Shoot Out In Navi Mumbai !!!(Mumbai Meet 2013)

I can confirm that I will be bringing along my harmon kardon avr 3600... On other brand avrs I can't confirm... Btw I personally feel 1 section of the day should be reserved for avr + front speakers... The reason for that is, many ppl are recommended & prefer to upgrade in phases & the 1st step that they take is buy an avr + 2 fronts... This might be helpful for ppl who want to later upgrade to a full 5.1 set weather they want to start with avr + fronts or amp + fronts & then buy a avr later... Just thinking out loud I guess...
Btw I am still concerned that no one seems to have confirmed any speakers other than MPW(thanks)... Infact even Hari who probably got the most recognition during the same meet in 2011 hasn't confirmed any speakers... For about 3-4 months now Ashish from avenue sound has promised me a 5.1 set demo of Hari's speakers but haven't been able to get it done yet... I have been a big fan of Hari's speakers since the 2011 meet but I also hold the view that I won't buy something before I hear it... Heh seems like the classic case of the chicken & the egg... Hari probably wont make a 5.1 set unless its ordered & I wont buy a 5.1 set unless i hear it... But one thing is for sure, i wont be the one who will blink 1st :p ...I think some hifi dealers also need to be contacted to show off their products... I think Denom Bhai & others have a lot of contacts in this field & can do the needful...

PS I will be coming from Sion... If anyone wants a lift they can join me in my car...

Hi Rajdeep,
If you want the demo of the 5.1 speaker i can arrange that immediately at your residence too if required. Do let me know when it can be possible.
There is something called 'absolute trust' on anyone's capabilities. That comes only after you hear any one product from an entity's stables, followed with detailed dialogue/conversation with the individual. Its only after this phase does absolute faith or, should I say, confidence that comes in of ones capabilities.

If you can't take this iota of risk in getting something which has not been made till date, then you ain't a buyer of 'such' equipment, as you too would need the necessary patience to wait out the waiting period of someone doing the favour of ordering first. An entrepreneur may always not have the disposable moolah to come up with something which may ... or may not sell!

I had demoed the 5.1 home theater speakers at Cinebels during the HT meet and it was admired by many for its SQ and sound stage. Did not sell to any one because of lack of further demand for HT in the forum. If anyone needs a demo, he has just to PM me and i can arrange within a week at the comfort of their home if required.
Hi Rajdeep,
If you want the demo of the 5.1 speaker i can arrange that immediately at your residence too if required. Do let me know when it can be possible.

That's so nice of you Hari, to be ready to travel from Mumbai to Dhule for giving a demo. :lol:

Meanwhile, HT is not going to be a part of the meet, I am sorry but there's not many interested in the same.
Thanks for confirming that HT will not be part of the meet. Majority is always successful in deciding course of action for minority.
Thanks for confirming that HT will not be part of the meet. Majority is always successful in deciding course of action for minority.

So are you IN or OUT? :)

Guys link to spreadsheet once again. No speakers seen in the list, what we will do by sitting together if there aren't any?

We can play tambola or dumb charades otherwise :ohyeah:
I had demoed the 5.1 home theater speakers at Cinebels during the HT meet and it was admired by many for its SQ and sound stage. Did not sell to any one because of lack of further demand for HT in the forum. If anyone needs a demo, he has just to PM me and i can arrange within a week at the comfort of their home if required.

Which speakers are these. Sorry for being ignorant..
I had demoed the 5.1 home theater speakers at Cinebels during the HT meet and it was admired by many for its SQ and sound stage. Did not sell to any one because of lack of further demand for HT in the forum. If anyone needs a demo, he has just to PM me and i can arrange within a week at the comfort of their home if required.

Which speakers are these. Sorry for being ignorant..

Hari, Rajadeep & prasanth.kumar81 - request you all to pls continue this dialogue via PM, as the purpose of this thread is being diluted. As it is, the response so far for the meet has been far from ideal.

Thanks for confirming that HT will not be part of the meet. Majority is always successful in deciding course of action for minority.

When the HT 'experts' of our forum have themselves advised us not to have a HT session, then who are we avergae joe's to question their experience??? :rolleyes: We need to have balance between the demand & the experts will to successfully execute the HT meet, which in this case is NOT happening. We will keep a dedicated HT meet in the near future, for HT enthusiasts like you, in a controlled environment(dealers premises or HT experts house) :)

No speakers seen in the list, what we will do by sitting together if there aren't any?

