Shoot Out In Navi Mumbai !!!(Mumbai Meet 2013)

Requesting all to PLEASE update the Spreadsheet with their details & oblige. We are going to refer to this spreadsheet to keep tab on all attendees & their details rather than search multiple times each page of this thread regarding the needed info, so PLEASE do keep this in mind.


Surrealstix, stejas, vktarun, satyakibanerjee, nakul

PLEASE do the needful!!!

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Fate keeps pulling me back again & again to Mumbai meets :D ... 2 days ago it seemed almost impossible for me to attend this years meet & just day before yesterday evening I was able to fit this meet in my schedule :) ... Just as I was thinking I should update my attendance, Santy mssged me "informing" me that there is a meet on 10th Feb & I should try to attend :P ... Anyway hope to see all u guys at the meet :)...

BTW the Speakers column seems to be blank... Is there an update on which all speakers would be present at the meet... Also would some DIY speakers like Hari's & Magma's also be there... I am thinking of building the floor standing versions of the ones Magma as built(the ones sourced from Danny)... Would love to atleast hear the bookself version...

PS 3 other non members might tag along with me... Hope that its ok...
Fate keeps pulling me back again & again to Mumbai meets :D ... 2 days ago it seemed almost impossible for me to attend this years meet & just day before yesterday evening I was able to fit this meet in my schedule :) ... Just as I was thinking I should update my attendance, Santy mssged me "informing" me that there is a meet on 10th Feb & I should try to attend :P ... Anyway hope to see all u guys at the meet :)...

BTW the Speakers column seems to be blank... Is there an update on which all speakers would be present at the meet... Also would some DIY speakers like Hari's & Magma's also be there... I am thinking of building the floor standing versions of the ones Magma as built(the ones sourced from Danny)... Would love to atleast hear the bookself version...

PS 3 other non members might tag along with me... Hope that its ok...

:D Was wondering why the silence from you until now.... thanks for finally speaking.

Looking forward to catching up with you. As for the DIY guys, so far they also have not informed us about their plans.

To be very honest the response so far has been very dis-heartening. We are putting in the efforts but not getting the desired result. Will wait & watch till the 30th, if the no of attendees does not cross the count which we took into consideration w r t the costing, then we shall decide to not have the meet.

Absolutely no issues with you or any FM bringing their friends along, just PM Santy the details of the persons accompanying & he will respond back with the payments details etc.

i am concerned about the speakers column being empty too..

If this column remains empty .. guys.. we wont hear ANYTHING !!

:sad: :o

Only if each of us ( who can ) contribute something than will the meet be fun..

PS : I can volunteer my Epos M12i for the meet should you so wish. If there are nicer speakers on the show then i may not need to. I will update the excel sheet towards the end after watching for some more time.

Mpw the epos would be a wonderful addition to the list... As u know there is nowhere in mumbai that we can audition epos speakers so it would be a great chance for FMs to hear this wonderful speaker... Would like to request u to carry this speaker regardless of what other speakers are available...
Mpw the epos would be a wonderful addition to the list... As u know there is nowhere in mumbai that we can audition epos speakers so it would be a great chance for FMs to hear this wonderful speaker... Would like to request u to carry this speaker regardless of what other speakers are available...

+1 to that.I was expecting the same.May be new stereo amp too.:)
Sad to hear that you can't make it :(
Hope the rest of the pune gang make up for your absence!!!

BTW, Sonos is still MIA :mad: Wonder whether he will also give us KLPD :p

Hi Denom,
Thanks for informing on email!

Count me in!! > I have updated my entry in spreadsheet. Pls inform me how do I send the entry fee?

Gear: Due to travel issues, I can only get my DAC i.e Audio-GD DAC-19. Please note that this model has been discontinued. I'll get it only If other members are interested to audition it. Guys please let me know.

Volunteering: I would like to volunteer for Gear Connections. OTOH any other role the organisers deem fit, I'll accept happily. Organisers... please let me know.

Thanks to Denom, Santy, Hemant and others for making this happen!

