Second innings with vinyl

Congrats Prem!

What does Jacob recommend? Vinyl with your Rethm setup should sound heavenly...guess I should plan a trip to Mumbai soon :ohyeah:

The possibility of going overseas to audition and to shortlist and to finally select grows! A mid-level to high level system should be a fire and forget play, methinks.


That would be best dude. Plus you will not be limited to the few brands that are available here....

The funny thing is, the dealers here are 'dealers' in name only. They are more like forwarding agents with huge margins at best. Most don't even have a demo unit or two for TT's...

I hope we get more 'real' dealers like TLR in Banaglore. He at least has the demo stock of the stuff that he is pushing.

I am amazed at dealers like ********* don't wanna name names, but you know who I mean. recently when I wrote to clearaudio about a replacement cartridge, they CLEARLY wrote back to me saying that I would have to send them back the cartridge for a replacement as THEY DON'T HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE in India!!!

So I guess, the dealer here is either a dealer in name only, or has lost his dealership (which he really did deserve to!).
Hi Issigonis

When buying things like a car or a watch, status symbol comes in. Its a different ball game all together. Fortunately for us, in audio, status symbol has not kicked in.

I believe that most audiophiles are reasonably sensible people , therefore buying hifi as a status symbol is limited to a 'chosen few' :)
Hi Issigonis

There are a bunch of guys on other forums i keep discussing with. Also at times Jacob gives suggestions as to whom i should talk to.
Hi Malvai

I feel solid state and dynamic speakers already have a lot of drive and dynamics. What they typically lack is a little bit of liquidity and organic feel. The belt drives compensates for this. Also you are getting micro details because the newer belt drives are damped to provide that. The older models have very little damping which is why most old models are put in heavy multi layer plinths for constrained layer damping.

When it comes to tubes and single drivers they already have that liquid sound and organic feel. What they need is drive. Which is why i feel idler drives/direct drives work. Which is also precisely the reason why Esoteric works in my set up. It gives it that drive and dynamics which most cd players lack.
Hi Jls

Clive Meakins is the guy who has also reviewed the latest Salvation table.
Hi prem,
Great to hear this !.. I am partial to Jean nantais but why not one with a terminator linear arm ? the EMT too appears to be a great option

and a huge list of options here :)
Lenco List
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And I thought there is something called audiophile aristocracy?:lol:

But seriously, since the 124 is also a consideration for you, why not something with a slate plinth? I have not heard one with slate plinth but I seriously want to do a DIY on my 124. I have been trying to locate slate suppliers and have found some leads locally. The next challenge would be to get someone who can CNC it, or waterjet it.

Please check out these two interesting links below:

These folks have two variants, and they have been reviewed vary favourably:
Slatedeck - The Slayer of Myths Review By Clive Meakins

And here's another one:
Oswaldsmillaudio - Plinth

Neither are cheap but the sonic benefits seems to be tremendous.


Very interesting sites - thank you!

Have requested more info. from Jonathan at Miller.

Hi Arj

I am not sure if i will be able to set up the Salvation table.

The EMT is kind of easy to operate.

I have a modern tube amp using 1960s Tung Sols and speakers using Lowthers

Prem,would they by any chance be TungSol 6550 tubes?

According to a really experienced tube guru, the TungSol 6550 when run in triode/single ended mode is as good if not better in the midrange than than the legendary WE 300B .

The idler driven turntables have great attack and micro detail, but somehow lack the openness and fluidity of the belt driven TT's...

Manav, the TD124 has the attack ,detail of the idler with the fluidity of the belt drive.

As stated before I prefer the sonic presentation of the TD124 over the Garrard 301.

Art Dudley uses the Linn LP12,Garrard 301 and Thorens TD124.You can read his opinions at the links below.

Art Dudley Listening |

Yes Rajiv they are the grey plate 1960s original Tungsol 6550 in single ended mode.
Am on the lookout for a reasonably priced black plate Tungsol 6550
I am going in for the EMT 938. Will be here in 4 weeks.

I was even speaking to Jochen who sells Scheu tables and Einstein products in India. He feels the EMT is state of the art. According to him the dynamics and life like performance of the EMT is exemplary. It would probably not get out the last bit of details on the groove like a Brinkman Balance or a TW Raven but on the emotional quotient Jochen feels the EMT is the most involving table he has ever heard.
Congrats Perm. Have not heard EMT table but have read about it. Pretty nifty engineering went in that table, also high class electronics.

As a Graphic Designer I like the looks. :licklips:
Thanks. I have not heard the EMT either. I too like that clean lines and very industrial look. Its a look you will either like or hate. All their suspension and resonance control are patented designs.
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Hi Prem

Congrats - hope you will get the exact sound you want. What phonostgae are you going to use ? The built in one as u mentioned the first post?

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Thanks Pratim. With the EMT, i believe, one uses it as it is. One does not change anything.

I am really keen to hear what an EMT will sound like. I was reading elsewhere that Mark Doehmann who designed all the Continuum turntables and tonearms was of the opinion that an EMT 927 table with the EMT arm and the EMT cartridge outdoes every analog source he has heard including the Continuums Reference Caliburn/Cobra combination. Thats quite a statement.
Hi Malvai

The Clearaudio Ambient is more an exception than rule. IME the cheaper models of a high end brand are never great value for money. You are paying a lot for the brand name. You own the B&W 801 and the top of the line Rowland pre. Try a lower end B&W or a lower end Rowland pre and you will find its not great value for money.

I have bought and used a lot of equipment over the last 2 decades. My experience tells me if budget is limited go with a top of the line model with a mid level brand rather than a mid level model of a high end brand. Again if budget is limited i would also consider buying from manufacturers who sell direct like for example Zu Audio

Of course there are always exceptions to the rule.

Completely agree with you about this. My experience has been consistent with this philosophy !

Best of luck with the turntable this time around. I am not so experienced with turntables apart from hearing some good setups. Recently I heard one at the listening room in Bangalore. They setup is owned by Jochen Semler and it is a premium model from Scheu analogue. Paired with an Einstein phonostage. I really liked the music from the setup. Very live sounding and extremely musical.

Scheu Analog
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.