We can play tambola or dumb charades otherwise :ohyeah:

Santy, we shall take a call by the 30th of this month w r t going ahead in hosting this meet or not as currently the participants enthusiasm has been rather poor. No point in wasting our time, money & energy for something which appears to be a non starter :sad::o:mad:
Kindly update the list of FM's who have paid the participation fee, as we need to make payments to the venue latest by 30th of this month.

Pls count me and 1 Dave

Thanks! looking forward to catching up with you & Kaushal + listening to the gears you will bring :)
Count me in ! I can bring my DAC -Maverick D2 with GE Tube upgrade I recently got !!

Just4kix - do you have space in your car? Count me in the pool if so..Thanks
Last fee received was on 23rd :sad:
Some have asked for more time though.

Sno Handle Payment
4 shaiju_o_thomas
5 TheCoolestOne Yes
6 spirovious
7 docd Yes
8 mpw Yes
9 gsurya Yes
10 anuragn
11 prasanth.kumar81
12 kapvin
13 Mr.zed Yes
14 just4kix Yes
15 sagarvikram
16 ash147
17 vikoma
18 Vishal
19 mrsingh
20 satyakibanerjee
21 stejas Could not send PM, pls give email id
22 Surrealistix
23 vktarun
24 rajadeep +2
25 sonosphere
26 madurai1974
27 bimalved +1 PM just sent
28 Jams4znik03 PM just sent

Originally posted by denom

Santy, we shall take a call by the 30th of this month w r t going ahead in hosting this meet or not as currently the participants enthusiasm has been rather poor. No point in wasting our time, money & energy for something which appears to be a non starter :sad::o:mad:
Kindly update the list of FM's who have paid the participation fee, as we need to make payments to the venue latest by 30th of this month.

Would be very disappointed if the meet is called off. Come on FMs show some more enthusiasm. Denom Santy and Hemant have been working overtime to make this meet happen. Dont let their efforts go wasted. Guess my wife would be quite happy if it is cancelled!:yahoo:
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Organizers of the Meet, Kudos to all your efforts! It is very inspiring to see the enthusiasm!!

I wish I am not so new here and have time to actively participate and help. The least I can do is to share my thoughts.

Currently I am sitting on the fence, whether to attend the meet or not. Honestly I have never been to such a meet ever. I am not too sure what to expect, Though the starting thread highlights what could possibly happen.

Equipment list that one can hear, is yet to populate to the needed threshold to pusch the fence sitters like me. But I truly understand why is this so. For people to carry their precious &/or heavy equipment to the venue, put them together just to make others enjoy the hobby (since the owners anyway enjoy the beautiful sound of their equipment at the comfort of their home), needs a great amount of enthusiasm, I guess. Also, I guess the worry of possible transit or handling damages to the precious equipment could be another dampener.

Having said this, I am very excited to see the way it started and how the Spreadsheet got populate to where it is now (but not enough yet, to have the ball rolling, IMO)

Calling off the meet, does not necessarily mean it is a negative thing. I am sure all the enthusiast figure out ways to interact, albeit at a smaller gatherings, may be.

The other way to look at it is, to tie in up with dealers with their demo gear. One can argue that we can always do that in the dealer shop. But may be the organizers or the experts, can put together a system together on paper and request various dealers to join hands to have such combinations work out. I am sure it will be a win-win as the dealers get to dig into the future pockets of the entusiasts and we get to hear what could be something not possible at one dealer shop (Assuming the various dealers tie in together or even if multiple dealers come in together then it saves trouble of hopping on & off to various shops across Mumbai)

I am suggesting this as a stop-gap till our meet reaches a stage where FMs are comfortable to bring in their stuff. May be this is already a fall back plan. May be I am just ranting too much.. hey.. I guess it is better to say it out than keep it in ;)

@ Sat

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Yes we know there are many FMs like you sitting on the fence and our persuasions are intended directly to them only :lol:

Believe me, FMs generally are open to bring their gear. Many have original packing so they can be handled without a scratch. I have carried my FS to Pune at 120 kmph :D without any damage to it.

I am sure they will be interested to bring their stuff, so that they can mate their gear with better components to find out how they can go about upgrading. They can also take feedback from other enthusiasts to know what is lacking in their gear if at all they are wondering.