I have two seats available in my car from Pune and back. We can start at 6:30 and resume the return journey by 7:00 PM.

Hi Just4kix,
Is there space available now? If yes, pls reserve one seat for me.

Thanks in advance!
Sent PM to all. Jeeez... this job sucks. You can send PM to only one member at a time and wait for 60 seconds before sending next PM. :sad: If you are multi tasking, you forget what you were waiting for. This way, it took 4 hrs for me to complete the PMing task :lol: ...

In a similar situation related to Pune HFV meet, I got all FM's email ID's and sent them emails at one shot. See if this works for you...

Registration Update

4 shaiju_o_thomas
5 TheCoolestOne Yes
6 spirovious
7 docd Yes
8 mpw Yes
9 gsurya Yes
10 anuragn
11 prasanth.kumar81
12 kapvin
13 Mr.zed Yes
14 just4kix Yes
15 jbgude (doubtful)
16 sagarvikram
17 ash147
18 vikoma
19 Vishal
20 mrsingh (PM just sent)
21 satyakibanerjee (PM just sent)
22 stejas (Could not send PM, pls give email id)
23 Surrealistix (PM just sent)
24 vktarun (PM just sent)
25 rajadeep (PM just sent)
26 sonosphere (PM just sent)

Please hurry up, its almost time to pay advance to hotel
Deeply regret I will not be able to maKe it to the meet. Justforkix - thank you for your offer for the ride.
Hope we can all meet in Pune sooner rather than later,

Have fun you guys!
I would love to join but will there be home theater speakers and AVRs as well ?

I can confirm that I will be bringing along my harmon kardon avr 3600... On other brand avrs I can't confirm... Btw I personally feel 1 section of the day should be reserved for avr + front speakers... The reason for that is, many ppl are recommended & prefer to upgrade in phases & the 1st step that they take is buy an avr + 2 fronts... This might be helpful for ppl who want to later upgrade to a full 5.1 set weather they want to start with avr + fronts or amp + fronts & then buy a avr later... Just thinking out loud I guess...
Btw I am still concerned that no one seems to have confirmed any speakers other than MPW(thanks)... Infact even Hari who probably got the most recognition during the same meet in 2011 hasn't confirmed any speakers... For about 3-4 months now Ashish from avenue sound has promised me a 5.1 set demo of Hari's speakers but haven't been able to get it done yet... I have been a big fan of Hari's speakers since the 2011 meet but I also hold the view that I won't buy something before I hear it... Heh seems like the classic case of the chicken & the egg... Hari probably wont make a 5.1 set unless its ordered & I wont buy a 5.1 set unless i hear it... But one thing is for sure, i wont be the one who will blink 1st :p ...I think some hifi dealers also need to be contacted to show off their products... I think Denom Bhai & others have a lot of contacts in this field & can do the needful...

PS I will be coming from Sion... If anyone wants a lift they can join me in my car...
I thought looking at the title, it would be some filmy article inside, but this is hifi vision meet taking place.

All the best guys.

Hope you have one in Bangalore too. :)`
Infact even Hari who probably got the most recognition during the same meet in 2011 hasn't confirmed any speakers... For about 3-4 months now Ashish from avenue sound has promised me a 5.1 set demo of Hari's speakers but haven't been able to get it done yet... I have been a big fan of Hari's speakers since the 2011 meet but I also hold the view that I won't buy something before I hear it... Heh seems like the classic case of the chicken & the egg... Hari probably wont make a 5.1 set unless its ordered & I wont buy a 5.1 set unless i hear it... But one thing is for sure, i wont be the one who will blink 1st :p ....

There is something called 'absolute trust' on anyone's capabilities. That comes only after you hear any one product from an entity's stables, followed with detailed dialogue/conversation with the individual. Its only after this phase does absolute faith or, should I say, confidence that comes in of ones capabilities.

If you can't take this iota of risk in getting something which has not been made till date, then you ain't a buyer of 'such' equipment, as you too would need the necessary patience to wait out the waiting period of someone doing the favour of ordering first. An entrepreneur may always not have the disposable moolah to come up with something which may ... or may not sell!
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.