50 to G49/R51
Getting excellent picture on Tata Sky + HD with this...

For HD/Full HD movies through my Playon HD DVR I use Picture Mode - Natural without any changes for an excellent movie experience
Tron Legacy in 720p displayed near perfect Blacks with crisp sharpness of all LED lit scenes; was breathtaking to watch...
Star Wars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith 2005 in 1080p HDTV x264 (8GB rip) displayed perfect fight scenes in opening sequence with no visible judder at all...

For better sound -
In Sound Mode - Standard
Change Sound Effect -
SRS TruSurroundHD to On
SRS TruDialog to On
Sound improved tremendously by switching these On

Hope this helps all users of this set...
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they were quite out of my budget range; and in grey only fast selling models are available; but i did see them at great india place, gurgaon...
however, as I would like to upgrade tv's every 6-8 months, I would like to invest only that amount in it which is feasable...
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