Regarding distributors, Denom is sweating himself in arranging it and he will announce only if there is a pukka confirmation. If any member has any good link with a distributor, they are requested to PM him asap.

Last year we had a blasting time. But somehow the spirit is dampened this time around. Do not understand exact reasons. I agree that the spreadsheet is must to be filled up by all participants so that it motivates others to come over and listen to them. Even if there's not enough stuff, I wouldn't mind participating to meet strangers sharing similar interest, share thoughts and make new friends. :p

Neverthelesss, I am sure in another week's time, we can manage to add another 15 people which will make it viable to conduct the event. Also people must pay up!:D
@ Sat

Believe me, FMs generally are open to bring their gear. Many have original packing so they can be handled without a scratch. I have carried my FS to Pune at 120 kmph :D without any damage to it.

I am sure they will be interested to bring their stuff, so that they can mate their gear with better components to find out how they can go about upgrading. They can also take feedback from other enthusiasts to know what is lacking in their gear if at all they are wondering.

Regarding distributors, Denom is sweating himself in arranging it and he will announce only if there is a pukka confirmation. If any member has any good link with a distributor, they are requested to PM him asap.

Thanks Santy.

I see your point of people wanting to pair their equipment with a different combination to have an idea of upgrade path.

I sincerely hope that Denom's efforts pay through and we get some good equipment from dealers as well.

I only have dealt with three dealers till now. Oceanic Sound (Mahndraji) from Pune, The Shop in Juhu both are very helpful and accomodatiing. The third one is Ashish from Avenue Sound to whom I paid half the money and the deal is yet to finish as the product was ordered from USA but not yet reached their office. Till now, Ashish has been proactively updating the status of the progress and I am sure he is nice to deal with as well but I can give full feedback only once the deal is concluded with the product received and money paid in full !!
Denom introduced me to Ashish and the other two, if needed, I can make the introductions.
@ Satmumbai. and All.-Dealer driven meet is GRAND IDEA like a Hi Fi show !
Now issue is that it requires a lot of efforts and to put efforts TIME.
Unfortunately all 3 of us got stuck in work and life , that is why the meet did not happen in December. (Btw I am working LEAST in all 3 , Santy handled a lot of operational issues and negotiations , denom tried hard ( and trying hard) with dealers..
To convince we need time, personnel visits, personnel attention again no time for that!
Again any commercial company (like say LG , SAMSUNG , Videocon ) will seek a far bigger audience .. 50-100 is NEGLIIBLE crowd for them. They will not spend Rs 10 20 K for 50 people but may spend 10 lacks for 10000 ppl! That is reality and they are right in their place. Dealers thoughts are too in the same line. Someone needs to work fulltime to be in touch with dealers, calling and confirming them.
Someone suggested small meetings at dealers place again there are happening! Again we found turnout is very low.

So strategizing is easiest part executing is most difficult .
Last time too there were lesser turnout than expectationSo this time we were keeping expectations low but it appears that it is even lesser!
Again any commercial company (like say LG , SAMSUNG , Videocon ) will seek a far bigger audience .. 50-100 is NEGLIIBLE crowd for them. They will not spend Rs 10 20 K for 50 people but may spend 10 lacks for 10000 ppl!

That's so true. But for distributors who sell true HiFi stuff should look for quality rather than quantity. I remember a quote from 300; taken from IMDB

Daxos: I see I was wrong to expect Sparta's commitment to at least match our own.
King Leonidas: Doesn't it?
[points to Arcadian soldier behind Daxos]
King Leonidas: You there, what is your profession?
Free Greek-Potter: I am a potter... sir.
King Leonidas: [points to another soldier] And you, Arcadian, what is your profession?
Free Greek-Sculptor: Sculptor, sir.
King Leonidas: Sculptor.
[turns to a third soldier]
King Leonidas: You?
Free Greek-Blacksmith: Blacksmith.
King Leonidas: [turns back shouting] Spartans! What is your profession?
Spartans: WAR! WAR! WAR!
King Leonidas: [turning to Daxos] You see, old friend? I brought more soldiers than you did.

So we can point to the organizers of big meets sponsored by mass market companies like S, S, L, P where general public turn out in large crowds and say, "Look my friend, we brought more audiophiles than you did" :ohyeah:
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.