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WOW ae, classic machine in great shape.
I have a few of those TDKs (heavy) and u are correct (as always!!!) on the peaks they can take. I have a loads of new Maxell XL II s and two boxes full of TDK SA X.
Do u think these tapes would still be OK? Had bought them in 2007 and they are still packed as I have hardly heard the deck, leave alone record a few.
Thanks! Dinyaar.

Hope you store those tapes in a cool, dry place. When you open them to record, don't wind them from one-side-to-another. Just place it in the machine and record.

Reason being that when you either FFwd or Rew the speeds are too high and there's every possibility that tape surfaces maybe sticking to each other will just 'scrape off' - leaving the entire cassette redundant and totally a waste. Let normal Rec/playback movement release any stickiness (if any) on its own.


Yes have stored them well.

Now AE what u are saying makes sense BUT I always did exactly the opposite whenever I was recording. Would unpack the tape and then FF & then rewind to remove any slack.
Will keep ur advice in mind for sure.
Thanks for sharing, Ashok.
I remember seeing a few years back on TV.
Nice to see the Aninas/prev avatar of the VA 1.
D'you think Sushma will allow you to do this kind of acoustic treatment?
Wow...they really screwed up that room!

That is a 95% reflective surface, it's better than what he had, but still not a properly treated room.

First glaring mistake is that the system is setup off center. It is closer to the left wall. This will throw off imaging.

Next, the wall surfaces will break up all the waves in a completely non-linear manner and he will have reflected sound broken up many times AND still hitting his ear at different time delays. I expect the room to sound quite muddy (pun intended!).

Seems like aesthetics were the main focal point for complete disregard for sound. First reflection points MUST absorb high frequencies. Corners need to be bass trapped. If the room is somewhat large, best to do diffusion on the back wall, but most rooms are not. Should be thick completely absorptive panels behind the listening position.

He definitely was right about the mid drivers / tweeter to be somewhat ear height. Ears should be somewhat in between the tweeter and mid area to get the proper, time aligned presentation.

That architect should have at least attempted to read up on acoustics before building out a whole room like that. The only concept he vaguely understood is how walls should not be completely reflective, that concept about breaking up the reflection etc.

Anyhow, I'm definitely NOT impressed with what was done. However, I do applaud the thought behind it. His mind was definitely in the right place even though the implementation was not.

What do you guys think?

Also, I didn't proof read my post. Apologies for mistakes in grammar, sentence structure etc. Just wanted to blurt it out :) Might fix all that later.
Arup, yaar my jaw dropped when I saw what was getting planned.

I think I was REALLY hooked when they started looking for a special cow dung mixture (made me really excited as I thought they were going to do something amazing with it), followed by buying clay diyas (at which point I was getting ready to fall at the architects feet for his out of the box and possibly superior thoughtfulness, thinking the architect must be a genius trying to incorporate that natural sound of earthen materials that the Japanese seemed to have mastered).

And then he just blatantly plastered it all over the room. I was like WTF!?! After the shock settled in, I was laughing my butt off! That guy ended up MUCH worse than what he started with. The only thing good I think is that he will be able to keep cool in the summers, compliments of humari gai mata ji :)


I would have SUED NDTV for screwing up my room AND making it smell like sh*t! LoL
People around might think that a dood waala has moved into the apartment complex!

Band baja deeya uska man! Beychara...ley sunley apna stereo ab. Seriously, I just feel bad for him. His intentions were good...hec they were GREAT. Along comes NDTV with their professional Architect and ..... rest is history.
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You said it - Man! :thumbsup: And they've done it royally... :lol:

Least of all, Standard practice of LEDE {Live End Dead End} should have been used if other acoustical concepts were too heavy for him. And here's the best part - Those Cadence speakers will be blamed now unfortunately for the muddy, uncontrolled sound by most listeners in that room - barring the owner.

Don't worry, after all the publicity now, he'll go about messing up some few more people's rooms.

Arup, you should invite the Architect over :p Ask him for some pointers on what he thinks should be done to acoustically better your listening space. :ohyeah:
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You've said ALL that was on my mind in exactly the "right language". Pity that poor guy with the Cadence! Ajay Shirke will have an heart-attack! seeing that....:lol:

hav sent this to him, too ;)

I almost fell off the chair watching that clip! :ohyeah:


Now - lets hear what others have to say on this? Come-on guys!
It just goes to show how little importance is given to acoustic treatments - especially when the guy who must have spent significantly more than 1lac on his system - says that he cannot afford acoustic treatment becoz that will cost him 1lac. He probably will get better sound if he downgrades his sytem a bit and uses the difference towards acoustic treatment - and yes - the architect needs to attend Acoustics 101 before he screws up some other listening rooms.
:ohyeah: i just saw this after reading all of your comments.
poor guy.."Forgive him god for he knows not what he has done" is all i can think off.

but his idea on the Diyas is pretty good. I guess filled with mud and stuck the other way on the ceiling and backwall might not be a bad idea. I believe diffusers behind the speakers also do help though have not experimented yet.

But i would also agree the sidewalls are a real No No. as rightly said..someone will try to audition the speakers there and end up saying cadence speakers are muddy sounding :sad: , post the same in couple of forums and create a wrong perception..that will be unchanged for Years !!

regarding the cow dung..i believe is it also a fire hazard ? it IS used as fuel in some parts of the country.
Is that guy from the video on this Hifivision site? I sure hope so as he's definitely very much into audio.

I'd love to hear his REAL thoughts on how NDTV "improved" his listening room.
Devika Anand the host was good but Mr Jay was better and what bested them was the architect!

Im sure Jay will now be in trance (atleast with the Diya lights but definately not the music) as much efforts, time and money have gone into this flawless execution of contemproray art renovation!:D
unfortunately, lot of people will believe this! People from TV are always right. I have seen India TV clips where they reported that aliens are kidnapping gaiyyas (cows) of earth - may be to acoustically treat their planets. They even asked "kya kishenji kalyug mei gaiyya ki raksha karne aayenge?".

You've said ALL that was on my mind in exactly the "right language". Pity that poor guy with the Cadence! Ajay Shirke will have an heart-attack! seeing that....:lol:

I almost fell off the chair watching that clip! :ohyeah:


Now - lets hear what others have to say on this? Come-on guys!
The Rack


A close up

The 99Pre

The 909Power

The 11 L2





The Project ii Expression Turntable
















The mesh of wires thru the acrylic connecting the arm!

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Sid, suffice to say thats one enviable audio rack! Goes without saying that your excellent photography skills have added to the charm.

Bottle, somehow I cant see the whole pics. But one thing, woh All Out liquidator picture se nikal do boss!
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